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1 Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten
Universum IDEAL Employer 2008 Survey: Implications for Recruiting K-State and New Graduate Talent Kansas State University CES Employer Advisory Board Meeting, January 9, 2009 Mikael Eriksson Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten Nivå två Nivå tre Nivå fyra Nivå fem 1

2 Universum Operates Globally
Europe Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK Asia China Hong Kong India Japan Singapore North America Canada United States Africa South Africa UNIVERSUM: The Global Employer Branding Leader. As thought leaders, we drive the industry forward, having focused exclusively on Employer Branding (EB) for 20 years. We are a trusted partner to over 500 clients worldwide including the majority of Fortune 100 companies. We help employers understand, attract future, and retain current and IDEAL™ employees. Our full-solution media portfolio - consisting of 40 employer branding publications, ads, top company videos and events - guides our audience of highly educated talent in their search to identify their IDEAL™ Employers. Oceania Australia 2

3 Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction & Survey Methodology
IDEAL™ Employer Rankings The Students' Profile The Students’ Workplace Preferences The Students' Employer Preferences Summary – Meet the Millennials 1 2 3 4 5 6 3

4 Introduction & Survey Methodology
1 School Report Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten Nivå två Nivå tre Nivå fyra Nivå fem Introduction & Survey Methodology The Universum IDEAL™ Employer Survey – 2008 Edition 4 4 Copyright Universum 2008 Copyright Universum 2008 4

5 Definition of Employer Branding
1 An Employer Brand is the set of associations that potential and current employees have about you as a place to work Employer Branding is Different from Recruiting EB= Intangible Long term, companies do EB even in periods when they are not recruiting It is done externally and should be done even more so internally Aim is to keep their image constant even in times of low recruitment Recruiting=Tangible Temporary, demand-driven HR activities Successful recruiting depends on a solid Employer Branding base and a correct perception of the brand and what it offers Employer Value Proposition (EVP) A set of offerings to current and potential employees that differentiate it from Recruitment Competitors and answers the question “what is in it for me” 5 5

6 Employer Branding Survey of Corporations
1 What is the main focus of working with Employer Branding? A majority of companies state that handling and/or uniting multiple employer identities (mergers, parallel local brands, etc.) is their overall aim in 2008. Employer Value Proposition 44% of organizations said they have a clear Employer Value Proposition but it can be developed further 33% believe their Employer Value Proposition is clear and effective 19% is working on it Only 3% said they did not have an Employer Value Proposition What are the main challenges for the EB success in 2008? Lack of funds & finding the right measures to follow-up the results of our work 6 6

7 Universum IDEAL™ Employer Survey – Methodology
1 Universum IDEAL™ Employer Survey – Methodology The Questionnaire: ● Global perspective - local insight ● Comprised of closed- ended questions with an extensive list of alternatives and an ‘Other’ option The List Of Employers: ● Composition of Universum’s knowledge of each market, evaluations of the last year’s list, extensive market analysis, complemented by information derived from discussions with clients, educational institutions, students’ “write-ins” The Data Collection: ● About 95% conducted via an online survey, additional paper surveys collected at key campuses ● The on-line link distributed via university contacts, mainly the career center and academic departments. School selection: ● Developed through dialog with Universum’s corporate partners and feedback on which campuses they recruit from via our annual Employer Feedback Survey. Target Students: ● University students from all educational years within each target group. 7 7 7

8 IDEAL™ Employer Rankings
2 School Report IDEAL™ Employer Rankings The Universum IDEAL™ Employer Survey – 2008 Edition 8 8 Copyright Universum 2008 Copyright Universum 2008 8

9 IDEAL™ Employer Ranking – Top 30 (Undergraduate Overall)
2 9

10 IDEAL™ Employer Ranking – Top 30 (Kansas State University Overall)
2 10

11 Top Findings – Employer Rankings (Kansas State University Overall)
2 IDEAL™ Employer Ranking: Walt Disney NASA Apple Computer Considered Employer Ranking: Walt Disney Google NASA First Choice Ranking: Teach for America Walt Disney Apple Computer Potential Applicants’ Ranking: Cargill Apple Computer Lockheed Martin Corporation

12 The Universum IDEAL™ Employer Survey – 2008 Edition
4 School Report Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten Nivå två Nivå tre Nivå fyra Nivå fem The Students' Profile The Universum IDEAL™ Employer Survey – 2008 Edition 12 12 Copyright Universum 2008 Copyright Universum 2008 12

13 Preferred Industries 3 In which industry would you ideally want to work when choosing your first employment after graduation? Preferred Industries (Kansas State University Overall): Preferred Industries (Undergraduate Overall): Preferred Industries (Undergraduate Diversity):

