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Problem solving with money. Expectations I expect.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem solving with money. Expectations I expect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem solving with money

2 Expectations I expect

3 Today's mental maths learning objective To be able to count in 5’s and 10’s up to 100.


5 Main Learning Objective To be able to complete a money problem.

6 If I had 30p, how many different ways could I split it?

7 I want you to know work out how many different ways can you split these prices? 10p 20p 50p

8 Class challenge B r a i n t e a s e r s PUZZLES TO TEST MATHEMATICAL SKILLS Harun bought a toy lion using only silver coins. It cost him 50p. There are 13 different ways to pay 50p using silver coins. Find as many as you can.

9 Answers 50p can be made in 13 different ways using only silver coins: (1 x 50p); (5 x 10p); (2 x 20p) + (1 x 10p); (4 x 10p) + (2 x 5p); (2 x 20p) + (2 x 5p); (3 x 10p) + (4 x 5p); (1 x 20p) + (3 x 10p); (2 x 10p) + (6 x 5p); (1 x 20p) + (2 x 10p) + (2 x 5p); (1 x 10p) + (8 x 5p); (1 x 20p) + (1 x 10p) + (4 x 5p); (10 x 5p). (1 x 20p) + (6 x 5p); Our answers

10 Today’s Learning Objectives To be able to count up in 5’s and 10’s To be able to complete a money problem.

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