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GOES-8 to GOES-12 Transition Direct Readout Conference Cindy Hampton NESDIS/Office of Satellite Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "GOES-8 to GOES-12 Transition Direct Readout Conference Cindy Hampton NESDIS/Office of Satellite Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOES-8 to GOES-12 Transition Direct Readout Conference Cindy Hampton NESDIS/Office of Satellite Operations

2 2 Agenda Background Operational Transition Requirements Schedule Start Up Activity Product Transition Issues and Concerns

3 3 Background GOES-8 Launched April 13, 1994 GOES-8 Last Inclination maneuver: December 2002 –Partial maneuver due to amount of fuel remaining –Inclination requirement exceeded in April 2003: + 0.5 degrees GOES-12 launched in July 2001 and currently in storage mode at 105W. Sept 2, 1994 GOES-8

4 4 Operational Transition Requirements Minimal impact to users: no requirement to re- point GVAR antennas Provide sufficient testing period to evaluate GOES-12 performance by OSDPD, OSO and users Maintain continuous GOES-12 GVAR once has returned to normal on-orbit mode. A single switch for users from GOES-8 to GOES- 12 GVAR Minimize RF interference during transition

5 5 SOCC Schedule Return GOES-12 to On-orbit mode: January 9 Perform GOES-12 yearly north-south maneuver: January 14 Start GOES-12 Eastward Drift from ~110W towards 75W (~0.4 deg per day): January 17 Turn on Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI) High Voltage Power Supply and begin Imaging: January 21 Perform Image Navigation and Registration (INR) Recovery: January 20-24 Provide GVAR for user testing during drift: January 24-March 31

6 6 SOCC Schedule GOES-12 reaches ~ 81W: March 31 –Perform swap of GOES-12 GVAR data for GOES-8 as GOES-East using GOES-8 GVAR transponder. GOES-8 data would be available as backup via a ground patch. Continue GOES-8 – normal housekeeping schedule GOES-12/GOES-8 Cross Over: April 20

7 7 SOCC Schedule Stop GOES-12 drift at 74.5W: April 22 –Communication Services switch over (e.g. WEFAX, EMWIN, DCS, SARSAT) Start GOES-8 westward drift maneuver towards 105W: April 24 –GOES-12 Imagery outage for ~2 hours due to RF command interference. GOES –10 Full Disk

8 8 Start Up Activity January 9-24 Scan Mirror Contamination Avoidance Outgassing if required Radiometric Calibration with ORA INR Start up SXI High Voltage Turn On –Scanning with sun by slewing solar array

9 9 GOES-12 Product Testing Products previously tested during NOAA Science Test Held from September 23, 2001 through October 27, 2001 –Change in imager resolution and spectral bands resulted in more extensive product implementation and testing 4km Channel 5 (12.0 µm) replaced with 8km Channel 6 (13.3 µm) Resolution on Channel 3 (6.7 µm) improved from 8km to 4km –GOES-12 data continued through December 16, 2001 –Data ingested and products created and tested in conjunction with ORA (Office of Research and Applications) –GOES-12 placed in storage December 20, 2001

10 10 Ingest Capability – Prior to 03/31/03 Imager and sounder data to be made available –NESDIS – SSD, ORA –NWS – NCEPs, N-AWIPS, AWIPS (test bed) External users will be able to access GVAR data directly from GOES-12 prior to March 31, 2003 –NCEP - AWC, TPC via own antennas –Private companies – i.e. WSI, AccuWeather –Other Direct Readout Customers

11 11 Product Readiness Primary NWS Usage – AWIPS AWIPS Readiness –Successful stream testing during NOAA Science Test with NWS Test Network Control Facility (TNCF – McLean, VA) –All AWIPS builds can handle GOES-12 Changes –Plans for additional final testing during move of GOES-12 prior to March 31, 2003

12 12 Product Readiness GOES Products Ready Include: –Winds, Radiances, Imager and Sounder ASOS SCP (Automated Surface Observing System Satellite Cloud Product), AutoEstimator, Sounder DPI (Derived Product Imagery), Remapped Imagery: AWIPS, N-AWIPS and McIDAS (Man computer Interactive Data Access System), WEFAX / LRIT, SST (Sea Surface Temperature), CSBT (Clear Sky Brightness Temperature, experimental) GOES Products Discontinued Due to Band 5 to 6 Changes: – Imager DPI, and some volcano products All used internally within SSD. Replacement products available GOES Products Planned Readiness: –GSIP (GOES Solar Insulation Product) code by Dec from ORA –ABBA (Advanced Biomass Burning Algorithm) code by Dec from CIMSS

13 13 GOES 8 to 12 Transition G12 Station Δ, ~0.40 deg/day (~75 days) Eclipse Season G12 Return To On-Orbit Mode 1/9/03 GOES 8 Drift to 105W FebMarJanMayAprJun Provide GVAR For Test 1/24/03 Swap GOES 8 GVAR With GOES 12 3/31/03 GOES 12 Reaches 75W 4/22/03 SXI Turn On 1/21/03 Delivery of Winds & Radiances Products by 02/14/03 All GOES-12 Products Tested and Validated 03/07/03 Additional AWIPS Testing All GOES - East Products Produced from GOES-12 03/31/03 Comm Services Switched To GOES-12 4/22/03

14 14 For more information: GOES-8 to GOES-12 Transition Plan

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