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Published byDinah Collins Modified over 9 years ago
LRO System Requirements Review Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment Requirements Marc C. Foote Lunar Diviner System Engineer Jet Propulsion Laboratory
08 - 2 DLRE Organization Chart
08 - 3 Science Overview / Theory of Operation Measurement Goals: Map Global Day/Night Surface Temperatures Map Global Solar Illumination Characterize Thermal Environments for Habitability Determine Rock Abundances at Landing Sites Identify Potential Polar Ice Reservoirs Map Silicate Mineralogy to Locate Ilmenite – Easily Broken Down into Titanium, Iron, and Oxygen Measurement Approach: Minor changes from heritage Mars Climate Sounder instrument (MRO) 9-channel radiometric pushbroom mapper (0.3 to 200 micron wavelength range) 300m spatial resolution Internal blackbody and solar calibration targets
08 - 4 Heritage AreaHeritage from Mars Climate Sounder Changes from Mars Climate Sounder MechanicalAll ElectronicAll electronic hardware in instrument. Addition of external interface box with processor, FPGA, memory, and 1553 interface. Program for FPGA in instrument. SoftwareMost of software for processor in instrument. Minor changes to software for processor in instrument. Software for new interface box – bundles data and interfaces with spacecraft. ThermalAll except noted under changes.Addition of extra blankets or shields in nadir region to mitigate warmer thermal environment OpticalAll except spectral filters.Spectral filters. I&TTest Equipment Most of assembly procedures Most of test procedures Assembly and test of external interface box. Functional Requirements Document format. Majority of requirements. Spectral bandpass requirements. Integration time requirement. Spacecraft interface requirements.
08 - 5 Instrument Documents LRO Requirements Document; ESMD-RLEP-0010 –LRO Mission Requirements Document; 431-RQMT-00004 LRO Technical Resource Allocations; 431-RQMT-000112 Instrument Payload Assurance Implementation Plan DLRE Mechanical Interface Control Document 431-ICD-000086 DLRE Electrical Interface Control Document 431-ICD-000095 DLRE Data Interface Control Document 431-ICD-000105 DLRE Thermal Interface Control Document 431-ICD-000116 –Instrument Requirements Documents Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE) Instrument Performance Requirements Document (IPR) JPL-D-32399 Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE) Data Product Specification Document (DPS) JPL-D-32400 Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE) Functional Requirements Document (FRD) JPL-D-32375
08 - 6 Mission Level Requirements ESMD-RLEP-0010 LRO Req. Level 1: Requirements LRO Mission Requirement Required Data Products RLEP- LRO-M50 The LRO shall obtain temperature mapping from 40 - 300K in the Moon’s polar regions (within 5 degrees of the poles) to 300m spatial resolution and 5K precision for a full lunar cycle. Direct temperature mapping at ~300M spatial resolution with minimum detectable temperature of 24K over an entire diurnal cycle enables the detection and characterization of cold traps in polar shadowed regions. RLEP- LRO-M80 The LRO shall assess meter-scale features of the lunar surface to enable safety analysis for potential lunar landing sites over targeted areas of 100km^2 per the LRO Landing Site Target Specification Document. Determine rock abundances of up to 50 selected potential landing sites. RLEP- LRO-M90 The LRO shall characterize the Moon’s polar region (within 5 degrees of the poles) illumination environment at relevant temporal scales (i.e., typically that of hours) to a 100m spatial resolution and 5 hour average temporal resolution. Provide illumination map derived from Illumination and Scattering Model (Includes slopes, raytraced shadows, and full 3D radiosity solution for scattered solar and infrared radiation), and 1-D lunar thermal model. RLEP- LRO-M100 The LRO shall obtain high spatial resolution global resources assessment including elemental composition, mineralogy, and regolith characteristics to a 20% accuracy and a 5km resolution. Fine-component thermal inertia and lambert albedo from surface temperature, solar reflectance and topography
