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A Study Guide to Exploring the Solar System Click to Start.

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Presentation on theme: "A Study Guide to Exploring the Solar System Click to Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Study Guide to Exploring the Solar System Click to Start

2 The Purpose of this study guide is to refresh your facts and knowledge you learned about space and the planets for the upcoming exam Continue BackBack EndEnd

3 Solar System Video Gc Continue Back Back EndEnd

4 After going through this study guide you should be able to name the planets in order, give and identify key facts about the planets, and identify specific knowledge about our planet Earth, getting 80% or higher on the quiz Continue Back Back EndEnd

5 Choose Your Area of the System The Planets Front To Back Important Facts Our Planet Earth The Solar System Quiz Back Back EndEnd Continue

6 The Planets Front to Back Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

7 Important Facts Mercury – Mercury orbits closest to the sun, and has a heavily cratered surface which can reach temperatures up to 801 degrees F. BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

8 Important Facts Mercury – Since the atmosphere can not trap heat nighttime temperatures can get as low as -279 degrees F. BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd Continue

9 Important Facts Venus – Venus’s atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide, with clouds of sulfuric acid. BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

10 Important Facts Venus – Venus is know as Earth’s sister planet because they are so alike BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

11 Important Facts Mars – Has a very rough surface of Volcanoes, Meteor impacts, shifting tectonic plates, and huge dust storms. BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

12 Important Facts Mars – Over 3.5 billion years ago Mars had the largest known flood in the solar system. BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

13 Important Facts Jupiter – Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. – Giant Red Spot- a giant spinning storm in Jupiter's atmosphere that has been observed for over 300 years. Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd Continue

14 Important Facts Saturn – The Ring system of Saturn is the most complex ring system in the solar system with millions of rings. – Saturn has 52 moons BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd Continue

15 Important Facts Uranus – Uranus’s axis is almost horizontal where every other planets axis’s are mostly vertical. – 80 percent of Uranus’s mass is contained in an extended liquid state of icy materials. BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd Continue

16 Important Facts Neptune – Is invisible to the naked eye – Hurricane like storms similar to Jupiter’s Giant Red spot, regularly move across Neptune's Surface BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

17 Our Planet Earth Facts to know – 3 rd planet from the sun – Complex system of Air, Water, and Land – Only planet to harbor life in the solar system – Oceans cover at least 70 percent of Earth’s surface BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd Continue

18 Our Planet Earth Facts to Know – Atmosphere protects us from radiation and Meteors – 23 hours and 56 minutes in a day – Max Temperature is 136 degrees F – Min Temperature is -126 degrees F BackBack Menu EndMenuEndContinue

19 The Solar System Quiz 10 Multiple choice questions Begin BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

20 The Solar System Quiz 1.Is Jupiter or Uranus closer to the sun? A- JupiterJupiter B- UranusUranus BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

21 Correct! A – Jupiter – Jupiter is the 5 th planet from the sun and Uranus is the 7 th thus making Jupiter closer to the sun than Uranus Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

22 Incorrect! B – Uranus – Uranus is the 7 th planet from the sun and Jupiter is the Fifth making Jupiter closer to the sun than Uranus. Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

23 The Solar System Quiz 2. The Earth is a complex system of ____, ____, and _____ A - land, moons, and stormsland, moons, and storms B - Atmosphere, oceans, and landAtmosphere, oceans, and land C - Air, Water, and LandAir, Water, and Land BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

24 Correct! C – Air, Water, and Land – Earth is a complex system of air, water, and land Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

25 Incorrect! A – Land, Moons, and storms – Earth is a complex system of Air, Water, and Land not Moons and Storms. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

26 Incorrect! B – Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land – Earth is a complex system of Air, Water, and Land not atmosphere and oceans even though Earth has both oceans and an atmosphere. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

27 The Solar System Quiz 3. What Planet is considered Earth’s sister planet? A - MercuryMercury B - JupiterJupiter C - MarsMars D - VenusVenus BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

28 Correct! D – Venus – Venus is called the sister planet to Earth because they are so alike Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

29 Incorrect! A – Mercury – Venus is considered Earth’s sister planet because they are so alike. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

