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TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I Benno Rahardyan Pertemuan.

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1 TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I Benno Rahardyan Pertemuan

2 Tujuan Instruksional (TIK)
Mg Topik Sub Topik Tujuan Instruksional (TIK) 1 Pengantar Definisi dan sifat-sifat fluida, berbagai jenis fluida yang berhubungan dengan bidang TL Memahami berbagai kegunaan mekflu dalam bidang TL Pengaruh tekanan Tekanan dalam fluida, tekanan hidrostatik Mengerti prinsip-2 tekanan statitka 2 Pengenalan jenis aliran fluida Aliran laminar dan turbulen, pengembangan persamaan untuk penentuan jenis aliran: bilangan reynolds, freud, dll Mengerti, dapat menghitung dan menggunakan prinsip dasar aliran staedy state Idem 3 Prinsip kekekalan energi dalam aliran Prinsip kontinuitas aliran, komponen energi dalam aliran fluida, penerapan persamaan Bernoulli dalam perpipaan Mengerti, dapat menggunakan dan menghitung sistem prinsi hukum kontinuitas 4 Idem + gaya pada bidang terendam 5 Aplikasi kekekalan energi Aplikasi kekekalan energi dalam aplikasi di bidang TL Latihan menggunakan prinsip kekekalan eneri khususnya dalam bidang air minum UTS -

3 Pipes are Everywhere! Owner: City of Hammond, IN Project: Water Main Relocation Pipe Size: 54"

4 Pipes are Everywhere! Drainage Pipes

5 Pipes

6 Pipes are Everywhere! Water Mains

7 Types of Engineering Problems
How big does the pipe have to be to carry a flow of x m3/s? What will the pressure in the water distribution system be when a fire hydrant is open?

The laws of Statics that we have learned cannot solve Dynamic Problems. There is no way to solve for the flow rate, or Q. Therefore, we need a new dynamic approach to Fluid Mechanics.

9 The Bernoulli Equation
By assuming that fluid motion is governed only by pressure and gravity forces, applying Newton’s second law, F = ma, leads us to the Bernoulli Equation. P/g + V2/2g + z = constant along a streamline (P=pressure g =specific weight V=velocity g=gravity z=elevation) A streamline is the path of one particle of water. Therefore, at any two points along a streamline, the Bernoulli equation can be applied and, using a set of engineering assumptions, unknown flows and pressures can easily be solved for.

10 Free Jets The velocity of a jet of water is clearly related to the depth of water above the hole. The greater the depth, the higher the velocity. Similar behavior can be seen as water flows at a very high velocity from the reservoir behind the Glen Canyon Dam in Colorado

11 Closed Conduit Flow Energy equation EGL and HGL Head loss
major losses minor losses Non circular conduits

12 The Energy Line and the Hydraulic Grade Line
Looking at the Bernoulli equation again: P/γ + V2/2g + z = constant on a streamline This constant is called the total head (energy), H Because energy is assumed to be conserved, at any point along the streamline, the total head is always constant Each term in the Bernoulli equation is a type of head. P/γ = Pressure Head V2/2g = Velocity Head Z = elevation head These three heads, summed together, will always equal H Next we will look at this graphically…

13 Conservation of Energy
Kinetic, potential, and thermal energy head supplied by a pump hp = head given to a turbine ht = mechanical energy converted to thermal hL = Cross section 2 is ____________ from cross section 1! downstream irreversible Point to point or control volume? Why a? _____________________________________ V is average velocity, kinetic energy

14 Energy Equation Assumptions
hydrostatic Pressure is _________ in both cross sections pressure changes are due to elevation only section is drawn perpendicular to the streamlines (otherwise the _______ energy term is incorrect) Constant ________at the cross section _______ flow kinetic density Steady

15 head (w.r.t. reference pressure)
EGL (or TEL) and HGL elevation head (w.r.t. datum) pressure head (w.r.t. reference pressure) velocity head The energy grade line must always slope ___________ (in direction of flow) unless energy is added (pump) The decrease in total energy represents the head loss or energy dissipation per unit weight EGL and HGL are coincident and lie at the free surface for water at rest (reservoir) If the HGL falls below the point in the system for which it is plotted, the local pressures are _____ ____ __________ ______ downward lower than reference pressure

