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Fourth 6 Weeks A-Z Questions. A Choose three new vocabulary terms and create a cartoon using all three.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth 6 Weeks A-Z Questions. A Choose three new vocabulary terms and create a cartoon using all three."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth 6 Weeks A-Z Questions

2 A Choose three new vocabulary terms and create a cartoon using all three.

3 B What words show the 1 st person point-of-view? What words show the 3 rd person point-of-view?

4 C Why does using a generalization to make your point actually weaken the argument you’re trying to make?

5 D Not everyone in the world uses the same calendar. If you are Hindu, you follow the Hindu calendar. It has 360 days divided into 12 months of 30 days each. The months are counted from full moon to full moon. A leap month is added every five years to keep the calendar in line with the seasons. Each month has two parts. Krishna is the first part, when the moon is smaller. Sukla is the second part, when the moon is getting fuller. Some names of the months are Chaitra, Asadha, and Pausa. Write a sentence that explains the main idea of the paragraph below.

6 E If the novel Letters from Rifka were a movie, what would be your favorite scene? Why? Also… what actors would play the main characters?

7 F

8 G If you are a movie fan, you probably watch the Oscars on television. These awards for excellence in the film industry were first given in 1929. At that time, there was no TV. Instead, 250 people attended a banquet in Hollywood sponsored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The winning film that year was Wings, a war story. As for the name Oscar, a secretary at the academy that year said the statue looked like her Uncle Oscar. Write a sentence that explains the main idea of the paragraph below.

9 H

10 I

11 Subordinating Conjunctions AfterAlthoughAs As ifAs long asAs though BecauseBeforeIf In order toIn order that Provided that SinceSoSo that ThatThoughUnless TillUntilWhen WhereWhereaswhile

12 J


14 K Free Write! View the image here and time yourself or have someone else time you for three minutes. Start by describing the details of the scene.


16 L

17 M Write down one thing you know about each type of Text Structure listed here. Use complete sentences.

18 N The words era, permanent, and prior all have to do with time. How are they different, though? When would you actually use each one?

19 O Think back to last six weeks… Explain these concepts: Claim Claim Argument Argument Irrelevant Irrelevant

20 P Copy this list of “conjunctive adverbs” into the grammar section of your spiral. For your A-Z book, explain how conjunctive adverbs help you convey your thoughts.

21 Q Challenge: Use all seven conjunctive adverbs to write a paragraph about the following image. Be sure to circle your conjunctive adverbs.


23 R When do you know to use a semicolon? Write three sentences that each use a semicolon correctly.

24 S 1) In the black/white/blue grammar workbook, turn to page 181 – 182. 2) Copy any two sentences you want. 3) Circle the conjunction in each sentence. 4) Underline the two sentences it connects.

25 T Free Write! View the quote here and time yourself or have someone else time you for three minutes. Start by copying the quote. Use the question to the side to help guide your writing.

26 How does the author use a metaphor to convey his point of view about life?

27 U Go to this website or scan Read the example and then write your own paragraph persuading someone why he or she should read a particular book. So think of a really good book you read recently and get us to want to read it!

28 V According to the information on pg. 21 of the black/white/turquoise workbook, when do you use a semicolon and when do you use a colon? Write a sentence using a semicolon. Write a sentence using a colon.

29 W Write about a favorite toy you had when you were little. If you get “stuck” while writing, consider these ideas… Describe it so we can “see” it, too. Describe it so we can “see” it, too. Explain its function. Explain its function. Where did you keep it? Where did you keep it? How did you get it? How did you get it? Tell about special times or memories playing with it. Tell about special times or memories playing with it. Where is it now? Where is it now? What toy is similar to it that you’ll want your kids to have in the future? What toy is similar to it that you’ll want your kids to have in the future?

30 X Describe a typical Wednesday in the life of YOU after college. 5 years after college 5 years after college 15 years after college 15 years after college 30 years after college 30 years after college

31 Y IN THE WRITING SECTION OF YOUR SPIRAL, EXPLAIN THE SPECIFIC STEPS IN SOLVING A MATH PROBLEM… Choose any type of problem or concept. Explain it to me step by step in a paragraph with all the tips and tricks and examples you can think of!

32 Z Explain something you learned about in science or social studies using any three Language Arts vocabulary terms.

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