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Meeting # 99 Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group March 13 th, 2013 SharePoint and Project Management Donald Donais &

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting # 99 Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group March 13 th, 2013 SharePoint and Project Management Donald Donais &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting # 99 Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group March 13 th, 2013 SharePoint and Project Management Donald Donais & Dave Fischer Donald Donais

2 Meeting # 99 Agenda MNSPUG General Information SharePoint & Project General Principals Tracking Projects Connecting to Documents Communications & Alerts Reporting & Dashboards Other Considerations Break Project Online & Project Server 2013 Evaluations & Giveaways

3 Meeting # 99 User Group Goal / Objectives –Develop and support a local community focused on Microsoft SharePoint Technologies Educate user group members about SharePoint Technologies Transfer knowledge within the community Communicate best practices Introduce new products / solutions

4 Meeting # 99 MNSPUG Sponsors Avtex ( Benchmark Learning ( Microsoft ( Wrox Press ( O’Reilly (

5 Meeting # 99 MN SharePoint Users Group Website SharePoint Resource Documents SharePoint Resource links RSS Feeds Meeting Schedule Past User Group Presentations Past User Group Recordings Sponsorship Information Email:

6 Meeting # 99 Social Networking Linked In group – The most interactive… includes job postings… –Post Job Posting on the Jobs Discussion page – Twitter tags - @MNSPUG and #MNSPUG

7 Meeting # 99 MNSPUG Sponsorship Two Opportunities to Sponsor Annual Sponsorship ($2500 annually) –Money Will Help Fund MNSPUG Events –Annual Sponsorship will be Reviewed Yearly –Cannot be in Direct Competition with Another Annual Sponsor –Looking for: Microsoft SharePoint ISV Microsoft Learning Provider Microsoft Licensing Account Reseller Lunch Sponsorship

8 Meeting # 99 MNSPUG Sponsorship Continued Lunch Sponsorship ($500 for a lunch) –Sponsor a Lunch Event Following MNSPUG Event –This can be geared toward your specific SharePoint product or capabilities

9 Meeting # 99 Upcoming Schedule Next Meeting –April 10 th 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM –TBA –Microsoft Technology Center –Check for updates! Ongoing Schedule – 2 nd Wednesday of every month – 9:00 to 11:30 am – Microsoft Technical Center - Edina

10 Meeting # 99 Local and Online Events

11 Meeting # 99 Evaluations & Giveaways!

12 Meeting # 99 Presenters

13 Meeting # 99 Donald Donais SharePoint Consultant Father & Drummer @dondonais Introductions

14 Meeting # 99 David Fischer President and CEO of Milestone Consulting Introductions

15 Meeting # 99 Who Are You? Who are SharePoint People who need to Manage Projects? Who are Project Managers? Who are people who Manage Projects? Who is currently using MS Project Server (any version)? Who is interested in MS Project Server? Who has seen SharePoint 2013? Who has seen Project 2013?

16 Meeting # 99 General Principals

17 Meeting # 99 Why SharePoint and Project Management?

18 Meeting # 99 Where Can SharePoint Help? Project Tracking Project Documents Communication Metrics

19 Meeting # 99 Crawl, Walk, Run Crawl  Out of the Box Features Walk  Integration with MS Project  Third Party Tools Run  MS Project Server  Custom Development with Other Applications

20 Meeting # 99 Getting Started Same As Any Other Product Discovery  What is the PMO Process?  What types of projects is this helping to manage?  Information Architecture/Taxonomy  Document/Content Management  Roles Implementation  Documentation of Solution  Training

21 Meeting # 99 Information Architecture/Taxonomy How is a user going to navigate? User Interface  Single SharePoint Site Collection with all Projects  Rolling Up Specific Content to Top Level  Consistent Site Layout/Structure How is Content Divided Up?  List/Library vs. Site/Sub-site  Global and Local Navigation

22 Meeting # 99 Document/Content Management Content Types  Document Templates Workflows  Out of the Box  SharePoint Designer Custom  Third Party Vendor Site Columns Content Approval Check-Out Versioning

23 Meeting # 99 Project/SharePoint Roles Project Specific Roles  Project Manager  Project Team Members  Team Leads?  Executive Sponsor  Project Sponsor/Director SharePoint Specific Roles  SharePoint Owner  SharePoint Member  SharePoint Approver  SharePoint Visitor Project RoleSharePoint RolePermissions Project ManagerOwnerFull Control Project Team Members MemberContribute Team LeadsMember & ApproverContribute; Approval Executive SponsorVisitorRead Project Sponsor/Director VisitorRead

24 Meeting # 99 SharePoint Training Train Based on Roles  Owners – Needs the Most Permissions Creating Sites Document Management Features Lists and Libraries Web Parts Much More  Members Adding Content Lists/Libraries Adding Metadata Creating Personal Views Connecting to Office  Visitors Navigating Around SharePoint Opening and Reading Documents

25 Meeting # 99 Tracking Projects

26 Meeting # 99 Project Sites FAB 40 Template - SharePoint 2007 & 2010  Project Tracking Workspace  Budgeting and Tracking Multiple Projects  Change Request Management  IT Team Workspace Team Sites (All Versions) Project Site (SharePoint 2013)  Basic Team Site  Automatically Includes Task list and Timeline  Notebook – a.k.a. OneNote

