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Monday May 5, 2014. What is Environmental Science? An Interdisciplinary study that integrates information and ideas from natural sciences: Biology, Chemistry,

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Presentation on theme: "Monday May 5, 2014. What is Environmental Science? An Interdisciplinary study that integrates information and ideas from natural sciences: Biology, Chemistry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday May 5, 2014

2 What is Environmental Science? An Interdisciplinary study that integrates information and ideas from natural sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences. And Social Sciences: economics, politics and ethics

3 Introduction Course Development History Development Committee College Equivalent One Semester, Introductory College Course Interdisciplinary Emphasis on Scientific Principles & Analysis Lab Component

4 The goal is to provide students with Scientific principles, concepts and methodologies to understanding interrelationships of the natural world To identify and analyze environmental problems To evaluate relative risks To examine alternative solutions

5 The Course Critical Thinking/Analysis Fieldwork, data collection Address auditory, visual, kinesthetic leaner Inquiry, student based activities Experimental Design Scientific Papers Case Studies

6 The Course Six Major Understandings Science is a dynamic process Energy Conversions underlie economic processes Earth is an interconnected system Humans alter natural systems Cultural context of environmental problems Survival depend on sustainable systems

7 Topic Outline Earth Systems and Resources (10-15%) The Living World (10-15%) Population (10-15%) Land and Water Use (10-15%) Energy Resources and Consumption (10-15%) Pollution (25-30%) Global Change (10-15%)

8 Exam Format-May 6, 2012 The AP Environmental Science Exam is 3 hours long and is divided equally in time between a multiple- choice section and a free-response section. The multiple-choice section, which constitutes 60 percent of the final grade, consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. The free-response section emphasizes the application of principles in greater depth. In this section, students must organize answers to broad questions, thereby demonstrating reasoning and analytical skills, as well as the ability to synthesize material from several sources into cogent and coherent essays. Four free-response questions are included in this section, which constitutes 40 percent of the final grade: 1 data-set question, 1 document- based question, and 2 synthesis and evaluation questions.

9 The Basics Textbook Environmental Science for AP (656 pages) Digital edition Lab book: Molnar, William. 2005, Laboratory Investigations in AP Environmental Science. Requirements: Text and assigned readings Assigned questions and problems Class and Laboratory participation Laboratory reports Edline Attendance

10 The Grade Assessments-75% Exams 65% Tests will encompass several chapters Quizzes- 10% Homework- 10% Labs, Projects-15%


12 Technology in the Classroom 1) Ipads 1)Please download NEARPOD onto your smartphone, APES (app) 2) Correct Proxy settings….. 3) Lets take a quick poll using nearpod 4) Sign up for Remind 101 and enroll yourself as a student in Blendspace (codes are on edline)


14 Absenteeism- Daily Attendance is a key to success. Make every effort to have a good attendance record. If you are absent the day of the exam, it is expected that you will complete the exam (on your own time) within one day of returning to class. Due to the limitations of a limited test bank, make up exams will be more difficult, therefore it is in your best interest not to miss an exam. Lateness: 3 Lateness's=1 cut ** no exceptions** Missed assignments & Labs All work missed must be made up. All assignments are due the day that you return to class without penalty. There will be a one week grace period for labs missed due to illness.

15 What do I Need? Organization is the key to success….. 2- Marble Notebooks Weekly Current Event Journal APES Topic Outline Recommended Chapter Outline http 3-ring Binder With dividers 1-Homework 2-PowerPoint/Notes 3-Review/Tests/Quizzes 4-Labs/Projects/Activities

16 How to Write an Outline What is it? An outline is a general plan of the material that is to be presented in a speech or a paper. Thesis Statement of Summarizing Sentence All outlines should begin with a thesis statement of summarizing sentence. This thesis sentence presents the central idea of the paper. It must always be a complete, grammatical sentence, specific and brief, which expresses the point of view you are taking towards the subject. Types of Outlines The two main types of outlines are the topic outline and the sentence outline. In the topic outline, the headings are given in single words or brief phrases. In the sentence outline, all the headings are expressed in complete sentences.

17 Assignment #1 Tracking the Vanishing Frogs ** Due Tuesday, 9/10/2013 Journal what you read; including the dates and page numbers, take notes of the facts, information and situations that you are reading about. Write down the vocabulary and/or the information that you do not understand. Write any questions you may develop as a result of your reading. I encourage you to write any kind of response, positive, negative or otherwise, to the work you are reading at the time. As you read, indicate the dates and page numbers or chapter that you are responding to. Include new information that you have learned and what it means to you. One-page summary- As you read, try to relate or connect the information to your life personally. How did you feel about the book, was it a good read? Would you recommend it to others? What information affected you the most? How do you think it will relate to this course? How do you plan to follow up on what you have read?



20 Who? What? Why? Where? How? You will do this by searching for and summarizing a news article dealing with an environmental issue. The article and your summary are due every Friday. The following are the requirements for each article. APES\Environmental Science Current Event Assignment2010.doc It is recommended that you follow the current events rubric very carefully to earn full points.

21 Assignment #2- Current Event Article (Due every Monday, effective 9/10)

22 Assignment #3- FRQ Quiz Test Question: 2005 APES Free Response Question #1 or 2003 APES Free Response Question #1 Quiz on FRQ #1 will be on Thursday, Sept 12, 2013 Time allotted: 25 minutes This is not an OPEN BOOK quiz. Be prepared! dents/envsci/ap05_frq_envir_sci.pdf dents/envsci/ap05_frq_envir_sci.pdf dents/envsci/envir_sci_frq_03.pdf dents/envsci/envir_sci_frq_03.pdf

23 Assignment #4: Name Droppers Due Friday Sept 13, 2013 Introduction: The study of environmental science is not just about terms, principles and facts. It is a social cause close to the hearts of may world citizens. The accumulation and quantity of knowledge today is due to the perseverant pursuits of many scientists, authors, politicians, and environmentalists. Each has had an impact, be it ever-so-large or ever-so- humble, both on the study of environmental science and the general environmental awareness of the world’s citizens. Procedure: Research the person assigned to you and answer the following questions: What was his/her occupation? What contributions has he/she made to our modern study, understanding and/or management of the environment? (NOTE: be specific! If there are multiple contributions, mention the three most significant. Be sure to explain WHY they are considered significant). Where does this individual fit in OUR study of AP Environmental Science? (NOTE: Study the outline below to find where you chosen individual fits and justify your choices. If there are multiple places where he/she fits, identify the three STRONGEST connections. Be specific: note the Roman numeral and capital letter. 2. Create a vehicle to share the information with the class. We will have a gallery walk to take notes and read everyone’s work. Be creative, neat and thorough.

24 Math!!!!!!!!! APES math packet will be due on Monday, Sept 16! Pace yourself…

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