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Lexile: One Way to Level

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1 Lexile: One Way to Level
By: Casey Bennett

2 What is the Lexile Framework for Reading?
A new method designed to improve reading comprehension Built upon 12+ years of research by MetaMetrics Inc. Lexile Analyzer is a software program that analyzes any text Measures text’s syntactic complexity Algorithm measures vocabulary, word frequency, and sentence length Assigns it a numerical level or “Lexile Rating” Targets books on the right reading level for a child’s ability Linked to national standardized tests such as the SATs and Common Core State Standards A student’s Lexile reding level can be determined from such tests

3 Reader Measures, Mid-Year 25th percentile to 75th percentile (IQR)
Lexile Levels Typical Reader Measures, by Grade Grade Reader Measures, Mid-Year 25th percentile to 75th percentile (IQR) 1 Up to 300L 2 140L to 500L 3 330L to 700L 4 445L to 810L 5 565L to 910L 6 665L to 1000L 7 735L to 1065L 8 805L to 1100L 9 855L to 1165L 10 905L to 1195L 11 and 12 940L to 1210L

4 Lexile Levels Lexile database- ranges from below 200L to above 1600L
The Lexile codes, in addition to the numerical range, are: AD: Adult Directed- Picture Books NC: Non-Conforming- Lexile measure markedly higher than is typical for the publisher's intended audience or designated developmental level of the book HL: High-Low- Lexile measure much lower than the average reading ability of the intended age range of its readers IG: Illustrated Guide- Books that consist of independent pieces or sections of text such as in an encyclopedia or glossary GN: Graphic Novel- Graphic novel or comic book BR: Beginning Reading- Lexile measure of 0L or below appropriate for the emergent reader NP: Non-Prose- Book comprising more than 50% non-standard or non-conforming prose such as poems, plays, songs, and recipes

5 Matching Reader to Text
A student’s Lexile reading level measure is determined from a reading assessment Texts’ Lexile rating are determined using the Lexile Analyzer Reader is matched with a text of the same Lexile level- “targeted” reading experience Focus on a range around the number- 100L below to 50L above reported Lexile measure 75% of the reading material should be comprehended by the reader Reader will encounter some difficulty with the text but not enough to get frustrated Helps the reader to grow with a text that is not too easy nor too hard Lexile levels can be used to monitor a reader’s growth in reading ability over a period of time

6 Lexile Reader vs. Lexile Text Measure

7 How to “Lexile” a Collection cont.
Integrate Lexile measures into your library's online catalog and book search Lexile Titles Download The Lexile Book Database contains measures for tens of thousands of books from hundreds of publishers Separate databases for English and Spanish titles. Do it yourself Work with one of several library-automation partners who will do it for a fee.

8 How to “Lexile” a Collection
The Lexile leveling system has become a recent trend in many schools’ Library Media Centers Option #1- Color code books by Lexile zone with spine stickers Option #2- Analyze Lexile distribution of student test scores Align library books purchases with students’ abilities Select shelves just for high-Lexile and low-Lexile books Option 3#- Students receive Lexile measures at the beginning of the school year In the library reorganized all fiction by Lexile zone Color-coded all nonfiction by Lexile zone\ Create a student Lexile tracking center Recognize students for the growth accomplished and promote them on the "Lexile wall“ Option #4- Have a cart in the library arranged by Lexile Merges different collection systems and isn’t solely based on Lexile

9 Works Cited "PW: Lexile: Will All Books Need This Reading-Level Rating?" N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov < will-all-books-need-this-reading-level-rating.html>. "TEACHERS." Scholastic Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov < explained>. "The Lexile Framework for Reading." The Lexile Framework for Reading. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov <

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