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Flying Through the Air in Room 248 Teachers: Colleen Creed, Steve Brady, Ashley Robinson, Becky Velez.

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Presentation on theme: "Flying Through the Air in Room 248 Teachers: Colleen Creed, Steve Brady, Ashley Robinson, Becky Velez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flying Through the Air in Room 248 Teachers: Colleen Creed, Steve Brady, Ashley Robinson, Becky Velez

2 Rocket Glyphs GETTING TO KNOW YOU Have you been to this camp before ? black (Y) white (N) Rocket Color Boy (orange) Girl (yellow) Nose Cone Brother (green) Sister (red) Neither (blue) Wings—Pets Yes (purple) No (pink) Flame—Favorite Subject Math (red) Soc. Studies (green) Lang. Arts (blue) Science (purple) U.S.A.—Hobby Sports (red) Music (blue) Video Games (green) Reading (black) Steve joins Anjali, Jay and Kartik. Our Rocket Glyphs!!!

3 Balloon Rockets Ashley helps Kartik and Sally graph the motion of their rocket. Anesha watches as Colin and Delaney launch their rocket. Ready, Set, Go!! Justin and Devonta release their rocket. Students built rockets using balloons, straws and fishing line. They measured time and distance of travel. Using a calculator and motion detector they graphed the motion of their rockets.

4 Paper Toss Probability Jay, Michael, and Justin measured and predicted at what distance they were most likely to make the most shots. Byron makes his shot !!! certain---likely---unlikely---never 10 cm. above 150 cm. away 250 cm. away 350 cm. away 6 m. away w/your eyes closed

5 Marshmallow Catapults Marshmallows were flying. Students predicted at what angle the catapults would launch a marshmallow the farthest distance. Data was averaged and graphed using a calculator. Connor collects data. Sam finds the mean. Kartik and Jay measure.

6 Tetrahedron Kites Becky shows Sally and Michael how to fold and cut their tissue paper Corey covers his tetrahedron with bright blue tissue paper. Sally, Justin, and Corey help out with tracing. After a “Shape Scavenger Hunt” and designing a Webbe book with our digital pictures we continued our exploration of geometry by constructing kites. What shapes can you find ?

7 Other Highlights Donald enjoys building perspective. Anjali looked forward to daily trips to the computer lab. Beth works with Kayla’s group on a creative writing activity.

8 WHAT A TEAM !!!!

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