16 Energy equation Why is static head important? Energy Grade Line
velocity head Hydraulic G L static head pressure head Why is static head important? z elevation pump z = 0 datum

17 1 2 1 2 The Energy Line and the Hydraulic Grade Line
Lets first understand this drawing: Measures the Total Head 1: Static Pressure Tap Measures the sum of the elevation head and the pressure Head. 2: Pilot Tube Measures the Total Head EL : Energy Line Total Head along a system HGL : Hydraulic Grade line Sum of the elevation and the pressure heads along a system Measures the Static Pressure 1 2 1 2 EL V2/2g HGL Q P/γ Z

18 2 1 The Energy Line and the Hydraulic Grade Line
Understanding the graphical approach of Energy Line and the Hydraulic Grade line is key to understanding what forces are supplying the energy that water holds. Point 1: Majority of energy stored in the water is in the Pressure Head Point 2: Majority of energy stored in the water is in the elevation head If the tube was symmetrical, then the velocity would be constant, and the HGL would be level EL V2/2g V2/2g HGL P/γ 2 Q P/γ Z 1 Z

19 Bernoulli Equation Assumption
_________ (viscosity can’t be a significant parameter!) Along a __________ ______ flow Constant ________ No pumps, turbines, or head loss Frictionless streamline Steady density Why no a? ____________ point velocity Does direction matter? ____ no Useful when head loss is small

20 Pipe Flow: Review dimensional analysis
We have the control volume energy equation for pipe flow. We need to be able to predict the relationship between head loss and flow. How do we get this relationship? __________ _______. dimensional analysis

21 Example Pipe Flow Problem
cs1 D=20 cm L=500 m Find the discharge, Q. 100 m valve cs2 Describe the process in terms of energy!

22 Flow Profile for Delaware Aqueduct
Rondout Reservoir (EL. 256 m) 70.5 km West Branch Reservoir (EL m) Sea Level (Designed for 39 m3/s) Need a relationship between flow rate and head loss

23 Ratio of Forces Create ratios of the various forces
The magnitude of the ratio will tell us which forces are most important and which forces could be ignored Which force shall we use to create the ratios?

24 Inertia as our Reference Force
F=ma Fluids problems (except for statics) include a velocity (V), a dimension of flow (l), and a density (r) Substitute V, l, r for the dimensions MLT Substitute for the dimensions of specific force

25 Dimensionless Parameters
Reynolds Number Froude Number Weber Number Mach Number Pressure/Drag Coefficients (dependent parameters that we measure experimentally)

26 Problem solving approach
Identify relevant forces and any other relevant parameters If inertia is a relevant force, than the non dimensional Re, Fr, W, M, Cp numbers can be used If inertia isn’t relevant than create new non dimensional force numbers using the relevant forces Create additional non dimensional terms based on geometry, velocity, or density if there are repeating parameters If the problem uses different repeating variables then substitute (for example wd instead of V) Write the functional relationship

27 Friction Factor : Major losses
Laminar flow Hagen-Poiseuille Turbulent (Smooth, Transition, Rough) Colebrook Formula Moody diagram Swamee-Jain

28 Laminar Flow Friction Factor
Hagen-Poiseuille Darcy-Weisbach

29 Pipe Flow: Dimensional Analysis
What are the important forces? ______, ______,________. Therefore ________number and _______________ . What are the important geometric parameters? _________________________ Create dimensionless geometric groups ______, ______ Write the functional relationship Inertial viscous pressure Reynolds Pressure coefficient diameter, length, roughness height l/D e/D Other repeating parameters?

