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 Kevin McGuigan. Bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health!

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Presentation on theme: " Kevin McGuigan. Bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health!"— Presentation transcript:

1  Kevin McGuigan

2 Bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health!

3  Improves mood  Fights chronic disease  Weight management  Boosts energy  Better sleep  Fun

4  Relieves Stress  Brian chemicals released, fell happier  Boost confidence  Fights depression

5  Reduce high blood pressure  Lowers cholesterol  Lowers plaque in arteries  Prevents diabetes & certain cancers

6  Burn Calories  Intensity burns more.  Walk, stairs, bike  Burning calories is easy!

7  Oxygen delivered to tissue  Blood circulation in heart/arteries  Cardiovascular system more efficient  Heart and lungs have more endurance  Increases overall energy No More Yawning!!

8  Activity helps you:  Fall asleep faster  Deepen sleep  Improves:  Concentration, productivity and mood

9  Enjoy physical activity  Biking  Dancing  Hiking  Sports  Get out have fun!

10  1. Assess Your fitness level  2. Determine fitness goals  3. Likes and Dislikes  4. Variety  5. Do the math  6. DO IT!!!!

11  Record:  Pulse rate before and after a one-mile walk  Time to walk one mile  Number Of pushups  Flexibility  Waist circumference  Body mass index (BMI)

12  Why do you want to get active?  Health issues  Prevention  Leisure  Have set goals  Be motivated, its up to you!!

13  What activities do you enjoy?  Make your workout fun  Outdoors/indoors  Classes or at home  Create an environment that fits your interest This could be you!

14  Switch up activities  Don’t get bored  Use all muscle groups  This reduces the risk of injury

15  Stay within budget  You can workout at home  Outdoor activities  Exercise for free  Swim, run, walk NO MONEY NEEDED!!

16  Now you have everything set, get going!  Get into it slowly, don’t rush  2 hours 30 minutes a week of activity  Strength training twice a week  Stay motivated  Reach your goals and set new ones! This could be you!

17  What you should be doing to keep your body healthy

18  Learn the major food groups  Dairy, Meat, Grains, Fruits and vegetables  Incorporate a variety of each of the above.  Eat in moderation  Eat Three meals a day  Do not snack on junk food! Exercise and diet go hand in hand.

19  The amount of fats in your diet  Excess salt  Excess sugars  Too much of anything can be harmful Keep an eye on what youre eating.

20  You can track your diet here Foodpyramid.Foodpyramid Good Luck! Stay Motivated Reach Your Goals!

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