14 Career Goals 3 Top 5 – Career Goals (Kansas State University Overall):
Below is a list of 9 possible career goals. Which are most important to you? Top 5 – Career Goals (Kansas State University Overall): To have work/life balance (71%) To be dedicated to a cause or to feel that I am serving a greater good (55%) To be secure or stable in my job (47%) To be competitively or intellectually challenged (36%) To be a leader or manager of people (29%) Top 5 – Career Goals (Undergraduate Overall): To have work/life balance (64%) To be secure or stable in my job (45%) To be dedicated to a cause or to feel that I am serving a greater good (45%) To be competitively or intellectually challenged (39%) To be a leader or manager of people (33%)

15 Influence Career 3 Who most influences you career decisions? Top 5 – Influences on the Students’ Career Decisions (Kansas State University Overall): Family (parents, children) (38%) Spouse/partner (29%) Other (8%) Friends (8%) Professor (former or current) (7%) Top 5 – Influences on the Students’ Career Decisions (Undergraduate Overall): Family (parents, children) (45%) Other (11%) Spouse/partner (11%) Friends (7%) Professor (former or current) (7%) Top 5 – Influences on the Students’ Career Decisions (Undergraduate Diversity): Family (parents, children) (44%) Other (12%) Friends (8%) Professor (former or current) (7%) Colleagues (7%)

16 Salary Expectations 3 What base salary do you expect at your first job after graduation and five years after graduation? (Annual salary in USD) Kansas State University Overall: $ (First year) $ (Five years) Undergraduate Overall: $ (First year) $ (Five years) Undergraduate Diversity: $ (First year) $ (Five years)

17 Compensation 3 In your final decision to accept or reject an offer, please indicate which of the following compensation elements you value most? The Most Popular Compensations (Kansas State University Overall): Health insurance (58%) Annual base salary (49%) Retirement plan: 401K/403B (38%) Tuition reimbursement: Future Studies (20%) Vacation day allowance (20%) The Most Popular Compensations (Undergraduate Overall): Annual base salary (53%) Health insurance (49%) Retirement plan: 401K/403B (31%) Tuition reimbursement: Future Studies (20%) Vacation day allowance (17%) The Most Popular Compensations (Undergraduate Diversity): Annual base salary (51%) Health insurance (45%) Retirement plan: 401K/403B (28%) Tuition reimbursement: Future Studies (22%) Paid holidays (17%)

18 Top Findings – The Students’ Profile (Kansas State University Overall)
3 Gender: 65% women & 35% men Nationality: 10% non-American citizens GPA: Average: 3,3 International Cities: Sydney (15%) London (14%) Paris (13%) Year of Study: Studying their 3,8 year US Cities: Denver (16%) Chicago (13%) New York (10%) Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian (92%) I do not wish to say (2%) American Indian/Alaskan Native (2%) Latino/Hispanic (2%) Asian (1%) Black/African American (1%) Middle Eastern (1%)

19 The Students’ Workplace Preferences
5 School Report Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten Nivå två Nivå tre Nivå fyra Nivå fem The Students’ Workplace Preferences The Universum IDEAL™ Employer Survey – 2008 Edition 19 19 Copyright Universum 2008 Copyright Universum 2008 19

20 Work-Life Balance 4 Top 5 (Kansas State University Overall):
What should an employer offer to promote better work-life balance? Top 5 (Kansas State University Overall): Flex time (45%) More vacation days (41%) Health and Fitness facilities (38%) Maternity leave options (31%) Childcare options (28%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Overall): Flex time (38%) More vacation days (37%) Health and Fitness facilities (28%) Childcare options (22%) Maternity leave options (21%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Diversity): Flex time (39%) More vacation days (37%) Health and Fitness facilities (27%) Childcare options (22%) Maternity leave options (19%)

21 Training 4 What type of training provided by your employer is most important to you at your first job after graduation? Top 5 (Kansas State University Overall): Leadership Training (29%) Technical Training Related to Specific Job Function (29%) Presentation Skills Training (19%) Other (10%) Other Communication Skills Training (10%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Overall): Technical Training Related to Specific Job Function (47%) Leadership Training (27%) Presentation Skills Training (8%) Other Communication Skills Training (7%) Software Training (4%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Diversity): Technical Training Related to Specific Job Function (45%) Leadership Training (26%) Other Communication Skills Training (10%) Presentation Skills Training (9%) Software Training (5%)

22 Preferred Communication Sources
6 Top 5 (Kansas State University Overall): Career Fairs (54%) Company Websites (31%) Internship/co-op programs/work placement (26%) Career Services Department at your university (24%) Career Websites/Internet Job Boards (23%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Overall): Career Fairs (41%) Internship/co-op programs/work placement (31%) Company Websites (26%) Friends and Family (20%) Fellow Students (20%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Diversity): Career Fairs (42%) Internship/co-op programs/work placement (30%) Company Websites (24%) Fellow Students (19%) Career Services Department at your university (18%) Universum first asked students “How have you mainly learned about your IDEAL™ Employers?” and then, “How would you prefer to gather information about potential future employers?”.

