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Jesus Feeds 5000 Luke 9:10-17 The apostles returned and reported to Jesus v.10 (see v.1-6) He gave them a retreat v.10 Multitudes converged on them v.11 Jesus received them v.11 Taught them, healed many v.11 Apostles’ concern for them v.12 Jesus told them to provide food v.13
Jesus Feeds 5000 Luke 9:10-17 Jesus told them to provide food v.13
Remember v.1-6! Had five loaves & two fish v.13 5000 men v.14 Sat in groups of 50 (easy to count) v.14 Jesus gave thanks and broke bread v.15 All ate and were filled v.16 Twelve baskets left over v.17
Jesus Feeds 5000 Matthew 14:13-33 Multitude walked to Jesus v.13
Jesus was moved by compassion for them v.14 Jesus gave bread to disciples to give to crowd v.19 (see John 13:20) 5000 men + women & children v.21 Immediately sent disciples by boat v.22 Sent crowd away v.22 Retreated to pray v.23
Jesus Feeds 5000 Matthew 14:13-33 Boat was tossed by wind & waves v.24
Jesus walked on the sea to them v.25 Disciples thought He was a ghost v.26 “Don’t be afraid” v.27 Peter asked Jesus to command him to walk to Him on the water v.28 Jesus commanded him v.29 He walked on the water temporarily v.29 Began to sink v.30
Jesus Feeds 5000 Matthew 14:13-33 Began to sink v.30 Why?
Saw effect of wind (quit looking at Jesus-Hebrews 12:1-2) Began to fear -> began to sink Cried to Jesus to save him v.30 Jesus reached out and caught him v.31 You of little faith, why did you doubt? Wind stopped when they entered boat v.32 Worshiped “Truly You are the Son of God!”
Jesus Feeds 5000 Mark 6:30-52 Too busy to eat v.31
Crowd got there before they did to rest v.33 Jesus’ compassion for spiritual needs v.34 Apostles’ concern for physical needs v.36 Apostles’ solution (money) v.37 Jesus asked how much bread did they have v.38 five loaves and two fish Lesson not learned from feeding 5000 v.52
Jesus Feeds 5000 John 6:1-71 Crowd followed because of signs v.2
Jesus tested Philip v.5-6 Too little money for equal distribution v.7 Andrew finds a boy with 5 loaves, 2 fish v.8-9 “Gather up the fragments that remain so that nothing is lost” 12 baskets full v.12-13 Reaction: “This is truly the prophet who is to come into the world.” Tried to force Him to be king v.15 Jesus refused (see John 18:36)
Jesus Feeds 5000 John 6:1-71 Disciples had rowed against wind all night (3 or 4 miles) v.19 Afraid (have to see Mark) They received Jesus -> at destination v.21 Crowd’s effort to pursue Jesus v.22-25 Surprised to see Jesus at Capernaum v.25 Jesus confronts their carnal motives v.26 Jesus admonishes them to work for spiritual bread v.27
Jesus Feeds 5000 John 6:1-71 What works of God must we do? v.28
Believe in the One God sent is the spiritual work for spiritual bread v.29 They request a sign (specifically food!) v.31 Manna not the true bread from heaven v (spiritual life not from Moses) Give us this bread always v.34 I am the bread of life v.35-40 Come to Him = believe -> satisfied & live
Jesus Feeds 5000 John 6:1-71 They didn’t believe in Him v.36
Saw signs v.2 and now request more v.30 Believers raised with life in last day v.40 They didn’t understand v.41-42 Taught by God = drawn to Jesus -> come to Him = believe in Him -> live v.43-51 Physical eating of physical bread -> death Spiritual eating of spiritual bread -> life They confused spiritual for physical v.52
Jesus Feeds 5000 John 6:1-71 They confused spiritual for physical v.52
v.27 = v.29 = v.35 = v.40 = v.44 = v.47 = v.51 = v.54 = v.59 The carnal could not understand Him v.60 The real issue is wrong value system v.63 The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life v.63 explains v.44 Many turned away v.66 Jesus asked apostles if they are leaving v.67
Jesus Feeds 5000 John 6:1-71 Peter’s answer: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. v.68 We have come to believe v.69 Peter can only speak for himself v.70 He knew Judas’ character v.71 He knew Jews’ hearts, challenged motives He knows our hearts We must hear God’s word, believe in Jesus, repent of sin, confess faith, be baptized into Christ the bread of life
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