30 Incorrect! B – Jupiter – Venus is considered Earth’s sister planet because they are so alike. Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

31 Incorrect! C – Mars – Venus is considered Earth’s sister planet because they are so alike. Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

32 The Solar System Quiz 4. What Planet contains the Giant Red Spot? A – JupiterJupiter B – SaturnSaturn C – MarsMars D- NeptuneNeptune Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

33 Correct! A – Jupiter – Jupiter Giant Red Spot is a constant spinning storm that has been observed for nearly 300 years. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

34 Incorrect! B – Saturn – Jupiter is know for having the Giant Red Spot, Saturn is known for its incredible ring system Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

35 Incorrect! C – Mars – Jupiter is known for having the Giant Red Spot, Mars is known for is rocky red surface. Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

36 Incorrect! D – Neptune – Jupiter is known for having the Giant Red Spot, where Neptune is known for a similar spot on its surface but it is blue. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenu End

37 The Solar System Quiz 5. How many moons orbit the planet Saturn? A – 5252 B – 4040 BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

38 Correct! A – 52 – Saturn has 52 moons. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

39 Incorrect! B – 40 – Saturn has 52 moons. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenu End

40 The Solar System Quiz 6. Which Planet is invisible to the naked eye? A – MarsMars B – UranusUranus C – NeptuneNeptune D - SaturnSaturn BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

41 Correct! C – Neptune – The planet Neptune is invisible to the naked eye. Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

42 Incorrect! A – Mars – The Planet Neptune is invisible to the naked eye. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

43 Incorrect! B – Uranus – The Planet Neptune is invisible to the naked eye. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

44 Incorrect! D – Saturn – The Planet Neptune is invisible to the naked eye. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

45 The Solar System Quiz 7. Oceans cover about what percent of Earth’s surface? A – 65%65% B – 70%70% C – 40 %40 % D – 80%80% BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

46 Correct! B – 70% – 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

47 Incorrect! A – 65% – 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

48 Incorrect! C – 40% – 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

49 Incorrect! D – 80% – 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

50 The Solar System Quiz 8. What Planet had the biggest flood 3.5 Billion years ago? A – MercuryMercury B – VenusVenus C – MarsMars D – EarthEarth BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

51 Correct! C – Mars – Mars had the biggest flood in the solar system about 3.5 billion years ago. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

52 Incorrect! A – Mercury – Mars had the biggest flood in the solar system about 3.5 billion years ago. Continue Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

53 Incorrect! B – Venus – Mars had the biggest flood in the solar system about 3.5 billion years ago. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

54 Incorrect! D – Earth – Mars had the biggest flood in the solar system about 3.5 billion years ago. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

55 The Solar System Quiz 9. What is the only planet to harbor life in the solar system? A – SaturnSaturn B – MarsMars C – VenusVenus D – None of the AboveNone of the Above BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

56 Correct! D – None of the Above – Earth is the only planet in the solar system that harbors life. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

57 Incorrect! A – Saturn – Earth is the only planet in the solar system that harbors life. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

58 Incorrect! B – Mars – Earth is the only planet in the solar system that harbors life. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

59 Incorrect! C – Venus – Earth is the only planet in the Solar System to harbor life. Continue BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

60 The Solar System Quiz 10. What is the hottest Earth has ever been in degrees F? A – 136 Degrees F136 Degrees F B – 150 Degrees F150 Degrees F C – 126 Degrees F126 Degrees F D – 130 Degrees F130 Degrees F BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

61 Correct! A – 136 Degrees F – 136 Degrees F is the hottest Earth has ever been. BackBack Menu EndMenuEnd

62 Incorrect! B – 150 Degrees F – 136 Degrees F is the hottest Earth has ever been. Back Back Menu EndMenuEnd

63 Incorrect! C – 126 Degrees F – 136 Degrees F is the hottest Earth has ever been. BackBack Menu EndMenu End

64 Incorrect! D – 130 Degrees F – 136 Degrees F is the hottest earth has ever been. BackBack Menu EndMenu End

65 Congratulations! You have successfully finished the Space and Planets review guide! If you got higher than an 8 on the quiz you should be good to go for the test with some studying but if you got lower than an 8 on the quiz you might want to review this study guide again! Start Over

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