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Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Tutorial

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Presentation on theme: "Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Tutorial"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Tutorial
Basic Characteristics T Small Group T Problem-Based T Self-Directed

2 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Tutorial
Group Dynamics T Non-Threatening, Co-operative Atmosphere T Tutor’s Role: Facilitative and Supportive T Open Feed-Back to Each Other about Performance

3 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Tutorial
T The use of realistic (e.g. clinical) problems T Emphasis is not on solving the problem T Hypothesis and issue generation T Sharing of learning burdens

4 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Tutorial
Self-Directed Learning T You learn what you need T Building of new knowledge on existing knowledge T Learn to use different resources T Learn time-management skills T Take responsibility for one’s learning

5 Advantages of PBL T Motivation to learn is self-imposed
T Building of new knowledge on existing one (depth) T Integration and application of knowledge (problem-solving) T Wider coverage of the topic (big picture) T Development of other skills (e.g. inquiry, critical appraisal, communication, group) T Life-long learner

6 Disadvantages of PBL T Lack of traditional structure and progression
T Perceived lack of depth in the knowledge acquired T Too much time is spent in a tutorial “talking” T It is hard to fail a student T You need more teachers

7 Why use PBL? T This is how we as adults learn
T It is the most practical and efficient way of learning T We do this in our daily professional and personal lives T Learning is not static, but a dynamic process T Develop a life-long learning attitude T Develop group and interpersonal skills

8 PBL is a World-Wide Trend
T In the U.S.: New Mexico, Michigan State, Bowman Gray, Rush, Tufts, Harvard and Southern Illinois T Countries: Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan

9 Movement Behind PBL T GPEP Report (General Professional Education of the Physicians and College Preparation for Medicine) in 1984  physicians need to continue to acquire new knowledge and skills  life-long learning skills  active, independent, self-directed learning  develop ability to identify, formulate, and solve problems; to grasp and use basic concepts and principles, and to gather and assess data rigorously and critically

10 Recent Movement Behind PBL
T British General Medical Council position paper “Tomorrow’s Doctors” 1993/94  Reduce burden of factual information  Core curriculum should be system-based and integrated – eliminate division of pre-clinical/clinical and department-based courses

11 Outcome: Are the Students Better?
T Students from PBL programs tend to take up specialty and academic posts T Knowledge on the latest treatment guidelines (e.g. hypertension) is better than graduates of traditional programs T Learning is more fun for the students and faculty

12 Why Is PBL Not Widely Used?
T It involves too much work! T It affects the funding of departments T Some teachers are resistant to change T Students are perceived as not mature enough to handle this T Not enough coverage of basic sciences

13 Components of a PBL Tutorial
T Problem Identification T Hypothesis Generation T Generation of Learning Issues T Inquiry Strategy: Setting of Group and Personal Objectives T Revisiting the Problem, Sharing of Information

14 Group Process and Roles
T Initial Growing Process T Separation of Personal vs. Group Objectives T Balance between Vocal and Quiet Members T Resolution of Conflicts T Emergence of Group Leader (Time-Keeper) T Value Other Group Members’ Opinions T Conversion of a Group into a Team

15 A Good Working Group T Equal participation and equal responsibilities
T Rotation of Leadership Role T Supportive and Facilitative of each other’s learning T Constructive Evaluation of Self and Group T Creative Handling of Difficult Behaviour T Free sharing of information

16 History of McMaster Medical School
T Planning started in 1966, first class of 30 students enrolled in 1969 T 3-year program, inter-disciplinary without discipline-oriented subjects, emphasis on problem-solving, integrated approach to human biology T Major revision in 1983, 2000. T Current class = 118, more female than male students

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