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Microwave Integrated Circuits (MIC)

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1 Microwave Integrated Circuits (MIC)
Microwave circuits exist in three different forms: Discrete circuit Packaged diodes/transistors mounted in coaxial and waveguide assemblies. Devices can usually be removed from the assembly and replaced Hybrid MIC Diodes/transistors, resonators, capacitors, circulators, … are fabricated separately on most appropriate material and then mounted into the microstrip circuit and connected with bond wires MMIC Diodes/transistors, resistors, capacitors, microstrip,…all fabricated simultaneously, including their interconnections, in semiconductor chip Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

2 Advantages and Disadvantages of HMIC
1- Each component can be designed for optimal performance:  Each transistor can be made of the best material.  Other devices can be made of the most appropriate material.  The lowest loss microwave components can be made by choosing the optimal microstrip substrate. 2- It has high power capability since the high power generating elements can be optimally heat-sinked Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

3 4- Special-purpose devices for each function are not required.
3- Standard diodes and transistors can be used and made to perform different functions by using different circuit design. 4- Special-purpose devices for each function are not required. 5- Trimming adjustments are possible 6- The most economical approach when small quantities, up to several hundred, of the circuits are required. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

4 Disadvantages: 1- Wire bonds cause reliability problems. Each circuit element that is not part of the microstrip assembly must be attached to the microstrip by a wire bond. 2- The number of devices that can be included is limited by the economics of mounting the devices onto the circuit and attaching them by a wire bonds. The circuit is usually limited to a few dozen compartments. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

5 Advantages and Disadvantages of MMICs
1- Minimal mismatches and minimal signal delay 2- There are no wire bond reliability problems 3- Up to thousands of devices can be fabricated at one time into a single MMIC. 4- It is the least expensive approach when large quantities are to be fabricated. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

6 Disadvantages: 1- Performance compromised, since the optimal materials cannot be used for each circuit element. 2- Power capability is lower because good heat transfer materials cannot be used 3- Trimming adjustments are difficult or impossible. 4- Unfavorable device-to-chip area ratio in the semiconductor material. 5- Tooling is prohibitively expensive for small quantities of MMIC. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

7 Materials used for MIC The basic materials for fabricating MICs, in general are divided into four categories: 1- Substrate materials sapphire, alumina, ferrite/garnet, silicon, RT/duroid, quartz, GaAs, Inp, etc., 2- Conductor materials-copper, gold, silver, aluminum, etc. 3- Dielectric films SiO, SiO2,…etc 4- Resistive films- Nichrome (cNiCr), tantalum (Ta) Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

8 Substrate Materials: 1- The cost of the substrate must be justifiable for the application 2. Is the technology to be thin- or thick film? 3- The choice of thickness and permittivity determines the achievable impedance range and the usable frequency range. 4- There should be low loss tangent for negligible dielectric loss 5- The substrate surface finish should be good (~ 0.1 mm), with relative freedom from voids, to keep conductor loss low and yet maintain good metal-film adhesion 6- There should be good mechanical strength and thermal conductivity. 7- No deformation should be occur during processing of circuit 8- A substrates with sufficient size are for the particular application and complexity should be available Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

9 The desirable properties:
Conductor Materials: High conductivity, low temperature coefficient of resistance, low RF resistance, good adhesion, good etch- ability and solder-ability, and be easy to deposit. Dielectric Material: Used as insulators for capacitors, protective layer for active devices, and insulating layer for passive circuits. The desirable properties: Reproducibility, high breakdown voltage, low loss tangent, and the ability to under go processing without developing pin holes Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

10 Sheet sensitivities in the range of 10 to 2000 W/square
Resistive Films: Required for fabricating resistors for terminations, attenuators, and for bias networks. The properties required for resistive material are: Good stability, low temperature coefficient of resistively Sheet sensitivities in the range of 10 to 2000 W/square 1% accuracy is achievable The creation of these resistive films demands additional processes of deposition and etching beyond those of the thin-film metallization. This complexity may be obviated by bonding directly chip resistors onto the conducting pattern (ex. using surface mount). Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

11 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

12 Planar and Uniplanar Transmission lines
Microstrip TL Coplanar Wave-Guide (CPW) Slot line Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

13 Material er Tan d Ther. Cond. Tmax during Fab. W/inoC (Co)
Teflon × fiberglass Epsilam × Alumina 10 1× Beryllia 6 2× Ferrite 15 2× Silicon × GaAs × Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

