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SMALL ISLANDS VOICE GLOBAL INTERNET FORUM. Vision Statement The Small Islands Voice Global Forum (SIV Global) is a mechanism for the general public in.

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Presentation on theme: "SMALL ISLANDS VOICE GLOBAL INTERNET FORUM. Vision Statement The Small Islands Voice Global Forum (SIV Global) is a mechanism for the general public in."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vision Statement The Small Islands Voice Global Forum (SIV Global) is a mechanism for the general public in small islands to discuss sustainable development issues and to share experiences and solutions

3 Starting in September 2002 SIV Global began as a 3-month experiment Response to the first message on the construction of a major road in Palau was overwhelming SIV Global quickly became a fixture of Small Islands Voice

4 First discussion theme Discussion started with road development in Palau

5 Responses came from all walks of life ‘Thanks for sending me this article, I am a mackerel salesman and I can tell you by just looking at the ocean that the road is a major contributor to the pollution of our marine environment’. ‘I am very interested in the comments outlined in this article’. Minister of Tourism, Nevis

6 Newspaper editors wrote in ‘Thanks so much for sending us this article and feel free to send more....we'll publish it in our paper’. Diario Belau, Palau ‘I write from the StandPoint newspaper in the British Virgin Islands. I was impressed with the discussion, since we on small islands often feel like no one understands our problems’.

7 How SIV Global works (1) A theme article is prepared This is placed on through Scotland on Line, Sent out by email to an ever- increasing list of addresses (now 20,000+) Responses are received in Paris

8 How SIV Global works (2) Key responses are compiled into a one-page article which is posted on the forum and sent out by email 2 weeks later Process continues until discussion decreases – usually about 2-months – and then a new theme article is posted

9 How SIV Global works (3) Once a theme is finished, ALL the responses are compiled and placed on the SIV website at

10 Selecting discussion themes Newspaper articles are a good source Through collaboration with island partners Sometimes a contributor to the forum sends in a theme article Other organizations

11 Newspapers provide themes Local island newspapers are a good source of theme articles for SIV Global

12 Themes discussed so far (1): Road construction in Palau, Pacific, Oct-Nov '02 Beach access in Tobago, Caribbean, Nov '02 - Feb '03 Tourism policy in Seychelles, Indian Ocean, Feb-May '03 Foreign investment in Cook Islands, Pacific, May-Jul '03 Increased youth crime and violence, Caribbean, Jul-Sep '03

13 Themes discussed so far (2): Export of spring water from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Caribbean, Sep-Dec '03 The 'right' type of tourism development for Aitutaki, Cook Islands, Pacific, Jan-Mar '04 Preventing illegal deep sea fishing around small islands, Mar-May '04 Solving island garbage problems, Jun-Aug '04 Climate change: is it an urgent issue in small islands? Aug-Nov '04

14 Themes discussed so far (3): Are we becoming dependent on disaster relief? Nov-Dec '04 Communities planning their future, Feb- Mar '05 Freshwater supplies in small islands, Fiji, Apr-Jun '05 Sustainable development, Anguilla, Jun ’05 ongoing

15 Learning as we go: ‘An emailed response to my column posed the question: Do you live in a small island? If I did, I was urged to "tell us what you think". I thought: "spam". But something stayed my hand as it moved quickly to the delete key and I read the message through to the end. It was, in fact, an interesting discussion on a problem peculiar to the people of some island states scattered around the planet. New Zealand Herald, July 2004

16 Attention-grabbing opening lines SMALL ISLANDS VOICE Do you live in a small island? Tell us what you think. ********************************‘ Climate change is not like terrorism, it is terrorism’ was one response to………….

17 SIV Global and the future New themes to be covered Testing an approach to discuss solutions, not only issues Expanding the list of email addresses

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