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Parent Community Student Services
1 English Learner Academy Reclassification Criteria for English Language Students Welcome participants and thank them for their attendance. Introduce yourself by stating your name and position. Housekeeping item-restrooms, breaks and end time. Review norms (if applicable). Introduce hand signal from Adaptive School strategies. Inform participants that it is the respectful form of getting their attention. Los Angeles Unified School District Parent Community Student Services
We have more in common with others than we think
We have more in common with others than we think. Let’s see how many similarities we have in this room. In this exercise you will stand if the description applies to you. Take a look around the room and see who else is like you. Like Me: -Stand if you’re left handed -Stand if you have attended a Zumba class --Stand if you speak 2 or more languages -Stand if you’re a parent -Stand if you have a child in Elementary school, middle school, high school -Stand if you have a child that is an English Learner. -Stand if you have a child that has reclassified. Les voy a leer una pregunta si la pregunta le aplica a usted.
Objectives Understand reclassification and the new requirements
Review reclassification criteria by grade-levels How to monitor and support English Learners (EL) and Long Term English Learners (LTELS) Hand gesture. Ask them to read the the objectives and select a participant to summarize the outcomes
LAUSD’s Five Goals “It starts with safe schools that are well staffed. The path to reclassifiactio continues with parents and community in partnership—not only in committees and councils, but through the kinds of educational and informational opportunities offered at the school, through timely & consistent communication, and by way of a welcoming environment. When schools are safe, and parents and community are involved in supporting students’ education, the foundation for their learning is strong.
1 Ask participants to take out the handout and take 2 minutes and 30 seconds to fill out what they know regarding reclassification. Think pair share & have a few share out to the group
Reclassification 1 English learners demonstrate proficiency and mastery of of the English language. English learners have the ability to participate effectively with English-speaking peers in a Mainstream English program. The goal for all EL’s is reclassification and then read slide Bulletin
Initial Language Identification
Home Language Possible English Learner English Speaker California English Language Development Test Students are first identified as potential EL’s during enrollment based on the the home language survey. Explain visual. Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) English Learner
What requirements must English Learners meet in order to reclassify?
1 What requirements must English Learners meet in order to reclassify? California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Teacher Evaluation Basic Skills Assessment Parent Consultation & Approval 1 2 3 Say that Reclassification criteria has changes in the past couple months and today they will learn the new requirements. There are 3 requirements that the students must meet and parents are consulted for approval. 4
What is the California English Language Development Test (CELDT)?
1 What is the California English Language Development Test (CELDT)? 1 Think Pair Shair- You will have 1:30 seconds to share with your elbow partner what CELDT is? Ask 1-2 to share out.
What is the purpose of CELDT?
1 What is the purpose of CELDT? The CELDT has three purposes: To identify students who are limited English proficient To determine the level of English language proficiency of students who are limited English proficient. To assess the progress of limited English proficient students in acquiring the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. Explain the purpose of CELDT. Inform participants that EL take the test annually and the purpose behind it. Read bullets.
California English Language Development Test (CELDT)
CELDT Performance Levels: Level 1 – Beginning Level 2 – Early Intermediate Level 3 – Intermediate Level 4 – Early Advanced Level 5 – Advanced Say, “ There are 5 levels and students that are making adequate progress advance on level per year.
CELDT Student Performance Level Report:
1 CELDT Student Performance Level Report: Listening Speaking Reading Writing The report displays a bar graph illustrating the student’s overall proficiency levels in each of the skill areas of language (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing). Overall Advanced Early Advanced Intermediate Early Intermediate Beginning CELDT contains 4 domains. Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing at all grade levels. Each year parents should receive a report form the school site informing them of the students’ annual scores.