14 Microstrip Circuit elements commonly used in HMIC
The components that can be fabricated as part of the microstrip transmission line are: Matching stubs and transformers Directional couplers Combiners and dividers Resonators Filters Inductors and capacitors Thin film resistors Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

15 Typical spiral inductor and interdigitated capacitor
Coupled line filter Hybrid coupler Branch line coupler Microstrip coupler Typical spiral inductor and interdigitated capacitor Loop inductor High impedance transmission line inductor Figure: Microstrip elements used in HMIC Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

16 Components Added After Microstrip Fabrication
The MIC Components that are fabricated separately and added to the microstrip circuits are: Bond wire Chip resistor Chip capacitors Dielectric resonators Circulators Diodes and transistors Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

17 Chip capacitor and resistor
Bond wires Dielectric resonator Chip capacitor and resistor Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

18 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

19 Passive microwave components include: Combiners & Dividers
Passive Microwave Components (PMC) (The circuits that does not contain any active device such as diode or transistor) PMC are used extensively in any microwave communication system Passive microwave components include: Combiners & Dividers Phase shifters Filters Terminations & attenuators Switches Couplers Isolators & Circulators Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

20 Terminations Absorb all the power at the end of transmission line in order to terminate a microwave equipment without allowing the power to escape into surroundings or to be reflected back into the equipment. Termination can be found in the form of:  Waveguide,  Coaxial line  Microstrip Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

21 Some Types of Terminations
In waveguide form it contains a tapered absorber, usually consisting of a carbon-impregnated dielectric material that absorbs the microwave power Some Types of Terminations 8.2 – 12.4 GHz handles 75 watts GHz7 - 10 watt300 Important specifications:  SWR (or S11)  Power-handling capability Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

22 Coaxial terminations 50 W N-type 50 W SMA 75 W BNC High power 50 W)
Strip Line Load 100 W High power 50 W) GHzDC- 3 Type C Cwwat600 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

23 Attenuators Used to adjust the power level of microwave signals.
Attenuators Types:  Fixed (Pads)  Mechanically adjustable  Electronically Controlled Coaxial attenuators cover the frequency range from dc to 18 GHz, and they can have any value of attenuation. Typical values are 3, 6 10, and 20 dB. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

24 Fixed coaxial attenuator
Coaxial Attenuators 3 dB 1 W DC- 2 GHz N-Type Fixed coaxial attenuator The lossy material extending from the center to the outer conductor and along the center conductor. This lossy material forms a resistive T, which absorbs some of the microwave power without reflecting any type 30 dB 100 W DC- 21GHz N-Type QC Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

25 Mechanical variable attenuator
8.2 – 12.4 GHz dB A van of absorbing material inserted into the waveguide through a slot on the broad wall. The greater the penetration of the vane the greater the attenuation. The dial can be calibrated in dB 12.4 – 18 GHz dB Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

26 Achieved with PIN diodes Will be covered in active circuits
Electronically variable attenuator Achieved with PIN diodes Will be covered in active circuits Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

27 Switches Direct s microwave power from one transmission line to another or turns microwave power on and off. Switches can be mechanically or electronically. Here we discuss some types of mechanical switchs. Electronically switches will be introduced in active devices section. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

28 Directional Couplers Directional couplers sample the power traveling in only one direction down a transmission line. Pi Po Pc Pwrong Important specifications:  Coupling Factor (dB) C = 10 log Pi/Pc How much of the input power is sampled  Insertion Loss IL = 10 log Pi/Po Specify the output power relative to the input power  Directivity D = 10 log Pc/Pwrong No coupler is perfect i.e Pwrong  0  Isolation I = 10 log Pi/Pwrong = D + C dB The amount of power sampled in the wrong direction Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

29 Typical values are 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 dB
Directional coupler can also be used as an attenuator and to measure the reflected power from a mismatch lg/4 Coupled power Input power Output power Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

30 Coupling Loss vs Coupling Factor
Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

31 Directional Coupler Signal Paths
Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

32 Wave guide coupler Coaxial and microstrip coupler
High power High directivity limited in BW Wide band Poor directivity Limited power Waveguid coupler Coaxial coupler D is not critical for sampling microwave power D is extremely important for a return loss measurement, to measure the small power reflected from the mismatch. Microstrip coupler Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

33 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

34 3-dB Quadrature Hybrid (Hybrid Coupler)
2 (Input) (output) (Isolated) 3 1 4 The 3-dB quadrature hybrids are used as components, in almost every RF System, such as:  Power combiners and dividers De(modulators)  Balanced Mixers  Image rejection mixers  Balanced amplifiers  Feed network in antenna arrays With all ports matched, power entering port 1 is divided between ports 2 and 3, with 90o phase shift between these outputs. No power is coupled to port 4. Ports 1 and 4 as well as ports 2 and 3 are isolated. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

