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Information Literacy Standards Performing Arts Point Park University Library.

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1 Information Literacy Standards Performing Arts Point Park University Library

2 What is Information Literacy A person’s ability to find, evaluate and use information effectively from a variety of formats.

3 Importance of Information Literacy As academics we believe in education and the research process. We want our students to succeed now and in their future careers [life long learning]. Accreditation agencies ask for proof that students meet the standards.

4 The Standards Standard One: determines the nature & extent of the information needed. Standard Two: accesses needed information effectively & efficiently. Standard Three: evaluates critically information and its sources, decides whether to modify initial query, seek additional sources or develop new research process. Standard Four: presents information. Standard Five: understands ethical use of information.

5 Standard One The student determines the nature & extent of the information needed.

6 Standard 1 1. a. Understands the path of music and drama information [composition > performance>recording>reviews]. 1.b. Understands sub-disciplines in research and how they influence information organization [ethnomusicology, music theory, etc.]. 1.c. Understands visual/aural sources [liner notes, credits, content] vs. scores, synopses, lyrics & secondary literature. 1.d. Understands performance works formats and research use.

7 Standard Two The student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently.

8 Standard 2.0 2.a. Utilizes basic reference sources as tools for further research. 2.b. Finds performances’ & recordings’ reviews. 2.c. Utilizes online journal databases to obtain research articles. 2.d. Uses online multimedia material. 2.f. Understands how to locate non-print material in online catalogue. 2. g. Utilizes research resources for larger cultural context of performing arts.

9 Standard Three The student evaluates critically information and its sources, decides whether to modify initial query, seek additional sources or develop new research process.

10 Standard 3.0 3.a. Recognizes bias. 3.b. Recognizes performance & recording medium add complexity layers to original work. 3.c. Knows the difference between full score, piano/vocal, study score, etc. 3.d. Understands what constitutes a primacy source.

11 Standard Four The student understands how to utilize information effectively, individually or collectively, to accomplish a specific purpose.

12 Standard 4.0 4.a. Understands most suitable media to convey assignment. 4.b. Understands how to copy media portions to another medium.

13 Standard Five The student understands information & its technologies’ economic, ethical, legal and social issues.

14 Standard 5.0 5.a. Aware of fair use, copyright restrictions & royalty fees requirements. 5.b. Understands legal/illegal issues of downloading multimedia from the Internet. 5.c. Use citation guides for media & electronic sources.

15 The Evidence of a More Thoughtful Approach Bibliographies Databases used Search statements Research journals Portfolios of drafts

16 Progress Students will move from : broad, general reference sources to specialized, subject specific tools. using textbooks/overviews to specialized subject material. simple Google searches to more sophisticated use of Google & other search engines. using “first three hits” to carefully evaluated sources. broad, general topics to more specialized but researchable projects. simply stated search queries to well-formulated search statements. “copy & paste” mentality to reading, analyzing, synthesizing & interpreting information.

17 Suggestions for Successful Assignments Give students the assignments’ learning objectives. Clarify requirements & expectations in writing and verbally. Give specifics in writing– citation style, scholarly resources only, no googling, anything goes, etc. Check to see if library’s resources are adequate, if not ensure students know about alternate sources and see if library can buy more. Don’t assume they know the basics. Allow variety in topics. Foster critical thinking by developing assignments integrating information from variety of sources. Allow project to progress throughout course with instructor feedback. Get to know your reference/instruction librarians; share your syllabi.

18 Assignment Checklist Does assignment ask/encourage students to: articulate a research question, issue or problem? make multiple and different determinations about the types of sources necessary to complete the research? conduct research through electronic and book-based data retrieval systems? make selections from, integrate, and synthesize information retrieved in their search? analyze and evaluate the credibility of the information retrieved? utilize computer literacy skills to communicate their research discoveries? demonstrate an understanding of fair use of copyrighted material and intellectual property? develop long-term, adaptable, cross-disciplinary research skills? [Sonntag &Curry, CSU San Marcos, 1998-1999]

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