08 - 7 Instrument System Level Requirements (1) Level 1 Req. Instrument Level 2: DLRE Instrument Performance Requirements JPL-D-32399 Concept/Realizability/ Comment Level 2 Req. Number DIVINER Instrument Measurement Requirement M50- DIVINER DLRE-L2-1To achieve 300m spatial resolution from the LRO mapping orbit (50 km nominal altitude), Diviner's IFOV must not exceed 6 mrad cross-track and 6 mrad along-track. Detector and optics sized to 6mrad M50- DIVINER DLRE-L2-2To achieve 300M spatial resolution from the LRO mapping orbit (50km nominal altitude) along-track, Diviner must have an integration period of less than 180 ms. 128 ms integration time M50- DIVINER DLRE-L2-3To achieve 24k minimum detectable temperature, Diviner must achieve a SNR ≥1 in at least one spectral channel when viewing a blackbody source at 24K. 100-200μm band with high sensitivity M50- DIVINER DLRE-L2-4To map temperatures between 40 and 300K in the polar region and characterize cold traps, Diviner must have multiple spectral bands spanning at least 15-150 μm. Four pushbroom arrays with passbands 12.5-25μm, 25- 50μm, 50-100μm, 100- 200μm M50- DIVINER DLRE-L2-5To map temperatures between 40 and 300K in the polar region and characterize cold traps, Diviner must measure surface brightness temperature with an accuracy of 5K from 40-55K, 2.5K from 55-75K, and 1K from 75-300 K. Stable detectors, internal blackbody calibration target, frequent looks into space
08 - 8 Instrument System Level Requirements (2) Level 1 Req. Instrument Level 2: DLRE Instrument Performance Requirements JPL-D-32399 Concept/Realizability/ Comment Level 2 Req. Number DIVINER Instrument Measurement Requirement M50- DIVINER Subset of DLRE-L2- 10 To characterize temperatures over a full lunar diurnal cycle requires measurements distributed over approximately 10 local times of the lunar day. To achieve this coverage within 5° of the poles, Diviner must have a swath width of at least 1km at 50km altitude. 10 pixels in row, each 300 m on ground M80- DIVINER DLRE-L2-6To determine rock abundances, Diviner must be capable of measuring nighttime emitted thermal radiation of surfaces as low as 70K in at least two non-overlapping spectral channels that span a spectral range as wide as possible while maintaining temperature resolution of 1K. 25-50μm and 50-100μm micron high-sensitivity thermal bands M90- DIVINER DLRE-L2-7To produce polar illumination maps, Diviner must make simultaneous and spatially coincident broadband solar reflectance and thermal emission measurements. Two solar and four thermal co-aligned arrays M90- DIVINER DLRE-L2-8To produce polar illumination maps, Diviner must measure broadband solar reflectance and thermal emission measurements with roughly equal detection thresholds (~24K for thermal emission, and 3x10 -5 times the broadband solar reflection for a normally illuminated, perfectly diffusing unit albedo surface at 1 AU). One high-sensitivity solar band and one high- sensitivity 100-200μm thermal band
08 - 9 Instrument System Level Requirements (3) Level 1 Req. Instrument Level 2: DLRE Instrument Performance Requirements JPL-D-32399 Concept/Realizability/ Comment Level 2 Req. Number DIVINER Instrument Measurement Requirement M90- DIVINER DLRE-L2-9To produce polar illumination maps, Diviner must make solar reflectance measurement accurate to the larger of 3% of local reflectance, or 0.1% of the maximum solar reflectance from the moon. Solar calibration target M90- DIVINER DLRE-L2-5To produce polar illumination maps, Diviner must measure surface brightness temperature with an accuracy of 5K from 40-55K, 2.5K from 55-75K, and 1K from 75-300 K. Stable detectors, internal blackbody calibration target, frequent looks into space M100- DIVINER DLRE-L2- 10 To measure thermal inertia and lambert albedo over a majority of the lunar surface, Diviner must have a swath width of at least 3km at 50km altitude. 10 pixels in row, each 300 m on ground M100- DIVINER Subset of DLRE-L2-5 To measure thermal inertia, which requires night time surface temperature measurements, Diviner must measure surface brightness temperature with an accuracy 1K from 75-200 K. Stable detectors, internal blackbody calibration target, frequent looks into space