35 The most important parameters of the hybrid are
Isolation between isolated ports SWR at the input ports Phase difference between the two coupled ports Insertion loss between the input and the coupled ports The [S] matrix is 0 j j j j 0 -1 [S] = 2 Small size coupler Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

36 The 0o/180o hybrid coupler is preferred in some applications, namely,
(2) 180o Hybrid Ring: The 0o/180o hybrid coupler is preferred in some applications, namely,  Mixers  Modulators  Isolated power splitters since the isolation between its input ports may be independent of the value of the two balanced impedance loads. 1 2 3 4 lg/4 3lg/4 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

37 [S] = 2 The [S] matrix is 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 - 1 1 0 0 1 0 -1 1 0
-j [S] = 2 Some Small size couplers configurations Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

38 Combiners and Dividers
Combiners are used to combine two or more transmission lines into one transmission line. They can also be used to divide the microwave signal from one transmission line into two transmission lines The T- Junction Power Dividers (simplest configuration) E-plane waveguide T Microstrip T-junction H-plane waveguide T Lossless junctions Can not be matched simultaneously at all ports No isolation between the two input lines Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

39 Resistive Divider Matching T-junctions is possible if a lossy components is inserted in series to all branches at the junction Dissipate half of the supplied power and the two output ports may not be isolated Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

40 Wlikinson Power divider
Wilkinson power divider, is a wide band circuit (2:1 or more), can be matched at all ports and lossless when the output ports are matched. It can also be designed to give arbitrary power division. This divider is often made in microstrip or stripline form. In-phase Wilkinson divider Isolation is achieved between ports by terminating resistors. Any unequal mismatch or out-of-phase condition that would couple power from one line to the other is attenuated by the resistor. Disadvantages: The termination must be mounted inside the coupler, which limits its power handling capability Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

41 Multi-channel Combiner
Lossy Very little selectivity Small size Wide band Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

42 Magic-T The 180o hybrid can also be implemented in waveguide form as shown in the Figure. The waveguide magic-T hybrid junction has terminal properties similar to those of the ring hybrid. In practice, tuning posts irises are often used for matching. 4 3 2 1 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

43 It is a type of quadrature coupler (90o phase shift between 2 and 3)
The Lange coupler Tight coupling 3 or 6 dB Wide band (as high as 4:1) It is a type of quadrature coupler (90o phase shift between 2 and 3) Lines are very narrow Bonding wires are needed 4 2 l/4 1 3 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

44 Phase Shifters Microwave signals are characterized by amplitude and phase. The amplitude is controlled with amplifiers and attenuators. The phase can be controlled by phase shifters. Phase shifters like attenuators, can be mechanically or electronically adjustable Mechanically adjustable phase shifters It is a line stretchers. The phase shift can be adjusted by changing the signal path. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

45 Isolators and Circulators
0 0 1 0 An isolator allows microwaves to pass in one direction but not the other, so it has unidirectional transmission characteristics. This isolating effect is achieved with ferrites Isolators are usually used to protect high power microwave sources from possible reflection that may cause source damage. It can also be used in place of matching networks. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

46 Low insertion loss in the normal or forward path
The most important specifications for isolators are the isolation which is the insertion loss in the reverse direction and the forward insertion loss. The isolation should be high and the insertion loss should be low. Typical values are 20 dB for isolation and 0.5 dB for insertion loss. Purpose of Isolator Low insertion loss in the normal or forward path High isolation in the reverse path Uses Circulators providing input and output isolation for a one port amplifier Isolator minimizing the pulling effect of an oscillator Isolator reducing the power reflected back to a mixer Reduce VSWR interactions between RF components Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

47 Circulator Isolators are not a broadband as attenuators
Circulator route microwave signals from one port of the device to another. For example, a microwave signal entering port 1 is directed out of the circulator at port 2. A signal entering port 2 is routed to leave the circulator at port 3 and does not get back into port 1. A signal entering port 3 does not get into port 2, but goes out through port 1. The S matrix of an ideal circulator is [S] = 1 2 3 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

48 The important specifications of a circulator are the insertion loss, which is the loss of signal as it travels in the direction that it is supposed to go, and the directivity, which is the loss in the signal as it travel in the wrong direction. Insertion loss is typically 0.5 dB and the directivity is 20 dB. Circulator enable the use of one antenna for both transmitter and receiver of communication system. Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

49 Microwave Engineering/ Passive Microwave Components

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