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In the fire….. Daniel 3. A nation in captivity Dan 3: The story of a godless king & 3 Hebrew children who refuse to worship the idol. Nebuchadnezzar stokes.

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Presentation on theme: "In the fire….. Daniel 3. A nation in captivity Dan 3: The story of a godless king & 3 Hebrew children who refuse to worship the idol. Nebuchadnezzar stokes."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the fire….. Daniel 3

2 A nation in captivity Dan 3: The story of a godless king & 3 Hebrew children who refuse to worship the idol. Nebuchadnezzar stokes the furnace An entire nation learns priceless lessons

3 First lesson… Obeying God doesn’t exempt us from trouble Dan 3:15b “…but if you will not worship, you will be cast into the furnace of blazing fire…” Jn 16:33 “…in the world, you will have trouble, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” Take responsibility for how you respond to trouble – stop making excuses and get back into righteous living. A hammer shatters glass, but forges steel

4 Second lesson… We are not alone – God is always with us Dan 3:25 “…Look, I see 4 men loosed & walking about…” The potential to destroy was rendered ineffective by faith & righteousness and brought freedom from bondage

5 Third Lesson… Our trouble can become our testimony Dan 3:28 “Blessed be the God of S, M & A, who sent His angel and delivered them.” Everyone knew what they believed. People want to know “Does what you believe really work when you’re in the fire?!*” A Godly testimony touches lives like no theology can.

6 Fourth Lesson On the other side of trouble is blessing Dan 3:30 “Then the king caused S,M & A to prosper in Babylon…” The blessing is not in the trouble, but in our willingness to walk righteously while facing trouble. When you’re faithful in the hard places, God can trust you in high places

7 A final thought… ~AFFLICTIONS~ Not ’til the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly Shall God unroll the canvas And explain the reason why The dark threads are as needful In the Weaver’s skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver In th In the pattern He has planned.

8 The challenge… Is there something the Lord desires to teach me, or to cultivate in me, when I feel like I’m in the fiery furnace of difficult and/or painful circumstances? “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” CS Lewis

9 Be blessed! Heb 13:5 “I will never leave or forsake you.” Psalm 56:3 “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.”

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