30 Dimensional Analysis How will the results of dimensional analysis guide our experiments to determine the relationships that govern pipe flow? If we hold the other two dimensionless parameters constant and increase the length to diameter ratio, how will Cp change? Cp proportional to l f is friction factor

31 Laminar Flow Friction Factor
Hagen-Poiseuille Darcy-Weisbach Slope of ___ on log-log plot -1

32 Viscous Flow in Pipes

33 Viscous Flow: Dimensional Analysis
Two important parameters! R - Laminar or Turbulent e/D - Rough or Smooth Where and

34 Laminar and Turbulent Flows
Reynolds apparatus inertia damping Transition at R of 2000

35 Boundary layer growth: Transition length
What does the water near the pipeline wall experience? _________________________ Why does the water in the center of the pipeline speed up? _________________________ Drag or shear Conservation of mass v v v Pipe Entrance Non-Uniform Flow Need equation for entrance length here

36 Images - Laminar/Turbulent Flows
Laser - induced florescence image of an incompressible turbulent boundary layer Laminar flow (Blood Flow) Simulation of turbulent flow coming out of a tailpipe Turbulent flow Laminar flow

37 Laminar, Incompressible, Steady, Uniform Flow
Between Parallel Plates Through circular tubes Hagen-Poiseuille Equation Approach Because it is laminar flow the shear forces can be quantified Velocity profiles can be determined from a force balance

38 Laminar Flow through Circular Tubes
Different geometry, same equation development (see Streeter, et al. p 268) Apply equation of motion to cylindrical sleeve (use cylindrical coordinates)

39 Laminar Flow through Circular Tubes: Equations
a is radius of the tube Max velocity when r = 0 Velocity distribution is paraboloid of revolution therefore _____________ _____________ average velocity (V) is 1/2 umax Q = VA = Vpa2

40 Laminar Flow through Circular Tubes: Diagram
Shear Velocity Laminar flow Shear at the wall True for Laminar or Turbulent flow

41 Laminar flow Continue *vz *vz*dQ dQ=vz2πrdr but
Momentum is Mass*velocity (m*v) Momentum per unit volume is *vz Rate of flow of momentum is *vz*dQ dQ=vz2πrdr but vz = constant at a fixed value of r Laminar flow

42 Laminar flow Continue Hagen-Poiseuille

43 The Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
cv pipe flow Constant cross section h or z Laminar pipe flow equations


45 Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Triatmodjo, CES-UGM :
Hidraulika I, Beta Ofset Yogyakarta, 1993 Hidraulika II, Beta Ofset Yogyakarta, 1993 Soal-Penyelesaian Hidraulika I, 1994 Soal-Penyelesaian Hidraulika II, 1995

46 Air mengalir melalui pipa berdiameter 150 mm dan kecepatan 5,5 m/det
Air mengalir melalui pipa berdiameter 150 mm dan kecepatan 5,5 m/det.Kekentalan kinematik air adalah 1,3 x 10-4 m2/det. Selidiki tipe aliran

47 Minyak di pompa melalui pipa sepanjang 4000 m dan diameter 30 cm dari titik A ke titik B. Titik B terbuka ke udara luar. Elevasi titik B adalah 50 di atas titik A. Debit 40 l/det. Debit aliran 40 l/det. Rapat relatif S=0,9 dan kekentalan kinematik 2,1 x 10-4 m2/det. Hitung tekanan di titik A.


49 Minyak dipompa melalui pipa berdiameter 25 cm dan panjang 10 km dengan debit aliran 0,02 m3/dtk. Pipa terletak miring dengan kemiringan 1:200. Rapat minyak S=0,9 dan keketnalan kinematik v=2,1x 10-4 m2/det. Apabila tekanan pada ujung atas adalah p=10 kPA ditanyakan tekanan di ujung bawah.


51 Turbulent Pipe and Channel Flow: Overview
Velocity distributions Energy Losses Steady Incompressible Flow through Simple Pipes Steady Uniform Flow in Open Channels

52 Turbulence A characteristic of the flow.
How can we characterize turbulence? intensity of the velocity fluctuations size of the fluctuations (length scale) instantaneous velocity mean velocity velocity fluctuation t

53 Turbulent flow When fluid flow at higher flowrates, the streamlines are not steady and straight and the flow is not laminar. Generally, the flow field will vary in both space and time with fluctuations that comprise "turbulence For this case almost all terms in the Navier-Stokes equations are important and there is no simple solution P = P (D, , , L, U,) uz úz Uz average ur úr Ur average p P’ p average Time

