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Subordinating Conjunctions/Complex Sentences

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1 Subordinating Conjunctions/Complex Sentences
connect two complete ideas by making one of the ideas subordinate or less important than the other

2 Clauses All clauses have a subject and a verb
Subordinate/dependent clauses cannot stand alone Ex: before Nate left on his trip Independent clauses can stand alone as a complete sentence. Ex: Nate left on his trip. Verb Subject

3 When you join a subordinate clause/dependent and an independent clause, you create a complex sentence.

4 There are two types of subordinate clauses.
Adjective clause- is a subordinate clause that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun in the main clause of a complex sentence. Adverb clause- is a subordinate clause that modifies or describes the verb in the main clause of a complex sentence.

5 Adverb clauses tells how, where, when, why, or under what condition an action occurs.

6 Subordinating Conjunction
Clauses All clauses have a subject and a verb Subordinate clauses cannot stand alone Another name for subordinate clause is dependent clause. Ex: before Nate left on his trip Independent clauses (independent clause) can stand alone as a complete sentence. Ex: Nate left on his trip. Subordinating Conjunction

7 List of Subordinating Conjunctions
After Although As As if As long as As soon as As though Because Before Even if Where ** Whenever That ** Which ** Whoever ** Even though If In order that Lest Now that Since So that Than Though Till (Until) Wherever Whereas Who ** Whom ** Whose ** What ** When **

Bob is popular even though he is ugly. Clause Clause 2 Independent Dependent

9 Examples After considering the consequences of murder, the burglar fled the bank without harming the teller. The tree will fall over unless we replace the top soil. Whenever Jessica flips her hair, all the boys in the class lose their focus. When you have a subordinate clause and an independent clause, you have a complex sentence.

10 Punctuating with subordinate conjunctions
When the subordinating clause begins the sentence, the subordinating clause is separated from the independent clause with a comma.

11 Some clauses may be essential or non essential.
Essential means the information is needed in the sentence, so no commas will be used. To determine if a clause is essential ask yourself if the clause tells you which one. Non- essential is extra information. Usually when an adverb clause comes at the end of the sentence; you would not place a comma in front of it.

Even though Bob is ugly, he is popular. Clause Clause 2 Dependent Independent

13 Examples of complex sentences
If the paperwork arrives on time, your check will be mailed on Tuesday. After she had learned to drive, Alice felt more independent. Gerald had to begun his thesis over again when his computer crashed. I wondered whether the homework was necessary (or not).

14 1. Do you recognize the person who is sitting next to you?
2. When an image is reversed it is called a mirror image. 3. My mother drove me to school since I missed the bus. 4. Because we are going to the concert I want my mom to drive her car. 5. I have more work to do today because I didn’t do my homework yesterday.

15 1. Divers wear wet suits and rubber fins when they swim.
2. They wear wet suits because the water might get cold. Divers wear masks since they need them for underwater vision.

16 1. Scuba equipment, which is used for deep sea diving, gets its name from the phrase self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. 2.Jacques Cousteau, who is famous for underwater exploration, designed the aqua lung. 3. Divers sometimes wear weights that they strap on.

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