08 - 10 Instrument System Level Requirements (4) Level 1 Req. Instrument Level 2: DLRE Instrument Performance Requirements JPL-D-32399 Concept/Realizability/ Comment Level 2 Req. Number DIVINER Instrument Measurement Requirement M100DLRE-L2- 11 To differentiate different silicate classes and locate ilmenite below 80° latitude, Diviner must have at least two spectral channels between 7-13 m and one channel near 15 m with spectral bandwidths ≤1.2 mm. Three mineralogy spectral bands in 7-16 μm range M100DLRE-L2- 12 To differentiate different silicate classes below 80° latitude, Diviner must have signal-to-noise ratios of at least 100 in the 7-13 mm spectral bands for temperatures greater than 250 K. High sensitivity in mineralogy bands
08 - 11 Level 2 Req.Level 3: DLRE Functional Requirements JPL-D-32375 Level 3 Req. #Laser Design Requirements DLRE-L2-1 (≤6mrad IFOV) 43 The nominal IFOV of each detector shall be 3.58 mrad by 6.15 mrad, corresponding to 178 m cross track and 308 m in track at an altitude of 50 km. 44IFOV response: 85% within nominal IFOV, 98% within 3x nominal IFOV DLRE-L2-2 (≤180 ms integration time) 294 The focal plane interface electronics shall digitally integrate the 14-bit samples for each ASIC channel and deliver 16-bit integrated samples to software at nominally 0.128 second intervals. DLRE-L2-3 (SNR≥1 at 24K) 33Channel B3: 100-200μm. 84 Noise-Equivalent In-Band Spectral Radiance (W/cm 2 st m) for channel B3 ≤5.4e-9. DLRE-L2-4 (multiple bands ≥15-150μm) 33 Channel A6: 12.5-25 μm; Channel B1: 25-50 μm; Channel B2: 50-100 μm; Channel B3: 100-200 μm Instrument Subsystem Level Requirements (1)
08 - 12 Level 2 Req.Level 3: DLRE Functional Requirements JPL-D-32375 Level 3 Req. #Laser Design Requirements DLRE-L2-5 (Accurate thermal measurements) 68,69 Radiance in thermal channels calibrated to better than 0.5% of 300K blackbody radiance. Precision to better than 0.1% of 300K blackbody radiance. 229Blackbody calibration target mounted to instrument base. 134 Elevation drive shall have range of 270° to allow looks into space and at blackbody calibration target. DLRE-L2-6 (Two non- overlapping bands with T≤1K at 70K) 33Channel B1: 25-50 μm; Channel B2: 50-100 μm 84 Noise-Equivalent In-Band Spectral Radiance (W/cm 2 st m) for channel B1 ≤2.2e-8. Noise-Equivalent In-Band Spectral Radiance (W/cm 2 st m) for channel B2 ≤1.1e-8. Instrument Subsystem Level Requirements (2)
08 - 13 Level 2 Req.Level 3: DLRE Functional Requirements JPL-D-32375 Level 3 Req. #Laser Design Requirements DLRE-L2-7 (simultaneous and coincident 39Six parallel and aligned linear arrays – two solar and four thermal. solar and thermal measurements) 50,51Telescopes A and B aligned to better than 0.6mrad. DLRE-L2-8 (Roughly equal solar and 33 Channel A1: 0.3-3 μm Channel B3: 100-200μm. thermal detection thresholds) 84 Noise-Equivalent In-Band Spectral Radiance (W/cm 2 st m) for channel A1 ≤2.0e-7. Noise-Equivalent In-Band Spectral Radiance (W/cm 2 st m) for channel B3 ≤5.4e-9. DLRE-L2-9 (accurate solar measurements) 74Solar measurements calibrated to 3% accuracy and 0.1% precision. 238Solar calibration target mounted to instrument base. 114,134Azimuth and elevation drives allow looks into space and at solar cal target Instrument Subsystem Level Requirements (3)
08 - 14 Level 2 Req.Level 3: DLRE Functional Requirements JPL-D-32375 Level 3 Req. #Laser Design Requirements DLRE-L2-10 (swath width 3km) 259,267 Focal plane A shall have 6 linear arrays each with 21 detectors. Focal plane B shall have 3 linear arrays each with 21 detectors. 43 IFOV of each detector shall be 3.58 mrad by 6.15 mrad, corresponding to 178 m cross track and 308 m in track from the LRO orbiter at an altitude of 50 km. DLRE-L2-11 (Three spectral channels in 7- 16μm range) 33Channel A3: X-XX μm; Channel A4: Y-YY μm DLRE-L2-12 (SNR≥100 above 250K in mineralogy channels) 84 Noise-Equivalent In-Band Spectral Radiance (W/cm 2 st m) for channel A3 ≤X Noise-Equivalent In-Band Spectral Radiance (W/cm 2 st m) for channel A4 ≤Y Instrument Subsystem Level Requirements (4)