54 Turbulent flow All previous parameters involved three fundamental dimensions, Mass, length, and time From these parameters, three dimensionless groups can be build

55 Turbulence: Size of the Fluctuations or Eddies
Eddies must be smaller than the physical dimension of the flow Generally the largest eddies are of similar size to the smallest dimension of the flow Examples of turbulence length scales rivers: ________________ pipes: _________________ lakes: ____________________ Actually a spectrum of eddy sizes depth (R = 500) diameter (R = 2000) depth to thermocline

56 Turbulence: Flow Instability
In turbulent flow (high Reynolds number) the force leading to stability (_________) is small relative to the force leading to instability (_______). Any disturbance in the flow results in large scale motions superimposed on the mean flow. Some of the kinetic energy of the flow is transferred to these large scale motions (eddies). Large scale instabilities gradually lose kinetic energy to smaller scale motions. The kinetic energy of the smallest eddies is dissipated by viscous resistance and turned into heat. (=___________) viscosity inertia head loss

57 Velocity Distributions
Turbulence causes transfer of momentum from center of pipe to fluid closer to the pipe wall. Mixing of fluid (transfer of momentum) causes the central region of the pipe to have relatively _______velocity (compared to laminar flow) Close to the pipe wall eddies are smaller (size proportional to distance to the boundary) constant

58 Turbulent Flow Velocity Profile
Turbulent shear is from momentum transfer h = eddy viscosity Length scale and velocity of “large” eddies Dimensional analysis y

59 Turbulent Flow Velocity Profile
increases Size of the eddies __________ as we move further from the wall. k = 0.4 (from experiments)

60 Log Law for Turbulent, Established Flow, Velocity Profiles
Integration and empirical results Laminar Turbulent Shear velocity y x

61 Pipe Flow: The Problem We have the control volume energy equation for pipe flow We need to be able to predict the head loss term. We will use the results we obtained using dimensional analysis

62 Friction Factor : Major losses
Laminar flow Hagen-Poiseuille Turbulent (Smooth, Transition, Rough) Colebrook Formula Moody diagram Swamee-Jain

63 Turbulent Pipe Flow Head Loss
Proportional ___________ to the length of the pipe Proportional to the _______ of the velocity (almost) ________ with surface roughness Is a function of density and viscosity Is __________ of pressure square Increases independent

64 Smooth, Transition, Rough Turbulent Flow
Hydraulically smooth pipe law (von Karman, 1930) Rough pipe law (von Karman, 1930) Transition function for both smooth and rough pipe laws (Colebrook) (used to draw the Moody diagram)

65 Pipe Flow Energy Losses
Horizontal pipe Dimensional Analysis Darcy-Weisbach equation

66 Turbulent Pipe Flow Head Loss
Proportional ___________ to the length of the pipe ___________ to the square of the velocity (almost) ________ with the diameter (almost) ________ with surface roughness Is a function of density and viscosity Is __________ of pressure Proportional Inversely Increase independent

67 Surface Roughness Additional dimensionless group /D need to be characterize Thus more than one curve on friction factor-Reynolds number plot Fanning diagram or Moody diagram Depending on the laminar region. If, at the lowest Reynolds numbers, the laminar portion corresponds to f =16/Re Fanning Chart or f = 64/Re Moody chart

68 Friction Factor for Smooth, Transition, and Rough Turbulent flow
Smooth pipe, Re>3000 Rough pipe, [ (D/)/(Re√ƒ) <0.01] Transition function for both smooth and rough pipe

69 Smooth, Transition, Rough Turbulent Flow
Hydraulically smooth pipe law (von Karman, 1930) Rough pipe law (von Karman, 1930) Transition function for both smooth and rough pipe laws (Colebrook) (used to draw the Moody diagram)

70 Moody Diagram 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 friction factor 0.03 0.02 0.01
0.015 0.04 0.01 0.008 friction factor 0.006 0.03 0.004 laminar 0.002 0.02 0.001 0.0008 0.0004 0.0002 0.0001 0.01 smooth 1E+03 1E+04 1E+05 1E+06 1E+07 1E+08 R

71 Fanning Diagram f =16/Re

72 Swamee-Jain no f L hf Each equation has two terms. Why? 1976
limitations /D < 2 x 10-2 Re >3 x 103 less than 3% deviation from results obtained with Moody diagram easy to program for computer or calculator use no f L hf Each equation has two terms. Why?

