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Marketing Research Aaker, Kumar, Day Ninth Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Research Aaker, Kumar, Day Ninth Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Research Aaker, Kumar, Day Ninth Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides 1

2 Marketing Research 10th Edition Chapter Twenty-four 2 Traditional Applications of Marketing Intelligence

3 Marketing Research 10th Edition Phases in New Product Research 3 Concept Generation Need Identification Concept Identification Concept Evaluation and Development Product Evaluation and Development Testing the Marketing Program

4 Marketing Research 10th Edition Concept Generation Perceptual mapsSocial and environmental trendsBenefit structure analysisProduct usersFocus-group interviewsLead user analysis 4 Need Identification

5 Marketing Research 10th Edition Concept Generation (Contd.) Are there any major flaws in the concept?What consumer segments might be attracted to it?Is there enough interest to warrant developing it further?How might it be altered or developed further?How are the concepts exposed?To whom are the concepts exposed?To what are they compared?What questions are asked? 5 Concept Identification

6 Marketing Research 10th Edition Product Evaluation And Development Use Testing ▫Virtual Product Testing ▫Blind use test Predicting Trial Purchase Pre-test Marketing 6

7 Marketing Research 10th Edition Pretest Marketing Example 7 The ASSESSOR Laboratory Test Market Research Design and Measurement

8 Marketing Research 10th Edition Test Marketing Sell-in test markets Controlled Distribution Scanner Markets (CDSM) Selecting the test cities ▫Representativeness ▫Data availability ▫Media isolation and costs ▫Product flow 8

9 Marketing Research 10th Edition Really New Products Create or expand a new category, thereby making cross-category competition the key (e.g., fruit teas versus soft drinks) Are new to customers, for whom substantial learning is often required (i.e., what it can be used for, what it competes with, why it is useful) Raise broad issues such as appropriate channels of distribution and organizational responsibility Create (sometimes) a need for infrastructure, software, and add-ons 9

10 Marketing Research 10th Edition Pricing Research Gabor and Grainger method Multi-brand choice method Research for Profit-oriented Pricing Research for Share-oriented Pricing 10

11 Marketing Research 10th Edition Pricing Research (Contd.) The pricing pattern that is adopted for increasing market share is to: ▫Offer a lower price (even below cost) when entering the market. ▫Hold that price constant until unit costs produce a desired percentage markup. ▫Reduce price as costs fall to maintain markup at the same desired percentage of costs. The types of information required for this pricing method are ▫The nature of the experience curve. ▫Breakeven points. ▫Cost of units sold to additional market segments. ▫Competitor costs. ▫Forecast of the ‘‘decline’’ stage of the product life cycle. 11

12 Marketing Research 10th Edition Distribution Research Warehouse and Retail Location Research Center-of-gravity Simulation Computerized Simulation Models Catchment Area Analysis Outlet Location Research 12 Center-of-gravity warehouse location to serve five retail stores.

13 Marketing Research 10th Edition Distribution Research (Contd.) Number and Location of Sales Representatives Sales effort approach Statistical analysis of sales data Field experiments Computerized models of sales force size and allocation by market and by product line 13

14 Marketing Research 10th Edition Advertising Research Criteria Recognition Recall ▫Day-After Recall (DAR) measure – on-air test Persuasion ▫Forced exposure, brand preference change test ▫Clutter/awareness score ▫Attitude-shift measure Impact on purchase behavior 14

15 Marketing Research 10th Edition Advertising Research (Contd.) Sample diagnostic questions: ▫Comprehension of message or slogan ▫Communication of secondary copy ideas ▫Evaluation of demonstrations, spokesperson, message ▫Perception of brand uniqueness or brand differentiation ▫Irritating or confusing elements ▫Viewer involvement 15

16 Marketing Research 10th Edition Advertising Research (Contd.) Purchase Behavior Coupon stimulated purchasing Split-cable tests Copy Test Validity Qualitative Research Audience Impressions of the Ad Adjective Checklist Eye Movement Physiological Measurement 16

17 Marketing Research 10th Edition Advertising Research (Contd.) Media Research Measuring print vehicle audiences ▫Recent-reading method ▫Reading-habit method Measuring broadcast vehicles audiences 17

18 Marketing Research 10th Edition Sales Promotion Research Promotional Tools Price Discounts Features Displays Coupons / Rebates Sweepstakes 18

19 Marketing Research 10th Edition Sales Promotion Research (Contd.) Promotional Strategy Hi-lo Every Day Low Price (EDLP) 19 A schematic framework of the major types of sales promotion.

20 Marketing Research 10th Edition Sales Promotion Research (Contd.) 20 Specific Sales Promotional Tools

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