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Zachary Robinson Phys 406.  What creates the sun’s energy? ◦ Composition of Sun ◦ Fusion in the Sun (and other stars)  Creation of the elements  Studying.

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Presentation on theme: "Zachary Robinson Phys 406.  What creates the sun’s energy? ◦ Composition of Sun ◦ Fusion in the Sun (and other stars)  Creation of the elements  Studying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zachary Robinson Phys 406

2  What creates the sun’s energy? ◦ Composition of Sun ◦ Fusion in the Sun (and other stars)  Creation of the elements  Studying the sun with helioseismology ◦ What is it? ◦ How is it used?  Studying the sun through neutrino detection ◦ Solar neutrino problem ◦ SNO

3  74% Hydrogen  24% Helium  2% Trace Elements -710.jpg

4 Hydrogen Recycling: Images from:

5 Images from:

6 Positron

7  Video from NOVA’s “Origins” mini-series:  er_embedded&v=neMEo8ZrwuI er_embedded&v=neMEo8ZrwuI

8  What is it? ◦ Study of the interior of the sun via observations of sound waves on its surface  How does it work? ◦ Sun acts as a spherical resonant cavity for acoustic waves ◦ Oscillations from acoustic waves result in small Doppler shifts of spectrum lines

9  How is it used? ◦ By numerically solving solar models we can determine information about the sun  For example: Solar structure, chemical composition, temperature at different depths

10  Detecting the proper amount of neutrinos from the sun would verify fusion theories  Solar Neutrino Problem (SNP): ◦ Solar neutrino measurements have yielded inconsistent and perplexing results ◦ Presently the measured flux of neutrinos is significantly less than the expected output from the sun’s fusion reactions!  SAGE and GALLEX detect only 60 to 70% of expected

11  The sun’s reaction mechanisms are not correctly understood ◦ This would be a huge blow to models which have otherwise been very successful ◦ No satisfactory modifications have been proposed  Experiments could be performed incorrectly  Reaction rates in the Sun could be lower than calculations predict  Something could happen to the neutrinos in transit to earth…

12  Three types of neutrinos: ◦ Electron, muon, tau  The sun should only produce electron neutrinos  Until recently, neutrino detectors could only detect electron neutrinos  MSW effect: Sun’s high mass densities enhance the flavor oscillations of neutrinos

13  Detector that could detect all three flavors  Built 6800 feet underground in Canada  Cherenkov detector using 1000 metric tons of heavy water (D 2 O)  All air, water, and materials in detector are extremely pure to reduce background noise from radioactive elements  Collecting data since 1999

14 "Fusion Process of the Sun." Grant Chronicles., 2009. Web. 28 Nov 2011.. Guenther, D.B. "Age of the Sun." Astrophysics Journal. 339. (1989): 1156- 1159. Print. Graps, Amara. "Helioseismology." Stanford University, 19 Feb 2009. Web. 6 Dec 2011.. "How the Sun Shines". 30 Nov 2011 Stark, P.B.. "Sounding the Sun: Helioseismology." AAAS Seminars. University of California, Apr 2011. Web. 3 Dec 2011. Strobel, Nick. "Neutrino." The Sun and Stellar Structure., 12 Jun 2010. Web. 3 Dec 2011. "The SNO Homepage." The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. The SNO Institute, 21 Apr 2011. Web. 24 Nov 2011..

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