73 Colebrook Solution for Q

74 Colebrook Solution for Q

75 Swamee D?

76 Pipe roughness Must be dimensionless! pipe material pipe roughness 
(mm) glass, drawn brass, copper 0.0015 commercial steel or wrought iron 0.045 Must be dimensionless! asphalted cast iron 0.12 galvanized iron 0.15 cast iron 0.26 concrete rivet steel corrugated metal 45 0.12 PVC

77 Solution Techniques find head loss given (D, type of pipe, Q)
find flow rate given (head, D, L, type of pipe) find pipe size given (head, type of pipe,L, Q)

78 Exponential Friction Formulas
Commonly used in commercial and industrial settings Only applicable over _____ __ ____ collected Hazen-Williams exponential friction formula range of data C = Hazen-Williams coefficient

79 Head loss: Hazen-Williams Coefficient
C Condition 150 PVC 140 Extremely smooth, straight pipes; asbestos cement 130 Very smooth pipes; concrete; new cast iron 120 Wood stave; new welded steel 110 Vitrified clay; new riveted steel 100 Cast iron after years of use 95 Riveted steel after years of use 60-80 Old pipes in bad condition

80 Hazen-Williams vs Darcy-Weisbach
Both equations are empirical Darcy-Weisbach is dimensionally correct, and ________. Hazen-Williams can be considered valid only over the range of gathered data. Hazen-Williams can’t be extended to other fluids without further experimentation. preferred

81 Non-Circular Conduits: Hydraulic Radius Concept
A is cross sectional area P is wetted perimeter Rh is the “Hydraulic Radius” (Area/Perimeter) Don’t confuse with radius! For a pipe We can use Moody diagram or Swamee-Jain with D = 4Rh!

82 Pipe Flow Summary (1) Shear increases _________ with distance from the center of the pipe (for both laminar and turbulent flow) Laminar flow losses and velocity distributions can be derived based on momentum and energy conservation Turbulent flow losses and velocity distributions require ___________ results linearly experimental

83 Pipe Flow Summary (2) Energy equation left us with the elusive head loss term Dimensional analysis gave us the form of the head loss term (pressure coefficient) Experiments gave us the relationship between the pressure coefficient and the geometric parameters and the Reynolds number (results summarized on Moody diagram)

84 Questions Can the Darcy-Weisbach equation and Moody Diagram be used for fluids other than water? _____ Yes What about the Hazen-Williams equation? ___ No Does a perfectly smooth pipe have head loss? _____ Yes Is it possible to decrease the head loss in a pipe by installing a smooth liner? ______ Yes

85 Darcy Weisbach

86 Major and Minor Losses Major Losses: Minor Losses:
Hmaj = f x (L/D)(V2/2g) f = friction factor L = pipe length D = pipe diameter V = Velocity g = gravity Minor Losses: Hmin = KL(V2/2g) Kl = sum of loss coefficients V = Velocity g = gravity When solving problems, the loss terms are added to the system at the second point P1/γ + V12/2g + z1 = P2/γ + V22/2g + z2 + Hmaj + Hmin

87 Hitung kehilangan tenaga karena gesekan di dalam pipa sepanjang 1500 m dan diameter 20 cm, apabila air mengalir dengan kecepatan 2 m/det. Koefisien gesekan f=0,02 Penyelesaian : Panjang pipa : L = 1500 m Diameter pipa : D = 20 cm = 0,2 m Kecepatan aliran : V = 2 m/dtk Koefisien gesekan f = 0,02

