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ENGINEERING EDUCATION Challenges and Opportunities at Kenyatta University A Paper Presented At The 20 th IEK International Conference Held at The Tom Mboya.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGINEERING EDUCATION Challenges and Opportunities at Kenyatta University A Paper Presented At The 20 th IEK International Conference Held at The Tom Mboya."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGINEERING EDUCATION Challenges and Opportunities at Kenyatta University A Paper Presented At The 20 th IEK International Conference Held at The Tom Mboya Labour College, Kisumu by Eng. Martin M. Nzomo, FIEK. Ag. Dean and Senior Lecturer of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified 1

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3  The Kenyatta University School of Engineering and Technology (KUSET) is housed in the New Engineering Building Complex in Nyayo Zone area.  It has a student population of 2500 (most are ICT students), 49 teaching and 47 non- teaching staff. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified3

4 Vision of KUSETMission of KUSET The Vision of the School of Engineering and Technology at Kenyatta University is to be “a dynamic, innovative, inclusive and competitive engineering school in teaching, learning, research and community service." The Mission of the School of Engineering and Technology at Kenyatta University is “to provide quality teaching and training of engineers, to promote scholarship, service, innovation, creativity and impart sound moral virtues for responsible individuals and community development.” Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified 4

5  The School of Engineering and Technology is guided by the following core values. ◦ Integrity ◦ Hardwork ◦ Discipline ◦ Perserverance ◦ Tolerance Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified5

6  KUSET is a fairly young School established during the year 2007.  It was created through the restructuring of departments which were under School of Pure and Applied Science.  These were:- ◦ The then Department of Engineering and Technol­ogy, and ◦ Department of Information and Communication Technol­ogy (ICT). Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified6

7  Kenyatta University’s School of Engineering and Tech­nology houses five (5) teaching departments namely :- ◦ Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. ◦ Electrical and Electronics Engineering. ◦ Civil Engineering. ◦ Energy Engineering. ◦ Computing and Information Technology (CIT). Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified7

8  Engineering programs offered include: ◦ Bachelor of Science degrees in:-  Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,  Electrical and Electronics Engineering,  Civil Engineering,  Energy Engineering,  Computer science, and  Information Technology. ◦ Post graduate degrees in Renewable Energy  Post graduate degrees in water engineer­ing and manufacturing engineering are under way. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified8

9  The School hosted two (2) Stakeholders’ curriculum development Workshops to discuss the following revised/new curricula:- ◦ December 2011:-  Electrical and Electronic Engineering.  Civil Engineering.  Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering.  Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering. ◦ January 2013:-  Biomedical Engineering.  Petroleum Engineering. ◦ Next forum scheduled for May/June 2013 to consider:-  Chemical Engineering (new programme).  Energy Engineering (revised programme). Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified9

10  Inadequate physical infrastructure and equipment, namely:- ◦ Labs ◦ Workshops  Inadequate staffing levels ◦ The recent upgrade of various colleges to universities has led to scarcity of engineering teaching staff. ◦ There are few qualified people with MSc & PhD engineering qualifications. ◦ Lack of adequate local staff qualified in new areas e.g. Petroleum Engineering, Biomedical Engineering & Energy Engineering. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified10

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19  Plans are underway to increase and equip the School with additional physical infrastructure.  This includes the next phase of lecture halls, and staff offices, well equipped workshops, Seminar Rooms and Board Rooms.  To further improve the quality of pro­grammes, KU is actively involved in national and international collaborative programs. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified19

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21  KU has a policy on collaboration whose goal is to forge close and strong collab­orative links with industry.  The School has been at the forefront in seeking and establishing a mutually depend­able stakeholder base with key industry players.  Opportunities for KU ◦ Attachment for staff and students to gain skills and experience in industries and institutions. ◦ identify­ing experts from industries and institutions to talk to Students on career choices. ◦ Staff and student ex­change programme in various engineering disciplines. ◦ Conducting joint research. ◦ Capacity building and exposure of both staff and students. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified21

22 ◦ Opportunities for Industries:-  Labour from students on attachment.  Adjunct positions- Experts from industry come to the KU for a certain duration (e.g. 2 weeks – 1 month) to undertake teaching or research.  Industry driven research  Capacity building for industries (highly trained staff to Masters and PhD) through local and visiting faculty.  Industries to sponsor research programmes. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified22

23 ◦ Current collaborations exist with:-  Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO),  Kengen,  Power Technics Limited,  Centurion Systems Limited,  Optiware Communica­tions Limited.  Ministry of Energy Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified23

24  Cur­rent collaborative arrangements are with:- ◦ University of Johannesburg. ◦ University of Cape Town. ◦ Tshwane Uni­versity of Technology. ◦ University of Petroleum and Energy Studies- India. ◦ China University of Petroleum - Beijing  Future collaborative arrangements are being pursued with universities in Europe, United States of America, India, China, and South East Asian Countries, among others. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified24

25  KU’s Vision and Mission is focused on offering quality teaching supported by research.  The stated policy of the School of Engineering and Technology is to facilitate the capacity development of its faculty members.  The School is implementing a programme to secure scholarships for all its lecturers to obtain doctoral and post-doctoral level qualification in their areas of specialization.  The goal is to eventually attain and maintain the global optimum standard mix at all levels. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified25

26  Engineering is a profession whose practice regulated by law.  KUSET, underscores that sound engineering education requires the cooperation and collaboration of all actors.  This includes EBK (the regulating authority), the university concerned as well as the teaching professionals involved in the process.  The KU School of Engineering and Technology, with the support of KU Management, is committed to ensuring that it plays its part well in the education of the engineer. Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified26

27  All challenges along the way are taken as opportunities for learning.  Ultimately, the Kenyatta University Engineering graduate will be an individual who:- ◦ would be useful to industry immediately, both in the country and abroad, or ◦ an entrepreneur creating own job and for others. I THANK YOU Kenyatta University ISO 9001:2008 Certified27

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