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Shinobu Yume Yamaguchi Junko Onodera Tokyo Institute of Technology INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE The Social Value of Educational Technology in Southeast Asia:

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1 Shinobu Yume Yamaguchi Junko Onodera Tokyo Institute of Technology INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE The Social Value of Educational Technology in Southeast Asia: an Intellectual Exchange Conference for Japan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam November 7-8, 2011

2  Analyzing the current ICT use environment at primary and junior high schools in Japan  Illustrating some examples of ICT use in classrooms  Identifying advantages and issues related in ICT introduction at schools [Main References] 1. Survey results by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan)  Survey on ICT and visual aids facilities at schools and social education institutions (10% of total public schools)  Survey on digitization of education at schools (all public schools) 2. Major findings from workshops 3. 3 model cases of ICT use in classroom

3 (n=1,303) (n=596) n= number of survey participating schools

4 [%] (n=1,303)(n=596) n= number of survey participating schools Source: MEXT, 2011

5 [%] (n=400,444) (n=396,681) (n=227,928) (n=225,945) n= total number of primary and junior high school teachers in Japan Source: MEXT, 2011


7 Digital Blackboard possession rate [%] Average number of digital blackboard owned Primary school Junior high school 1.71.4 (n=21,105) (n=9,778) n= total number of primary and junior high schools in Japan Source: MEXT, 2011

8 (n=893,179)(n=507,281) n= total number of school computers for education use in Japan Source: MEXT, 2011

9 (n=21,105) (n=9,778) n= total number of primary and junior high schools in Japan Source: MEXT, 2011

10 n= total number of classrooms (n=107,293) (n=258,744) Source: MEXT, 2011

11 (n=21,102) (n=9,778) n= total number of primary and junior high schools in Japan Source: MEXT, 2011

12 n= total number of primary and junior high school teachers (n=396,681) (n=225,945) Source: MEXT, 2011

13 Is national teacher training for improving instruction ability in ICT use necessary? Primary school n= number of survey participating schools (n=596) Junior high school (n=1,303) Source: MEXT, 2011

14 n= total number of primary and junior high school teachers in Japan Did you participate in teachers’ training for improving instruction ability in ICT use last year? (n=396,681) (n=225,945) Source: MEXT, 2011

15 Is it necessary to fulfill digital contents based on textbooks? (n=1,303) (n=596) n= number of survey participating schools Source: MEXT, 2011

16 Is it important to increase free or less expensive educational software? (n=1,303) (n=596) n= number of survey participating schools Source: MEXT, 2011

17 Do you use filtering service? (n=9,778) (n=21,102) Do you have information security policy? (n=9,778) (n=21,102) n= total number of primary and junior high schools in Japan Source: MEXT, 2011


19 1. Most primary and junior high schools are equipped with computers, digital camera and CD players. CD players and computers are often used in class. 2. Schools utilize rental service for computer installation. 3. While digital blackboard has increased, digital textbook is not well utilized at schools. 4. Majority of schools have established LAN access infrastructure and school homepages, but less than half of teachers have school e-mail address. 5. Though the importance of national ICT training is recognized, participation rate for training is low. 6. Needs of digital contents based on textbooks and free or less expensive educational software are identified. 7. Schools are keen to manage information security. 8. Junior high school teachers have less confidence in using ICT for teaching.

20  ICT in education workshops in 2010 was organized by JAVEA (Japan audio-visual education association), in cooperation with MEXT  144 specific cases of ICT in classroom from 137 participating schools shared  Variety of usage of ICT equipment, settings, creative learning environment were identified.

21 1. Good installation of digital tools benefits teachers to spend more time for material preparation. 2. Teachers elaborate and utilize their own teaching materials. 3. Digital blackboard is often used with digital contents based on textbooks. 4. Combined use of ICT and traditional blackboard is important. 5. In classroom, ICT is used for both teachers’ explanation and students’ presentation. 6. ICT can be effectively utilized for hands-on activities. Source: JAVEA, 2011

22 “How to calculate the sum of triangle angles”  Purpose: To understand how to calculate the sum of the combination of triangle angles  Equipment: PC, Digital blackboard, projector  ICT use for students’ presentation

23 Students shows how he calculate angles by using rulers. Student explains his thought how to calculate angles. Student uses a digital pen to explain his idea. Source: JAVEA, 2011

24 “Our town-Sakai City”  Purpose: students of 2 schools in Sakai city investigate their city through exchanging opinions  Equipment: Digital TV, PC, Digital blackboard, TV conference system  ICT use for exchanging opinions among students of two schools

25 Student makes a Presentation about a public library in her town. Public building in the town is presented. Students exchange their opinions and ask questions. Source: JAVEA, 2011

26 “Experiment of Aqueous Solution”  Purpose: To learn how aluminum is dissolved into hydrochloric acid through actual experiment  Equipment: PC, Digital blackboard, Tablet PC  ICT use for scientific experiment (sharing questions and procedure of experiment; reviewing experiment) and student’s presentation

27 Student explains about an Image sent from a tablet PC. Student records and reviews their experiment. Teacher summarizes the lesson by showing images sent by Students. Source: JAVEA, 2011

28 1. Digital blackboard is recognized as an effective and useful educational tool; however, schools are not equipped with sufficient numbers. 2. Though ICT use has been encouraged, teachers do not have enough opportunities to take ICT training to raise confidence in using ICT. 3. ICT tools provide students to improve their presentation/communication skills. 4. More digital teaching contents need to be available at schools.

29  Basic ICT equipment is available at schools but, schools urgently need:  ICT training for teachers  Less expensive digital contents  Vital issues to encourage ICT use in education:  Lack of equipment/infrastructure  Training opportunities for teachers

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