88 Air melalui pipa sepanjang 1000 m dan diameternya 150 mm dengan debit 50 l/det. Hitung kehilangan tenaga karenagesekan apabila koefisien gesekan f = 0,02 Penyelesaian : Panjang pipa : L = 1000 m Diameter pipa : D = 0,15 m Debit aliran : Q = 50 liter/detik Koefisien gesekan f = 0,02

89 Hitung kehilangan tenaga karena gesekan di dalam pipa sepanjang 1500 m dan diameter 20 cm, apabila air mengalir dengan kecepatan 2 m/det. Koefisien gesekan f=0,02 Penyelesaian : Panjang pipa : L = 1500 m Diameter pipa : D = 20 cm = 0,2 m Kecepatan aliran : V = 2 m/dtk Koefisien gesekan f = 0,02

90 Air melalui pipa sepanjang 1000 m dan diameternya 150 mm dengan debit 50 l/det. Hitung kehilangan tenaga karenagesekan apabila koefisien gesekan f = 0,02 Penyelesaian : Panjang pipa : L = 1000 m Diameter pipa : D = 0,15 m Debit aliran : Q = 50 liter/detik Koefisien gesekan f = 0,02

91 Example Solve for the Pressure Head, Velocity Head, and Elevation Head at each point, and then plot the Energy Line and the Hydraulic Grade Line Assumptions and Hints: P1 and P4 = V3 = V4 same diameter tube We must work backwards to solve this problem 1 γH2O= 62.4 lbs/ft3 R = .5’ 4’ R = .25’ 2 3 4 1’

92 Pressure Head : Only atmospheric  P1/γ = 0
Point 1: Pressure Head : Only atmospheric  P1/γ = 0 Velocity Head : In a large tank, V1 = 0  V12/2g = 0 Elevation Head : Z1 = 4’ 1 γH2O= 62.4 lbs/ft3 4’ R = .5’ R = .25’ 2 3 4 1’

93 Pressure Head : Only atmospheric  P4/γ = 0
Point 4: Apply the Bernoulli equation between 1 and = 0 + V42/2(32.2) + 1 V4 = 13.9 ft/s Pressure Head : Only atmospheric  P4/γ = 0 Velocity Head : V42/2g = 3’ Elevation Head : Z4 = 1’ 1 γH2O= 62.4 lbs/ft3 4’ R = .5’ R = .25’ 2 3 4 1’

94 Point 3: Apply the Bernoulli equation between 3 and 4 (V3=V4) P3/ = P3 = 0 Pressure Head : P3/γ = 0 Velocity Head : V32/2g = 3’ Elevation Head : Z3 = 1’ 1 γH2O= 62.4 lbs/ft3 4’ R = .5’ R = .25’ 2 3 4 1’

95 Apply the Continuity Equation
Point 2: Apply the Bernoulli equation between 2 and P2/ V22/2(32.2) + 1 = Apply the Continuity Equation (Π.52)V2 = (Π.252)x13.9  V2 = ft/s P2/ /2(32.2) + 1 = 4  P2 = lbs/ft2 Pressure Head : P2/γ = 2.81’ Velocity Head : V22/2g = .19’ Elevation Head : Z2 = 1’ 1 γH2O= 62.4 lbs/ft3 4’ R = .5’ R = .25’ 2 3 4 1’

96 Plotting the EL and HGL Energy Line = Sum of the Pressure, Velocity and Elevation heads Hydraulic Grade Line = Sum of the Pressure and Velocity heads V2/2g=.19’ EL P/γ =2.81’ V2/2g=3’ V2/2g=3’ Z=4’ HGL Z=1’ Z=1’ Z=1’

97 Pipe Flow and the Energy Equation
For pipe flow, the Bernoulli equation alone is not sufficient. Friction loss along the pipe, and momentum loss through diameter changes and corners take head (energy) out of a system that theoretically conserves energy. Therefore, to correctly calculate the flow and pressures in pipe systems, the Bernoulli Equation must be modified. P1/γ + V12/2g + z1 = P2/γ + V22/2g + z2 + Hmaj + Hmin Major losses: Hmaj Major losses occur over the entire pipe, as the friction of the fluid over the pipe walls removes energy from the system. Each type of pipe as a friction factor, f, associated with it. Energy line with no losses Hmaj Energy line with major losses 1 2