23 Where and What to Communicate (Kansas State University Overall)
6 When an employer presents itself via the channels indicated below what type of information would you prefer to receive? To Learn About Employers the Students Use: The students read USA Today (26%),Local Newspapers (24%),School newspapers/publications (24%) (42%), (41%),HotJobs (19%) are the top 3 websites visited by the students University Career Fair (79%),Other (22%),Military Career Fairs (2%) are the top 3 Career Fairs visited by the students Career Fairs: Current job openings (54%) Internships (52%) Job descriptions and requirements (49%) Employer Presentations: Current job openings (33%) Career development opportunities (30%) Job descriptions and requirements (30%) Brochures: Job descriptions and requirements (41%) Salary and compensation package (34%) Products and services (32%) Websites: Current job openings (54%) Job descriptions and requirements (46%) Products and services (32%) 23

24 Social Networking Sites
6 How do you feel about employers recruiting students through social networks (i.e. Facebook)? Kansas State University Overall: Great way to reach out to students (38%) Invasion of privacy (31%) Other (19%) Helps in building networks (8%) Cool & fun (4%) Undergraduate Overall: Invasion of privacy (32%) Great way to reach out to students (28%) Helps in building networks (16%) Other (13%) Cool & fun (11%) What it the best thing you have seen a company do when trying to recruit students through social networking sites? Best: Free Incentives Fast replies Personal touch Worst: Pop-up ads Long response times Default messages 24 24

25 Best On-Campus Recruitment Activities
6 Which employer impresses you most with its campus recruitment activities? (Top of Mind) Top 5 (Kansas State University Overall): Cargill (29%) ConocoPhillips (11%) Dow Chemical (7%) Peace Corps (7%) Walt Disney (7%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Overall): PricewaterhouseCoopers (7%) Walt Disney (7%) Deloitte (6%) Teach for America (5%) Ernst & Young (5%) Top 5 (Undergraduate Diversity): Goldman Sachs (6%) Google (5%) PricewaterhouseCoopers (5%) Walt Disney (5%) Target (5%) 25

26 Meet the Millennials 3 Understanding The New Generation!
Who are these “newbies”? What forces have shaped them? What expectations do they have about your companies and the nature of the work world? What expectations do you have about them? 26 26

27 Are They Really So Different?
3 “A 60-something graduate recently reflected: ‘We wanted what they want. We just felt we couldn’t ask.’ Herein lies the truth: what young workers want isn’t so different from what everyone else wants. However, young workers are asking for it.” <<Karen Cates and Kimia Rahimi, “Mastering People Management”>> 27

28 Meet the Millennials 3 The Future is Now! What to ask yourself… They were born between with 75 million other millennial friends They are graduating from college in record numbers… They are in the employment pipeline… They will be applying to your company until 2024 They have VERY different traits from the last set of candidates you met (GenExers, Baby Boomers) They are rewriting the rules… and there is change in the air… How will you manage expectations for advancement? What can you do to develop and encourage leadership and responsible risk-taking? Can your corporate culture balance their need for structure and your need for highly motivated self-starters with commitment? Are you prepared and able to provide supervisory support and mentoring? REMEMBER: Recruiting them will not be your problem. Managing them will. 28 28 28

29 Meet the Millennials 3 YES, they are… NO, they are not…
Hopeful about the future and optimistic Socially responsible Assuming work/life balance Looking for informal “flexible” work places Collaborative/teamwork oriented Very dependent on their family for advise Technocreative, Media masters, Multi processors More aware of what is going on than any other generation In it for the money Likely to take big career risks Comfortable with lack of structure Willing to engage in work they deem menial Seeking consulting, temping, freelance, investment banking or startup positions 29 29 29

30 Meet The Millennials Be prepared for… (Very) High expectations
Probable involvement of parents Hovering parents Expectation of personal attention Need for lots of positive feedback In the past, often rewarded for participation alone Strong dislike of ambiguity Ability to scale the bar but prefer for others to set the course Be prepared for… 30 30 30

31 Communicating with the Millennials
3 Important Messages… “You will be able to meet your personal goals.” “Ideas are evaluated on merit, not on a person’s years of experience.” “This is a fun, relaxed place to work; we’re not very corporate.” “Your work will be challenging and meaningful.” 31

32 Attract Recruit Retain
Thank You! 6 Attract For more Information Please Contact: Mikael Eriksson University Relations Manager UNIVERSUM 1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Telephone: Http: Recruit Retain 32 32

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