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By: Louie Forman Maze Runner.

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1 By: Louie Forman Maze Runner

2 S Setting The setting includes the Maze and the Glade.
The Maze is what they were sent there for,every thing they do in the Glade revolves around the Maze., The Glade is where every body lives and these people call themselve the “Gladers”. In every direction of the Glade there are walls that lead to the entrance of the Maze. The walls close every night before the creatures called Grievers, that live in the maze come out.

3 C Characters Thomas - The main character of the book, Maze Runner, is the one who grows and changes the most throughout the novel. He is five foot nine, skinny and muscular. Ever since Thomas arrived at the Glade he had a desire to become a Runner, Runners are people that live in the Glade that explore the Maze. Thomas is also the protagonist and a main character. .

4 C Characters Gally - The Keeper of the Builders, a group involved with building all the structures in the Glade. He is a antagonist and also hates Thomas. Gally is a boy with very dark features and a negative mind but is not considered a main character.

5 C Characters Chuck – Thomas’s first official friend in the Glade, he is chubby and short. Thomas expected him to be at least 12 or 13 years old, near the end of the story he died saving Thomas’s life. Chuck is a protagonist and also one of the main characters.

6 C Characters Minho – The Keeper of Runners,
Asian, tall, muscular, and about years old. Minho is a protagonist. Minho is a main character and grows to be very close to Thomas.

7 C Characters Alby – The leader of the Gladers and highly looked upon in the group. Thomas expected him to be at least 16 or 18 years old. He is African American, tall, very muscular, and kind of mean but quiet also. Alby is a protagonist, and absolutely a main character.

8 F Figurative Language One example of Foreshadowing is, when Teresa says to Thomas telepathically, “it was you and me, Tom. We did this to them. To us”. That specific example I found at the end of chapter 28 (50%). Another example of Foreshadowing in the Maze Runner, is at the end of Chapter 17 when Thomas sees Minho disappearing running into the depths of the maze leaving him with the Grievers.

9 F Figurative Language cont.
An example of a Simile in the book The Maze Runner, is at the end of chapter 16 the book stated that “the walls slammed shut behind him, the echo of its boom bouncing off the ivy covered stone like mad laughter”. This is an example of a Simile because near the end of the sentence the author says the “ivy covered the stone like mad laughter”, and the like is describing what the ivy looked like on the stone walls.

10 F Figurative Language cont.
One example of Imagery in the Maze Runner is the description of Alby “,A dark skinned boy frowned-the same one who’d welcome him…” I found this example in chapter 2(2%). Another example of Imagery is the description of Minho, “A thick heavy muscled Asian kid folded his arms studying him…” I found this example in chapter 2(2%). Another example of Imagery is the description of Newt. “A tall kid with blonde hair and square jaw…” was a quote from the book briefly describing the appearance of Newt. I found this example in chapter 2(2%) One last example of Imagery is the description of Chuck, “A short pudgy boy fidgeted back and forth on his feet…” was another description of a character in the novel. I also found this example in chapter 2(2%).

11 F Figurative Language cont.
One example of an Onomatopoeia is when Thomas see’s the Runners for the first time and when they walk into the “Map Room,” the last person in closes the door and the author explained the noise as a “clonk” when the door shut. I found that example in chapter 4(8%). Another example of an Onomatopoeia is when Thomas sees Ben in the graveyard clacking his teeth together, the author explained the sound like a “clack, clack, clack”. At the end of chapter 11 (20%). One last example of a Onomatopoeia is when Thomas sees the doors close for the fist time and explains, he says that the walls made a loud boom, followed by a horrible crunching, grinding sound kind of like a metal on metal scrape. Chapter 4 (8%).

12 F Figurative Language cont.
One example of a personification is Time creeps up on you. Another example is, The news took me by surprise.

13 F Figurative Language cont.
One example of a Metaphor is when Thomas sees a Griever for the first time and says “He felt an icy terror brewing in his heart, expanding like a tumor, making it hard to breathe”. I found this example in chapter 6 (12%).

14 F Figurative Language cont.
One example of an Alliteration Running rabbits raced rapidly through the forest.

15 P Plot Rising Action definition-a related series of incidents in a literary plot that build toward the point of greatest interest. Part of the Rising Action in the book Maze Runner includes when Ben, Ably and Gally all say that Thomas was included with the creators and their devious plans. When Thomas goes through the changing and figures out that the others were right that he had been part of the making of the maze and he tries to fix his situation throughout the story.

16 P Plot cont. Definition of Climax: the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of something The Climax of the book Maze Runner is near the end when Thomas, Teresa, Chuck, Newt, Minho and about 15 other people made it out of the maze. When they got out they were in this metal room with two people walking towards them. When they explained what they were doing the people brought in Gally who had a knife in his hand and threw it straight at Thomas, but instead of the knife hitting Thomas it landed straight into Chuck’s chest.

17 P Plot cont. Definition Falling Action: the part of a literary plot that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved. The Falling Action of the story Maze Runner is when they got out of the maze and got rescued by the WICKED in the end of the book and get taken to the hotel, and then got a nice meal of pizza and a good night sleep.

18 C Conflict One of the major conflicts in the Maze Runner was when Thomas got in a fight with Gally (man v. man). The main conflict is that they have to find a way to get out of the maze (man v. society) One last conflict of the Maze Runner is that the main character Thomas, gets stuck outside with Grievers in the maze for a night with Minho and Alby.

19 T Theme The theme for this novel is never giving up and determination, I say that because all of the Gladers were trapped in the maze for two years and never gave up.

20 R Resolution The Resolution of the story is they get saved from W.I.C.K.E.D and go to there new home safe and sound.

21 Picture Citations Picture for Chuck: Picture for Thomas: Picture for Gally: Picture for Maze:

22 Picture Citations Picture for Alby: Picture for Minho: Definition for Rising Action: Definition for Climax: Definition of Falling Action: Picture for Theme:

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