98 Pipe Flow and the Energy Equation
Minor Losses : Hmin Momentum losses in Pipe diameter changes and in pipe bends are called minor losses. Unlike major losses, minor losses do not occur over the length of the pipe, but only at points of momentum loss. Since Minor losses occur at unique points along a pipe, to find the total minor loss throughout a pipe, sum all of the minor losses along the pipe. Each type of bend, or narrowing has a loss coefficient, KL to go with it. Minor Losses

99 Minor Losses We previously obtained losses through an expansion using conservation of energy, momentum, and mass Most minor losses can not be obtained analytically, so they must be measured Minor losses are often expressed as a loss coefficient, K, times the velocity head. High R

100 Head Loss: Minor Losses
Head loss due to outlet, inlet, bends, elbows, valves, pipe size changes Flow expansions have high losses Kinetic energy decreases across expansion Kinetic energy  ________ and _________ energy Examples – ________________________________ __________________________________________ Losses can be minimized by gradual transitions potential thermal Vehicle drag Hydraulic jump Vena contracta Minor losses!

101 Minor Losses Most minor losses can not be obtained analytically, so they must be measured Minor losses are often expressed as a loss coefficient, K, times the velocity head. High Re

102 Head Loss due to Gradual Expansion (Diffusor)
diffusor angle () 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 20 40 60 80 KE

103 Sudden Contraction V2 V1 flow separation
losses are reduced with a gradual contraction

104 Sudden Contraction Cc A2/A1 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 0.2
0.2 0.4 A2/A1 Cc

105 Entrance Losses vena contracta
Losses can be reduced by accelerating the flow gradually and eliminating the vena contracta

106 Head Loss in Bends High pressure Head loss is a function of the ratio of the bend radius to the pipe diameter (R/D) Velocity distribution returns to normal several pipe diameters downstream Possible separation from wall R D Low pressure Kb varies from

107 Head Loss in Valves Function of valve type and valve position
The complex flow path through valves can result in high head loss (of course, one of the purposes of a valve is to create head loss when it is not fully open)

108 Solution Techniques Neglect minor losses Equivalent pipe lengths
Iterative Techniques Simultaneous Equations Pipe Network Software

109 Iterative Techniques for D and Q (given total head loss)
Assume all head loss is major head loss. Calculate D or Q using Swamee-Jain equations Calculate minor losses Find new major losses by subtracting minor losses from total head loss

110 Solution Technique: Head Loss
Can be solved directly

111 Solution Technique: Discharge or Pipe Diameter
Iterative technique Set up simultaneous equations in Excel Use goal seek or Solver to find discharge that makes the calculated head loss equal the given head loss.

112 Example: Minor and Major Losses
Find the maximum dependable flow between the reservoirs for a water temperature range of 4ºC to 20ºC. 25 m elevation difference in reservoir water levels Water Reentrant pipes at reservoirs Standard elbows 2500 m of 8” PVC pipe Sudden contraction Gate valve wide open 1500 m of 6” PVC pipe

113 Directions Assume fully turbulent (rough pipe law)
find f from Moody (or from von Karman) Find total head loss Solve for Q using symbols (must include minor losses) (no iteration required) Obtain values for minor losses from notes or text

114 Example (Continued) What are the Reynolds number in the two pipes?
Where are we on the Moody Diagram? What value of K would the valve have to produce to reduce the discharge by 50%? What is the effect of temperature? Why is the effect of temperature so small?

115 Example (Continued) Were the minor losses negligible?
Accuracy of head loss calculations? What happens if the roughness increases by a factor of 10? If you needed to increase the flow by 30% what could you do? Suppose I changed 6” pipe, what is minimum diameter needed?