08 - 15 Data Product Traceability LevelDiviner Data ProductsInputs 0Depacketized time-sequenced raw science and houskeeping data Raw science and housekeeping 1aCalibrated radiances and housekeeping dataLevel 0 1bCalibrated radiances and housekeeping data merged with project supplied geometry and timing Level 1a plus project- supplied NAIF and SPICE 2Gridded (lat,lon,local time) global surface temperaturesLevel 1b 2*Queryable web version of Level 2, including annual min/max/average temps Level 2 3Gridded global fields: Lambert albedo, fine-component thermal inertia, rock abundance Level 2 + Gridded global topography + 3D illumination model + 1D thermal model 3*Queryable web version of Level 3Level 3 4Polar Resource Products: Localized maps of derived surface and subsurface temperatures, thermal inertia, near-IR maps Levels 1-3 + 3D illumination and scattering model
08 - 16 DLRE Constraints on LRO TitleRequirementRationale Sun DamageDiviner shall never look at the Sun, even for a few milliseconds during nominal or emergency S/C operations Focal plane detectors will be destroyed Calibration 1The spacecraft shall provide cross-track space views for Diviner 90° from nadir in the anti-sun hemisphere Space and internal BB target calibration views required 10 times per orbit Calibration 2Diviner shall be mounted to the IM to ensure the solar calibration target can be fully illuminated by the sun each orbitl. Solar calibration required once per orbit, accomplished by azimuth and elevation gimbals. Pointing AccuracyPointing requirements (pitch, roll, and yaw) Control 6.0 mrad, Knowledge 3.0 mrad, Stability 1.5 mrad in 0.128 seconds Needed for image registration and reconstruction, and to reduce FOV smearing EphemeridesReconstruction knowledge in lunar centered coordinates: Tangential <150 m, Radial < 300 m Needed for image registration and reconstruction
08 - 17 Instrument Schematic Diagram
08 - 18 Optical System Layout
08 - 19 Electronics Block Diagram
08 - 20 Development Flow Electronics / Yoke Assembly Azimuth Drive / Yoke Assembly Elevation Drive / Yoke Assembly FPA / Filters Assemble & Align Telescopes / Optics Assemble & Align Optics Bench / Electronics Assembly Telescopes / Optics Bench Install & Align Radiometer / Yoke Assembly Functional Testing
08 - 21 Instrument Verification CharacteristicPre-Flight Verification Method (Instrument Level Unless Noted) In-Flight Verification Method IFOVScanning slit source across field of view None Spectral BandpassesScan wavelength with monochrometerNone Radiometric Accuracy and Signal-to-Noise Ratio – Thermal Bands Cold and hot blackbody sourcesLooks into space and at internal blackbody calibration target Radiometric Accuracy and Signal-to-Noise Ratio – Solar Bands Calibrated lamp sourceLooks into space and at solar calibration target Alignment Between Telescopes A and B Scanning slit source across field of view Scanning across horizon Alignment with Other Instruments Scanning slit source across field of view (orbiter level) Scanning across horizon (both axes) Test plans, procedures and results are archived in the JPL Project Data Management System or DLRE Docushare Library. Hardcopies of as-run test procedures and test results will be contained in the end-item data package. All documentation is controlled per the DLRE Configuration Management Plan.
08 - 22 Instrument Current Status Major mechanical, optical, and electronic systems are build-to-print Solar and thermal spectral pass bands selected Architecture for external interface box complete Mineralogy spectral pass band optimization study under way Study underway to select optimal modifications to mitigate warmer thermal environment (thicker blankets verses higher reflectivity on outer blankets verses high reflectivity shield)
08 - 23 Schedule
08 - 24 Summary Diviner is a heritage instrument – it differs from Mars Climate Sounder in: –Spectral bands (different filters) –Shorter integration time –Different interface to spacecraft –Warmer thermal environment Diviner requirements are well understood and documented in: –DLRE Instrument Performance Requirements Document –DLRE Data Product Specification Document –DLRE Function Requirements Document DLRE constraints LRO have been flowed down and are documented in the LRO MRD Design status: –Contract for filter design and fabrication in negotiation –Design for hardware/software interface to spacecraft underway –Trade study underway to reduce thermal load in lunar environment
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