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Instructor: Nguyen Ngoc Vu Student: Phan Tran Hoai Phuong Le Thi Toan

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1 Instructor: Nguyen Ngoc Vu Student: Phan Tran Hoai Phuong Le Thi Toan
Grammar Teaching: Instructor: Nguyen Ngoc Vu Student: Phan Tran Hoai Phuong Le Thi Toan

2 Content The Simple Future The Future Continuous The Future Perfect
Note Exercise

3 He has a car-accident. He will recover soon.

4 He sings very well He will become a famous singer.

5 The Simple Future Formation: You/He/She/I/They + will +V( bare inf.)…
The Simple Future of any verb is formed from the auxiliary will or shall, followed by the bare infinitive of the verb. In informal English, particularly in American English, the Simple Future is usually conjugated entirely with the auxiliary will. The auxiliary will is a modal auxiliary. Modal auxiliaries do not modify, but have the same form, regardless of the subject. The auxiliary will is often contracted to 'll You/He/She/I/They + will V( bare inf.)… I / We shall

6 How do we use the Simple Future Tense?
Use 1: No Plan We use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking. E.g. Hold on. I'll get a pen. We will see what we can do to help you. Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight. In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision is made at the time of speaking.

7 Use 2: Prediction Use 3: Be
We often use the simple future tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. E.g. It will rain tomorrow. People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century. Who do you think will get the job? Use 3: Be When the main verb is be, we can use the simple future tense even if we have a firm plan or decision before speaking. I'll be in London tomorrow. I'm going shopping. I won't be very long. .Will you be at work tomorrow?

8 Practice Give the correct form of the verbs in the bracket using The Simple Future I (cook) any fish you catch, but I (clean) them. I (have) to be a bit careful about money when I retire because I only (receive) half of my present salary. I wonder how Jack (get) along with his new secretary. We’d better leave a message for Jack. Otherwise, he (not know) where we have gone. You can stroke the dog. It (not bite) you. I (tell) him the truth of course. But it (not be) any good. He (not believe) me. I (write) postcard every week, I promise, and I (try) to make them legible. If necessary, I (type) it Back to content

9 -What will you be doing at this time next year?
-I will be playing golf in Florida.

10 When he comes back home, his wife will be cooking the dinner.

11 The Future Continuous Formation: E.g. S +will + be +V-ing
The Future Continuous of any verb is formed from the Simple Future of the auxiliary to be, followed by the present participle of the verb. E.g. We will be waiting for you when you get back tomorrow. He will be working on the report at this time tomorrow. The Browns will be doing the cleaning when you come next Sunday. S +will + be +V-ing

12 How do we use the Simple Future Tense?
Use 1: Interrupted Action in the Future Use the Future Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time. E.g. I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight. I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives. He will be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.

13 E.g. Use 2: Specific Time as an Interruption in the Future
In USE 1, described above, the Future Continuous is interrupted by a short action in the future. In addition to using short actions as interruptions, you can also use a specific time as an interruption. E.g. Tonight at 6 PM, I am going to be eating dinner. (I will be in the process of eating dinner.) At midnight tonight, we will still be driving through the desert. (We will be in the process of driving through the desert.)

14 USE 3: Parallel Actions in the Future
When you use the Future Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions will be happening at the same time. The actions are parallel. E.g. Tonight, they will be eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time. While Ellen is reading, Tim will be watching television.

15 USE 4: Atmosphere in the Future
In English, we often use a series of Parallel Actions to describe atmosphere at a specific point in the future. E.g. When I arrive at the party, everybody will be celebrating. Some will be dancing. Others will be talking. A few people will be eating pizza, and several people will be drinking beer. They always do the same thing.

16 Practice Give the correct form of the verbs in the bracket using The Future Continuous. When you go into the office, Mr. John (sit) at the front desk. When she comes back tomorrow, I (work) at my desk in Room 12. He (work) for my company at this time next month. What you (do) when I come tomorrow? She (live) in this house in May. At this same time tomorrow, we (drive) through Pennsylvania. Back to content

17 He works very hard By the age of 50, he will have become a millionaire.

18 By the end of this month, I will have worked for this factory for 25 years.

19 S + will + have + p.p (past participle)
The Future Perfect Formation: The Future Perfect of any verb is formed from the Simple Future of the auxiliary to have, followed by the past participle of the verb. E.g. I hope it will have stopped raining by the time we go out, The film will have ended before we arrive at the cinema. They will have built a house by June next year. Before you come, he will have bought your favorite car. S + will + have + p.p (past participle)

20 USE 1: Completed Action Before Something in the Future
The Future Perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future. It can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future. E.g. By next November, I will have received my promotion. Will she have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing? By the time I finish this course, I will have taken ten tests.

21 USE 2: Duration Before Something in the Future (Non-Continuous Verbs)
With Non-Continuous Verbs and some non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Future Perfect to show that something will continue up until another action in the future. E.g. I will have been in London for six months by the time I leave. By Monday, Susan will have had my book for a week.

22 Practice Give the correct form of the verbs in the bracket using The Future Perfect. By next month, I (leave) for India. I hope that they (finish) building the temple by the time we come back next year. By November, we (live) in this house for 10 years. By March 15th, I (work) for this company for 10 years. He certainly (not do) all his homework by 9 o’clock tonight. By this time next week, he (write) his novel for 6 months. Back to content

23 Note The Future tenses are not used in adverbial clauses of time
→ They are replaced by the Present tense. E.g. Please wait here until the manager returns. I’ll wait here until he finishes his novel. When I see Mr. Pike tomorrow, I will remind him of that. Miss Helen will help you as soon as she finishes that letter tomorrow. Back to content

24 Exercise: Supply the correct verb form (using the Future tense): Come back in an hour. I (do) my packing by then and we (be able to) have a talk. The last week of our last term! I wonder what we (do) this time next year. I have an idea. We (turn) the attic into a playroom. Then they (be able to) play train without tripping anyone up. We (take) off in a few minutes. Pleas fasten your seat belts.

25 5. I hope they (repair) this road by the time we come back next summer.
6. This time next week, I (not wash) up the breakfast things. I (have) breakfast in bed in a luxurious hotel. 7. Do not make a sound or you (wake) the baby; and then he (not get) to sleep again. 8. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next year, he (plant) 2,000. 9. Jack usually gives me a lift home, but we both (come) by train tomorrow as his car is being repaired 10. It (be) easy to pick her out in that bright red coat of hers. But she (not wear) the red coat when you meet her at the airport. She has given it away. Back to content

26 The end!

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