2 What is the Teacher Evaluation? Elementary Secondary 1
ELA Grades are the ones that count for reclassification ( Elementary) English, Advanced ELD or Literacy and Language (are the grades that count towards reclassification.(Secondary)
What is the purpose of the Teacher
1 What is the purpose of the Teacher Evaluation? Teachers are to evaluate on the degree to which the student is progressing toward the achievement of grade level standards and English language proficiency standards for EL’s. Elementary Schools (K-5/6) Secondary Schools(6th -12th ) Progress Reports are given quarterly (3 times a year) 4-Advanced 3-Proficient 2-Partial Proficient 1-Not Proficient Report Cards are given at the end of each semester (2 times a year) A-Markedly superior B-Superior C-Satisfactory D-Needs to improve F-Little or no progress *The 5, 10 and 15 week progress reports do not count toward reclassification. Report Cards Grades are given to students during December, March, June-Elementary December & June-Secondary Read slide; C means they are at grade level
3 What is the Basic Skills Assessment? DIBELS K-5th Grade
1 3 What is the Basic Skills Assessment? DIBELS K-5th Grade Scholastics Reading Inventory College & Career (SRI) 6th-9th Grade California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) 10th-12th Grade
Basic Skills Assessment
1 Basic Skills Assessment Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Kindergarten – 5th Grade Scholastic Reading Inventory College & Career (SRI) 6th – 9th Grade California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) 10th – 12th Grade Kindergarten/1st Grade Benchmark scores on all skills Middle of Year (MOY) or End of Year (EOY) Grade 2nd-5th Grade Benchmark scores on all skills assessed for the grade level of the DIBELS Middle of Year (MOY) or End of Year (EOY) Grade Score at a Basic level 6th – 730 to 920 Lexial 7th – 770 to 965 Lexial 8th – 790 to 1005 Lexial 9th – 850 to 1075 Lexial *Next testing window: May 4th – May 29th Must score a 350 higher on the Language arts section. *Students take the test in 10th grade and must have a minimum of 50 credits. December, March, June-Elementary December & June-Secondary SRI- Once a students has a passing score on SRI they do not have to retake it during that year. Students will retake it at the next grade level. In high school all students must take the CAHSEE beginning in tenth grade. Once they pass it they do not have to retake it.
Parent Notification of Reclassification
1 4 Parent Approval and Consultation Parent Notification of Reclassification This an example of the Reclassification letter that is sent to a parent once the students reclassifies.
Reclassification Criteria
Handout #2 Ask participants to take out Handout # 2 and tell them you are going to review what the criteria is for reclassification at each grade level. Remind them that at each grade level there are 3 criteria students must meet and at all grade levels the parent approval is a component. Explain to parents that in some cases a Language Acquisition Team meeting will be required. Move on to next slide and explain LAT (Next 4 Slides)
What is the Language Appraisal Team (LAT)?
The Language Appraisal Team is a multidisciplinary team charged with the the responsibility of monitoring and supporting the progress of all English Learners. When there are learning or behavior issues there is a meeting to make a plan. Tell them who should be part of the team. The focus of the LAT team is English learners it is different than SST. The LAT team can also recommend reclassification by using students work samples when the grade is not met.
Monitor Progress of EL’s and RFEP’s
LAT Function and Purpose Monitor the Instruction students receive in the EL program and after reclassification Monitor Progress of EL’s and RFEP’s Monitor individual students and review referrals by teachers or staff members Read slide
Language Appraisal Team (LAT) and Reclassification
If an EL student in K & 1st Grade meets reclassification criteria LAT must recommend reclassification. If an EL student in grade 2nd -12th meets all reclassification criteria except Report Card scores, the student may be referred to the Language Appraisal Team (LAT) to analyze other student data that demonstrates grade level proficiency and recommend reclassification or the LAT can recommend instructional supports and/or intervention supports. *The Language Appraisal Team must complete and submit the Reclassification Recommendation Form -BUL to the Multilingual Multicultural Education Department (MMED) for final decision. An LAT must be held if reclassification is recommend for: K & 1 2-12 if a students does not meet the grade criteria. Emphasize that LAT makes the recommendation but MMED makes the final decision.
Reclassification Recommendation Form Bulletin 5619.2
This is the form that is filled out by the team when a child is recommended fro reclassification.
Reclassification Criteria Kindergarten*- 1st Grade
1. CELDT overall score of 4 and scores of 4 or 5 in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing OR CELDT overall score of 5 and scores of 3 or higher in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 2. Progress Report Card Marks of 3 or 4 in English Language Arts (ELA) 3. Benchmark score on all skills assessed of the DIBELS Middle of Year (MOY) or End of Year (EOY) 4. Parent consultation and approval LAT Recommendation Required *TK or 2nd year Kindergarten students only.
Reclassification Criteria 2nd grade – 5th grade
1 Reclassification Criteria 2nd grade – 5th grade 1. CELDT overall score of 4 or 5 and scores of 3 or higher in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 2. Progress Report Card Marks of 3 or 4 in English Language Arts (ELA) 3. Benchmark score on all skills assessed for the grade level of the DIBELS MOY or EOY 4. Parent consultation and approval LAT Recommendation if applicable In the progress Report emphasize ELA
Reclassification Criteria 6th grade – 9th grade
1 Reclassification Criteria 6th grade – 9th grade 1. CELDT overall score of 4 or 5 and scores of 3 or higher in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 2. Grade of C or better in a grade-level English or LTEL class (9th grade A-G credit only) 3. Basic score on the Scholastic Reading Inventory College & Career 4. Parent consultation and approval LAT Recommendation if applicable
Reclassification Criteria 10th grade – 12th grade
1. CELDT overall score of 4 or 5 and scores of 3 or higher in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 2. Grade of C or better in an English or LTEL class (A-G credit only) 3. Passing score on CAHSEE-English Language Arts 4. Parent consultation and approval LAT Recommendation if applicable We need to add a slide that reviews the three criteria so parents know there are three and depending on the atudent’s grade they will change.