27 Meeting # 99 Built In Lists Tasks List (All Versions)  Tracking Tasks  Predecessors Added in 2010 Project Task List (All Versions)  Gantt View  Predecessors Added in 2010 Calendars (All Versions)  Calendar Overlay Added in 2010 Issues List (All Versions)  Bug Tracking Contact List (All Versions)  Contact Information  Custom List (All Versions)  Milestones, Overall Project Master List

28 Meeting # 99 Access Services SharePoint Enterprise Version 2010 or 2013  Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports  Issues Web Database  Projects Web Database SharePoint 2010  Web Databases SharePoint Sites SharePoint 2013  SharePoint Apps  Need Access 2013  Creates SQL Database per Access App

29 Meeting # 99 Microsoft Project 2010/2013 Purpose for MS Project and SharePoint?  Synchronize Tasks MS Project 2010/SharePoint 2010  Create or Overwrite Task or Project Task List  Tasks and Subtasks Difficult  Create Custom Fields in MS Project Map Fields to SharePoint MS Project 2013/SharePoint 2013  Create or Overwrite Task or Project Task List  Tasks and Subtasks are Separate and Easy to Use  Create Custom Fields in MS Project Map Fields to SharePoint

30 Meeting # 99 SharePoint Site/List Options Access Services MS Project Integration

31 Meeting # 99 Connecting to Documents

32 Meeting # 99 Document Management Features Ensure One Version of the Truth Content Types/Site Columns (SharePoint 2007-2013)  Document Templates  Metadata  Persistent Workflows  Document Sets (SharePoint 2010 & 2013) Content Approval (SharePoint 2007-2013)  Not Available Until Approved Check-Out vs. Collaboration (SharePoint 2007-2013)  Check-Out on Documents Only  Office Web App/Office Co-Authoring Capabilities Versioning  Major and Minor  Number of Versions Retained

33 Meeting # 99 Connecting to Tasks Used to Relate Content (Lists and Libraries) Lookup Column (SharePoint 2007-2013)  Connects Lists Relationally  Enforce Relationship Behavior (2010 & 2013)  Limited to the SharePoint Site Displaying Tasks/Associated Documents  Web Part Connections – Web Part Pages  Default Display Form

34 Meeting # 99 Project Content Types Document Management Settings Associating Tasks and Documents

35 Meeting # 99 Communication & Alerts

36 Meeting # 99 Alerts Very Powerful and Most Overlooked Tool Automatically Communicating Activity SharePoint Alerts  List/Library Level  Item/Document Level  Search Level Options Include  Users  Send Alerts for These Changes  When to Send Alerts MOST IMPORTANTLY – YOU CAN SIGN SOMEBODY ELSE UP!

37 Meeting # 99 Workflows – Out of the Box Add Automated to and Existing Business Process Used to Communicate or Effect Document Lifecycle Workflows Include:  Approval  Collect Feedback  Collect Signatures  Three-state  Disposition Approval Information Management Policy

38 Meeting # 99 Custom Workflows SharePoint Designer 2007 – 2013  Advanced Workflows to Alert to Interact with Content  Conditions & Actions  Stages & SharePoint Designer 2010/2013 and Visio  Workflow Visualization Third Party Vendors  Nintex  K2

39 Meeting # 99 Other Communication Real Simple Syndication (RSS Feeds)  Subscribe to RSS Feed  RSS Feed Readers Connecting to Outlook  Tasks  Calendars  Contacts SharePoint Workspace 2010 SkyDrive (SharePoint 2013) Tags and Notes (SharePoint 2010 – 2013)  Tag Content, Lists/Libraries or Pages Following (SharePoint 2013)  Followed Content is Available in My Site

40 Meeting # 99 SharePoint Alerts Out of the Box Workflows Following

41 Meeting # 99 Dashboards

42 Meeting # 99 Web Parts & Views Quick Look at Important Info Can Display Project NeedSharePoint Solution My Tasks on Project SiteList Web Part with View Filtering by User or My Tasks (SP 2013) Tasks Displayed on CalendarCalendar View of the Task List Relevant Documents to UserWeb Part Relevant Documents Key MetricsExcel Services (Enterprise 2007 – 2013) Project StatusKPI or Status List (Enterprise 2007 – 2010) Aggregated Tasks or DocumentsContent Query Web Part, Content Search Web Part, or Search Scopes

43 Meeting # 99 Task Aggregation SharePoint 2013 Features My Tasks  Aggregate Across All SharePoint  Include Tasks From Exchange 2013  Include Tasks from Project 2013 Different Views  Important and Upcoming  Active  Completed  By Task List

44 Meeting # 99 Creating a Dashboard My Tasks

45 Meeting # 99 SharePoint 2007 FAB 40  SharePoint 2010 FAB 40  Microsoft Office – SharePoint and Project  Resources

46 Meeting # 99 Break Time

47 Meeting # 99 Last But Not Least Please Fill Out Evaluations Drawings for Giveaways Today’s Presenters: – Donald Donais – David Fischer

48 Meeting # 99

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