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Early Childhood Education Music and Movement

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1 Early Childhood Education Music and Movement
Tammy Cannon CUR/516 Liz Mead April 6,2014

2 Course Outline This course will provide instruction and experience in developing lesson plans and implementation for directing children in music and movement activities; describe ways of encouraging student participation. Lectures: 1.5 hours, Tuesday and Thursday, 6 weeks; Student teaching: lab hours available 8:00am-11:30am Student observations: Monday-Friday in select classrooms; schedule with instructor

3 Goals Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Expose children to music and movement from different cultures Identify ways to foster the child’s creativity in music and movement Plan, develop and implement creative activities in music and movement Identify different types of movement patterns, that corresponds to the music Promote language development; increase phonemic awareness Encourage planned physical development To experience movement through space Participate in games and forms of exercise Discover different patterns of beats and rhythms Students will express their self through music and dance

4 Objectives Model the activity by singing the entire song while demonstrating all of the movements. Then teach the words to the students, a few words at a time, as each part is added then go back to the beginning and sing the song again. After the students know the words then add movement to the words. Keep repeating the song. Collaborative learning is necessary in this style because it includes engagement and participation from students and instructors.

5 Method Basic instruction in curriculum development for infants, toddlers and preschoolers in music and movement Instructional designs, games, pretend play, performance. Students will participate in role play with music and movement, games that coordinate with music and movement, each student will conduct a presentation of the music and movement lesson that they have developed.

6 Instructional design The instructional design will be the best approach with student engagement and then allowing for each student to participate in the process after given the opportunity of creating and developing the lessons. Audience –will consist of students and Child Development Assistants Behavior- Students will be able to teach music that encourages movement and physical development. Students will understand how music relates to physical development by introducing songs, music and movement from different cultures and backgrounds Condition- Students will need a CD player, music CDs, lesson plans, streamers, musical instruments, rhythm sticks Degree-each student will demonstrate mastery of the goals by presenting the lesson plan to each class member, and preforming the music and movement activity.

7 Instructional Technology
The technology instruction we would use would meet the needs of the diverse cultures and school population. We will include Videotaping Voice recording Microphones CD player

8 Evidence of understanding
Student teaching Students engaged in activities

9 Formative Assessment Participates timeline Evaluation resources
implementation All assistants, seasoned teachers, parents Course will begin July 1 and end August 15, 2014 Audience will provide feedback, self-assessment, audience critique Greg and Steven Cds, creative curriculum, preschool curriculum books, Students will present to peers before presenting to students in the classrooms, student teaching

10 Extension of activities
Finger plays Role playing Literacy Sing alongs

11 Summary Course outline Participates Timelines Goals and objectives

12 Resources Creative curriculum for toddlers and preschoolers
Ready already curriculum Second Steps Greg and Steven Music and Movement (4) CDs SPARKS webinar presentation Lakeshore materials (finger play puppets) sYxMKCFmAU&feature=youtube_gdata_player

13 Reference Denton, K (2004). A Child’s Treasury of Nursery Rhymes. Houghton Mifflin Prelutsky, J (2000). It’s raining Pigs and Noodles. HarperCollins

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