How does the school monitor reclassified students?
1 How does the school monitor reclassified students? Notification of Annual Progress of RFEPS *2 years All RFEP students are monitored for 2 years after they reclassify. Parents will receive a letter indicating how they are progressing.
Long Term English Learner (LTEL)
LAUSD defines Long Term English Learners as students who have been English Learners for five or more years and have not reclassified. The state uses 6 years but the District uses 5 years.
LAUSD Total Student Enrollment
Explain graph.
English Learners Out of these 145,840 students
English Learner Enrollment
Out of these 145,840 students 15% 12%
Long Term English Learner Courses
Literacy and Language for English Learners Advanced ELD These classes are in addition to the grade level English class and are designed to provide the support students need to reclassify All EL students in secondary must enroll in 2 classes. One class will be their grade level English class plus one of these courses.
Monitoring and Support for Long Term English Learners (LTELs)
LTELs are monitored and supported by the Long Term English Learner designee. The progress of LTELs toward reclassification continues to be monitored through: test scores school work teacher assessments LTEL designee will communicate with parents at least twice a year. There is a person in each school in charge of these students. At many schools it is the Title III Coach. There is an informational meeting with parents twice a year.
Monitoring and Support for Long Term English Learners (LTELs)
1 19 Monitoring and Support for Long Term English Learners (LTELs) Additional support for these students will be recommended by the Language Appraisal Team (LAT) as needed.
English Learners with Special Needs
Yes! English learners with Individual Education Plans (IEP) reclassify. “An IEP team meeting should be scheduled and convened for the purpose of discussing reclassification,” once a member of the IEP team believes that the student meets all the criteria. “A staff member with specific knowledge and expertise in English Language Learner curriculum, instruction, and assessment should participate in the IEP”. Bulletin They must pass the same requirements but with modifications
Divison of Special Education
Reclassification Considerations ELs with Disabilities (BUL , pp ) Reclassification Measures Annual CELDT or Alternate Assessment Teacher Evaluation Basic Skills Assessment Parent Notification & Approval District Criteria Overall score of 4 or 5 with each subtest score at least a 3 Grade of 3 or C (or better) Reading/ELA or B-requirement English/ELD Score of Basic or better on District’s basic skills assessment or passing score on CAHSEE ELA Parent notification and approval required Considerations for EL SWDs BUL Attachment J Use for recommending an EL SWD for reclassification if taking CELDT with modifications or if taking COM/Alternate Assessment. Refer to BUL for students to be assessed with COM. Attachment B Use to recommend an EL SWD for reclassification who has not met Teacher Evaluation criterion. To be discussed in IEP meeting first, then LAT with parent/guardian present. Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Do not use DIBELS Next or SRI; teacher will administer MAP through DHH Program. Assessments other than DIBELS/SRI can be considered for all EL SWDs who may need to meet this criterion alternately. Use Attachment J. IEP meeting may need to be held prior to recommending an EL SWD for reclassification. Confer with IEP Case Manager. 4 minutes Review the chart. Provide enough time for the questions that may arise. Review considerations: Annual CELDT or Alternate Assessment- Use BUL , Attachment J. Use for recommending an EL SWD for reclassification if taking CELDT with modifications or if taking COM/Alternate Assessment. Refer to BUL for students to be assessed with COM Teacher Evaluation-Use BUL , Attachment C. Use to recommend an EL SWD for reclassification who has not met Teacher Evaluation criterion. To be discussed in IEP meeting first, then LAT with parent/guardian present. Basic Skills Assessment-For Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) do not use DIBELS Next or SRI; teacher will administer the Making Action Plan assessment (MAP) through DHH Program. Assessments other than DIBELS/SRI can be considered for all EL SWDs who may need to meet this criterion alternately. Use Attachment J. Parent Approval-IEP meeting may need to be held prior to recommending an EL SWD for reclassification. Confer with IEP Case Manager. BUL : Reclassification of English Learners BUL : Policies and Procedures for Identifying Students with Disabilities as Low-Verbal/Non-Verbal and as Potential ELs MPI Follow-Up Spring 2015
Benefits of Reclassification
Students who reclassify are more likely to: have opportunities to enroll in A-G courses and college preparatory electives graduate on time and are college and career ready
How is your child doing? Handout #3
Taking Action Piece. Ask parents to take out handout #3 and review how their LTEL student is progressing and how they can best support him or her towards reclassification. If necessary they can make an appointment with the EL Designee at the school site.
Ask parents to write down what they have learned. Share out
1 Ask parents to write down what they have learned. Share out
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