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International Investment Conference

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1 International Investment Conference

2 Two questions from yesterday
Can you maintain or reach a service level and optimize costs? Babar B. Jhumbra I am concerned about attrition rates, shifts and women in call centers? Ms Jehan Ara

3 If you cannot measure IT, you cannot manage it, either!
Why If you cannot measure IT, you cannot manage it, either! What gets manage, gets done! Facts generates acts!

4 Why 80 % of Contact Center costs are manpower costs.
When your technology works, as it does with 3Dnetworks, its all about having enough people at the phones when customers call. You can optimize staffing between 5 – 15%, just by optimizing luncheons and breaks, and in many cases even more; and that is the difference between profit and loss in a competetive business, like this. You can optimize several skills, channels and optimize front and back-office And, it the agents also can work according to their preferences, they stay longer, and don´t leave! That makes the pay-back witin one year even more attractive

5 Non-optimized staffing
Too high costs! Too high costs! Loss of revenues Manpower costs 80 % IT costs and other costs 20 %

6 IT costs and other costs 20 %
Optimized staffing! Profit! Manpower costs 80 % IT costs and other costs 20 %

7 300+ customers that IMPROVE and enable further growth
Teleopti AB 300+ customers that IMPROVE and enable further growth Over 95 % of Teleopti customers are willing to recommend Teleopti to others customers 3Dnetworks is our reseller in India/Asia Teleopti AB is the largest European WFM company with 60 employees and seven offices in Europe and one in New Delhi. Founded in Profitable from year one!

8 Teleopti Executive Board

9 Teleopti CCC Customers range from 1 to 50 virtual sites Customers range from 20 to agents Teleopti market share is 80% in Scandinavia Approx 15-20% across Europe First installations in India, Chile Next Target Market – Pakistan

10 Why? Overstaffing can be over 30 % of the total payroll costs!
Manage. Involve. Improve.

11 Why? Customers and competition decides required service levels
Understaffing results in abandoned calls and lost business Forecaster Service level objectives Contact patterns Manage. Involve. Improve.

12 Why? Teleopti CCC can test 1000nds of combinations and match your need
Manage. Involve. Improve.

13 What is Workforce Management?
WFM is an operating philosophy and a business culture, not a box that sits on your desk. It is a process – Not a Product Every contact center practices WFM to varying degrees of success, some have a tool to help them.

14 Workforce Management is a balance act
Long term (strategic) Short term (operational) Teleopti Contact Center Coach supports all aspects of WFM The Key MANTRA Rätt person på rätt ställe, vid rätt tid På såväl kort som lång sikt. Kort: effektiv schemaläggning utifrån dagens förutsättningar Lång: förändra förutsättningarna genom att göra verksamhetsförändringar (rekryteringar mm) The right person At the right place At the right time Manage. Involve. Improve.

15 A balanced approach to support your business
Customer satisfaction Agents HR Employee satisfaction Management Profitability Customers Balansakt och informationsbehov. Många olika saker påverkar bemanningen! I verksamhetens strategi ska denna balans definieras men ofta är det bara lönsamhetskravet som definierats Företagets strategi påverkar bemanningen; både avseende bemanningsplanering och i form av till strategin relaterade mål och belöning för att öka motivationen Vad är viktigast för den här kunden? Diskutera kring de tre cirklarna! Vi släpper dessa! Måste återanknyta i resten av preenstationen! Information Owners Regulators Manage. Involve. Improve.

16 Teleopti CCC – Key Elements for WFM
Elements of Teleopti CCC WFM Forecasting All activities Agent Administration Manage agent work rules and skills Manage Shift Policies For Agents Agent Preferences Automated and optimized scheduling Real time Adherence versus schedules Performance management in reports Agents, Team-leaders, Managers, HR

17 Teleopti CCC - Overview
Forecast all activities Monitor and improve Manage agent work rules and skills Optimise schedule – balance all needs Manage shift policies Agent preferences Communicate with and involve agents

18 More accurate forecasting
It is a tool used for forecasting number of agents needed to achieve service level Best available picture for future It is based on historical data – from CTI/ACD to Teleopti DB No limits in the timeframe for your forecasts Manage parallel forecasts similar to your agent skills Manages typical days (Mo – Su) Manages non-typical typical days (holidays, day after advertising, strikes, etc) Staffing forecast is calculated based on call volumes, HT, service levels

19 Optimised Scheduling Allows for many possible combinations of schedules where manual alternative allows typically a handful Balance between phone and other activities (meeting, back office, training, etc) is optimised Break and lunch optimised placement Enables agents to interact through Web Portal Ensures fairness between agents Agent involvement due to agent preferences on web portal Automates the compliance with local work time legislations.

20 Automation of schedule management
Seamless integration with ACD for historical data Creates optimal schedules in 1/1000th the time Less shift changes since agent preferences is a vital input to the system One centralised database for historical data, forecasts and schedules. Daily decisions are made on accurate information No more manual reporting. Information is available on the Web Portal.

21 Intra-day Management How can we handle the impact of the individuals who calls in sick? Can we move agents from inbound to revenue positive outbound sales after lunch? Can 2 agents leave earlier today? Can the X team have an extra meeting at 2:00Pm Is our forecast high? low? Are our agents working according to schedules?

22 Adherence – Real Time Adherence – Ability to compare forecasts with reality Sophisticated Scheduling and monitoring is not worth with out improvements Teleopti RTA alerts managers of deviations from expected activity

23 What if analysis Ability to determine the impact of a variety of different variables. Can we take more calls with present staff? What if we had more flexible work shifts? What if we added more part time staff? When should we use part time employees? What if we changed lunches from 60 to 45 minutes?

24 The distributed real time tools in Teleopti Contact Center Coach
Early Warning / Real Time Adherence - identfy need of changes Web Scheduler - schedule changes Agent Schedule Messenger - notify agents Performance reporting - historical adherence - calls handled

25 Involve your organisation - Agent Web Portal
Schedule Preferences Schedule change requests Self assessment Always part of base package Skärmdump på två-tre språk! Manage. Involve. Improve.

26 Evolution – not revolution
Individual schedules and Preferences for part of organisation Vary shift start and shift end slightly within teams Optimise off-phone activities Break and lunch optimisation Exactly same schedule as today, in Teleopti CCC Time

27 Step by step towards flexible scheduling
Simulate effects of different policies Implement for all/parts of organisation Get buy in from agents

28 Balancing business needs with agent work time preferences
Everybody gets all preferences fulfilled No preferences – fair distribution of unwanted shifts Optimise schedule by disregarding some preferences Result when agents have entered too many ”morning” preferences Optimise Schedule By violating preferences, some shifts are moved to meet the customer demand

29 Case Study – Flexible WFM
A case where Teleopti replaced another system and introduced flexible scheduling 51 FTE 20 week rotations Smoothness: 90,4% Fluctuating service levels 38 FTE to cover same need Flexible start times Fixed shift lengths Smoothness: 99% Correct service level

30 Examples of customer results

31 Selected references

32 The Bottom Line! Employee costs account for 60% - 70% of over all expenditure in most of CC, we optimize 5 – 25 %! Increase in morale of agents; less attrition, in many cases by 30% of attrition, reducing the cost of new agent training and improving the quality of service! Small administration; one planner per 250 agents! Excellent ROI – breakeven between Months

33 Thanks! For further queries please contact
Eveready Communications (Pvt.) Ltd. 4th Floor, Eveready Chambers, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi (Pakistan) Tel:

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