116 Pipe Flow Summary (3) constant
Dimensionally correct equations fit to the empirical results can be incorporated into computer or calculator solution techniques Minor losses are obtained from the pressure coefficient based on the fact that the pressure coefficient is _______ at high Reynolds numbers Solutions for discharge or pipe diameter often require iterative or computer solutions constant

117 Loss Coefficients Use this table to find loss coefficients:

118 Head Loss due to Sudden Expansion: Conservation of Energy
1 2 z1 = z2 What is p1 - p2?

119 Head Loss due to Sudden Expansion: Conservation of Momentum
1 2 Apply in direction of flow Neglect surface shear Pressure is applied over all of section 1. Momentum is transferred over area corresponding to upstream pipe diameter. V1 is velocity upstream. Divide by (A2 g)

120 Head Loss due to Sudden Expansion
Mass Energy Momentum

121 Contraction Expansion!!! vena contracta
EGL HGL Expansion!!! V1 V2 vena contracta losses are reduced with a gradual contraction

122 Questions: In the rough pipe law region if the flow rate is doubled (be as specific as possible) What happens to the major head loss? What happens to the minor head loss? Why do contractions have energy loss? If you wanted to compare the importance of minor vs. major losses for a specific pipeline, what dimensionless terms could you compare?

123 Entrance Losses reentrant Losses can be reduced by accelerating the flow gradually and eliminating the vena contracta

124 Head Loss in Valves  Function of valve type and valve position
The complex flow path through valves often results in high head loss What is the maximum value that Kv can have? _____ How can K be greater than 1?

125 Questions What is the head loss when a pipe enters a reservoir?
EGL HGL V What is the head loss when a pipe enters a reservoir? Draw the EGL and HGL

126 Example cs1 cs2 100 m valve D=40 cm D=20 cm L=1000 m L=500 m
Find the discharge, Q. What additional information do you need? Apply energy equation How could you get a quick estimate? _________________ Or spreadsheet solution: find head loss as function of Q. Use S-J on small pipe

127 Pipe Flow Example γoil= 8.82 kN/m3 f = .035 1 Z1 = ? 2 Z2 = 130 m 60 m Kout=1 7 m r/D = 0 130 m r/D = 2 If oil flows from the upper to lower reservoir at a velocity of 1.58 m/s in the 15 cm diameter smooth pipe, what is the elevation of the oil surface in the upper reservoir? Include major losses along the pipe, and the minor losses associated with the entrance, the two bends, and the outlet.

128 Hmaj = (fxLxV2)/(Dx2g)=(.035 x 197m x (1.58m/s)2)/(.15 x 2 x 9.8m/s2)
Pipe Flow Example γoil= 8.82 kN/m3 f = .035 1 Z1 = ? 2 Z2 = 130 m 60 m Kout=1 7 m r/D = 0 130 m r/D = 2 Apply Bernoulli’s equation between points 1 and 2: Assumptions: P1 = P2 = Atmospheric = V1 = V2 = 0 (large tank) Z1 = m + Hmaj + Hmin Hmaj = (fxLxV2)/(Dx2g)=(.035 x 197m x (1.58m/s)2)/(.15 x 2 x 9.8m/s2) Hmaj= 5.85m

129 Pipe Flow Example 0 + 0 + Z1 = 0 + 0 + 130m + 5.85m + Hmin
γoil= 8.82 kN/m3 f = .035 1 Z1 = ? 2 Z2 = 130 m 60 m Kout=1 7 m r/D = 0 130 m r/D = 2 Z1 = m m + Hmin Hmin= 2KbendV2/2g + KentV2/2g + KoutV2/2g From Loss Coefficient table: Kbend = Kent = Kout = 1 Hmin = (0.19x ) x (1.582/2x9.8) Hmin = 0.24 m

130 Pipe Flow Example 0 + 0 + Z1 = 0 + 0 + 130m + 5.85m + 0.24m
γoil= 8.82 kN/m3 f = .035 1 Z1 = ? 2 Z2 = 130 m 60 m Kout=1 7 m r/D = 0 130 m r/D = 2 Z1 = m + Hmaj + Hmin Z1 = m m m Z1 = meters

131 Pipa ekivalen Digunakan untuk menyederhanakan sistem yang ditinjau
Ciri khasnya adalah memiliki keserupaan hidrolis dengan kondisi nyatanya  Q, hf sama Pipa ekivalen dapat dinyatakan melalui ekivalensi l,D,f

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