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CRISTINA SOLIS APRIL 21, 2014 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "CRISTINA SOLIS APRIL 21, 2014 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRISTINA SOLIS CRISTINA.SOLIS853@MYCI.CSUCI.EDU APRIL 21, 2014 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

2 What is Business Ethics? -Doing business ethics means providing reasons for how things ought to be in the economic world. -The determination about right and wrong.

3 Ethical Concerns In the past Ethical issues were less of a concern to management in return companies were dealing with wrong doing and unethical decisions. In 2002 a The Sarbanes-Oxley Act law was put in tact to regulate big companies to oversight the public accounting firms that audit the financial records for these big corporations to make sure they were doing their job correctly.

4 Failing to make the right decision Ultimately, the costs of increased governmental oversight and regulation are passed along to society in the form of higher prices and taxes.

5 Ethic Concerns Grows

6 Benefits of Ethical Behavior Working without fatal accidents Eliminating occupational diseases Increasing diversity in the workplace Increasing the benefits of mining for local communities Increasing energy A strong ethical Culture is important in the workplace!

7 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CSR emphasizes both in the responsibility to make money and the responsibility to interact ethically with the surrounding community Contributions to the overall economy, job opportunities, and charitable contributions and service. Organizations measure through social audits.

8 The 4 Components of CSR

9 Social Responsibility General Public -Public Health Issues -Protecting the Environment -The business is Sustainable - Employees -Working in a Safe Environment -Having Equal Job Opportunities -Not Tolerating any type of Discrimination -No Sexual Harassment tolerated. Investors -Working in a Safe Environment -Having Equal Job Opportunities -Not Tolerating any type of Discrimination -No Sexual Harassment tolerated. The Customer -The right for the customer to feel safe. -Keeping the customers informed about the products and services they are receiving. -Give the Customers the option to choose. -The ability to give feedback on the service that was provide to them.

10 Ways to Improve Ethical Behavior Establish a Code of Ethics for employees to follow Provide training in ethical reasoning Give incentives for passing audits Having integrity programs within the company

11 Questions 1. What law was put in place to regulate business to make sure that the business was working under ethical standards? A. Glass-Steagall Act B. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act D. Prudent Investor Act C. Fraudulent Transfer Act 2. Which of the following does the term Corporate Social Responsibility relate to? A. Ethical Conduct B. Environmental Practice C. Human Rights & Employee Relations D. Community Investment E. All of the above Answers: 1.)B 2. )E

12 References "About NBES 2013." National Business Ethics Survey from the Ethics Resource Center RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. Brusseau, James. "The Business Ethics Workshop, v. 1.0." Flat World Knowledge. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. "Business Ethics and Corporate Social ResponsibilityAn Anglo American Case Study." Business Case Studies. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. Schermerhorn, Thomas,, Jr., and John Dienhart. "Strategic Leadership of Ethical Behavior in Business." Academy of Management Executive 18.2 (2004): 56-66. Web.

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