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The Northern California Section of the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society Smart Positioners – Features n Mario Francisco – CFM Inc The TZID-C200.

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Presentation on theme: "The Northern California Section of the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society Smart Positioners – Features n Mario Francisco – CFM Inc The TZID-C200."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Northern California Section of the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society Smart Positioners – Features n Mario Francisco – CFM Inc The TZID-C200 - An Intelligent, Explosion Proof positioner for mounting in Class 1 Div 1 Hazardous process applications

2 2 A range of positioners with increasing functionality and costs Application / Functionality Price Inductive sensor, optional Stainless steel Intelligent, Explosion Proof A complete family

3 3 Concept based on the reliable, successful predicessor - same functionality with Explosion proof enclosure Compact design and explosion proof - one-piece aluminium housing NEMA 4X / IP 65 Adaptable to many applications - one device for linear and rotary actuators - one device for single and double acting actuators Fail safe options on loss of 4-20mA input signal - fail open or fail close (fail safe) - fail in-place (fail freeze) Advance AUTOSTROKE commisioning - all parameters are automatically optimized Easy to operate and configure - all setup functions are accessable in field while maintaining EXP status Communication / Configuration via HART Standard - remote communication via FSK and Smart Vision software - remote communication with HHT275 / STT04 (from safe location only) Concept

4 4 Optional modules (retrofitable) - analogue 4-20 mA position transmitter - digital valve position for Open / Close (min. & max.) - mechanical valve position for Open / Close (min. & max.) Mechanical Position indicator - large beacon indicator for valve position Smart (LCD) digital display for valve position and process information - valve position in % opening - setpoint deviation indication in % value - positioner temperature in deg F or deg C - actual input signal value in mA Position sensing via plastic film position sensor - reliable high resolution, low friction sensor Binary input and output available as standard - standard digital input for advanced override functions - standard digital output for diagnostic alarms Attractive price level - excellent price-performance-ratio Concept, Continued

5 5 EXP- Certification:FM/CSA & ATEX for Class 1 Div 1 applications Input: Signal range4...20 mA or splitrange Supply voltage9.7 VDC Supply pressure20...90 psi / 1.4...6 bar Output Signal range0…90 psi / 0...6 bar Air capacity6 scfm @ 90 psi / 13 kg/hr @ 6 bar Air consumption<0.05scfm (<0,1 kg/hr) Data Ambient temperature-22...185 °F / -30...+85°C Accuracy+/-0.25% of span Vibration influence+/-1% (10g and 20...80 Hz) Resolution4000 step analog to digital convertion Sample rate20msec Technical Data

6 6 Functional Overview

7 7 TEIP 11 The positioner incorporates the well known Sensycon I/P converter technology Your advantages: - Proven concept - Reliable hardware - High resistance against shock and vibration up to 10g/80Hz Electronic and Pneumatic Feedback Input 3/3-wayvalve Positioner Exhaust Micro controller EEPROM CPU 3/3-way valve Air supply / Exhaust Feedback 4-20mA Positioner I/P Input 4-20mA

8 8 MountingAutotuning Having fun! Benefits of autostroke: - automatic setting of control parameters - independent parameters for open & close travel - higher accuracy of adjustment - no mechanical range adjustment - suitable for all valve and actuator makes Autostroke => Installation / Commissioning time saving Advantage:

9 9 1.Local, via local pushbuttons => standard feature for USA => all functions accessable 2.via LCI-Interface at site => standard feature => all functions accessable 3.via FSK-Module (HART-Protocol) => standard feature => all functions accessable 4.via Handheld-Terminal => HHT 275 / STTO4 - easy to set up and configure either at site or in the workshop - easy to set up and configure from control room via 4...20 mA signal Benefits: Operation

10 10 Standard parameters: Signal range 4-20mA or Split range Valve action Direct or Reverse Characteristic Linear or equal % Custom curve 22 points Tolerance band Determined by Autostroke Control parameters Determined by Autostroke Stroke range Determined by Autostroke Parameters of Operation

11 11 Valve parameters: Adaptive control selection Advanced selftune of control parameters Stroke range / Angle of travel 0-60  for Linear valves 0-120  for Rotary valves 0-270  optional Actual valve travel time Independent display for open / close valve travel speed Stroke time limitation Independently adjustable for open / close valve speed up to 200sec Shut-off value Adjustable from 0-20% for snap action closure Manual control of valve Local override for manual operation Parameters of Operation

12 12 Diagnostic features: Failure to reach control position Time out alarm adjustable for 0-200msec Stroke counter Predictive maintenance alarm for stroke Travel meter Predictive maintenance alarm for travel Leakage detection Diagnostic alarm for actuator air leakage Recorder function Real time log of positioner control and diagnostics Position monitoring On-line monitoring of set-point and valve position Valve friction On-line monitoring of valve deviation value Positioner temperature On-line monitoring of positioner operating temperature Parameters of Operation

13 13 Optional equipment (retrofitable) Plug-in module for analog position feedback Plug-in module for digital position feedback Proximity limit switches or Microswitches Shutdown module for ESD function Single or Double acting I/P module Accessories: Pressure gage block Filter regulator LCI-adapter and FSK-modem Software – Smart Vision Handheld terminal HHT275 / STT04 Options / Accessories Future Options Profibus and Fieldbus available 1Q 2003 100 psi supply pressure, 20 scfm capacity available Q4 2003

14 14 Design Dimensions mm / inches width 207 / 8.15 height 100,5 / 3.957 depth 123,8 / 4.9 Main board Cover to close up the encapsulated case Flame arrestor, sintered metal Pneumatic connections; NPT 1/4” thread Pneumatic output unit Plug-in module for analog and digital position feedback Pilot stage Potentiometer Electrical connections, cable entry NPT 1/2” thread Screw terminals Cover with local operator interface and inspection window Current design, view without cap

15 15... and many more! Attachment Kits …for linear actuators acc. To DIN/IEC 534 ARCA integrated Masoneilan Camflex II Samson integrated …for rotary actuators acc. to VDI/VDE 3845

16 16 Advantages : Single Device for all applications Full access through L ocal C ontrol P anel in EXP area Reliable and proven technology based on TZID-C Predictive maintenance with diagnostic functions AUTOSTROKE function saves on installation time Choice of Fail Safe or Fail in Place Integral Valve position transmitter A single device – An Explosion Proof Intelligent Positioner with HART and Fieldbus capability In Summary

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