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Sustainable Energy Future for Islands Enhancing Effective Implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans in European islands through Reinforcement of.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Energy Future for Islands Enhancing Effective Implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans in European islands through Reinforcement of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Energy Future for Islands Enhancing Effective Implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans in European islands through Reinforcement of Smart Multilevel Governance The SMILEGOV project

2 What is SMILEGOV SMILEGOV is a challenging opportunity for European islanders to continue working together aiming at: –Unraveling barriers regarding Multi-Level Governance on local, regional and national level impeding the implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans and the realization of sustainable projects. –Developing the capacity of island authorities to plan and facilitate ambitious sustainable energy actions and investments in bankable projects. –Inviting more islands to sign the Pact of Islands and join the large family of islanders signatories of the Pact aiming at achieving & exceeding the EU 2020 objectives.

3 The SMILEGOV objectives 1.Create island clusters working together to achieve a better understanding of the Multilevel Governance role in sustainable energy planning and implementation: –effective co-operation between different governance levels (Local vs. Regional vs. National) –the decision making processes within the various levels of governance –socioeconomic, territorial and environmental parameters that influence sustainability in practice

4 The SMILEGOV objectives 2.Enhance capacity within island authorities to develop and implement Islands Sustainable Energy Action Plans and identified bankable projects with the view to meet or exceed CO 2 reduction targets within the EU 20-20-20. 3.Expand the number of signatories to the Pact of Islands and create a group of island authorities with a strong voice within their countries and at European level regarding sustainable energy.

5 THE ISLAND CLUSTERS Twelve clusters, covering a vast geographical area in the periphery of Continental Europe and beyond, formed because of their similar characteristics aiming at cooperating and identifying priority sectors that are hampered by Multilevel Governance issues. 5 THE THINK TANKS A Think Tank in each cluster represents a cross section of the main stakeholders, including NGOs & the civic society. They have an advisory role They are the liaison between the partners and the civic society They help identify and exploit strengths and turn weaknesses and threats into opportunities

6 BUILDING CAPACITY Island communities are special in many ways, isolated, with high RES potential but limited natural resources and sensitive ecosystems, with limited human and financial capacities but also bonded communities strongly connected to their lands Empowering these communities and allowing them to determine their own path towards sustainability is crucial for their own future and local development Developing local capacity and expertise is the key parameter enabling islands to develop and implement sustainable energy action plans and investments Distance learning through an e-learning platform and/or direct training sessions will help develop that capacity where needed

7 THE PACT OF ISLANDS Signing the Pact of Islands is: a political commitment for the island signatories to support the drive towards a sustainable future in the framework of EU 2020 a strong incentive to develop Island Sustainable Energy Action Plans and ensure compliance with goals set to 2020 and beyond a step forward creating a creative network of sustainable and smart islands.

8 COMMUNICATION & COOPERATION Extensive communication and dissemination activities are designed to bring the SMILEGOV message to the widest possible local, national and European audiences A dedicated website, Newsletters, brochures and other publicity material, together with workshops and conference presentations spread the message across the European continent and the world Cooperation with similar initiatives adds value and creates synergies Strong and frequent collaboration with the Coopenergy IEE project working with MLG

9 THE ISLAND ENTHUSIASTS OF SMILEGOV Partner’s name CO1 Network of Sustainable Aegean Islands - Greece DAFNICB8 Samsø Energy Academy - Denmark SEA CB2 Conference of Peripheral & Maritime Regions CPMRCB9 Canary Islands Institute of Technology - Spain ITC CB3Region Gotland - SwedenGOTLANDCB10 Regional Agency for Energy and Environment of the Autonomous Region of Madeira - Portugal AREAM CB4 Ölands Municipal Association - Sweden ÖLANDCB11Cyprus Energy AgencyCEA CB5 Kärdla Town Government - Hiiumaa - Estonia HIIUMAACB12 Local Councils Association - Malta LCA CB6 Saare County Government – Saaremaa - Estonia SAAREMAA CB13Scottish Islands FederationSIF CB7 European Small Islands Federation ESIN

10 SMILEGOV is not just a project, it is a process Islands working together can be at the forefront of the fight against climate change, and at the same time create growth, employment and prosperity during difficult economic times.

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