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Objective Objective: Students will improve their critical thinking skills by reading articles on genetically modified foods and writing a paper supporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective Objective: Students will improve their critical thinking skills by reading articles on genetically modified foods and writing a paper supporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective Objective: Students will improve their critical thinking skills by reading articles on genetically modified foods and writing a paper supporting their opinion with facts from the articles

2 GIST A GIST is a short summery of a story or article. The GIST is a summary of exactly 20 words. With a group of 3 people, use your notes from the 5 W’s and an H to write a GIST for the article you read on Friday. Use a table like the one below to write your GIST IN YOUR LAB BOOK Be ready to share in about 10 minutes

3 Genetically Modified Foods You will be reading 2 articles that talk about specific foods that have been modified. While you read these articles, use a web to record facts/reasons presented in the articles to support your opinion on this subject. You may use facts/reasons from the article you read Friday also.

4 On your loose leaf paper use a web like the one below to record facts and reasons to support your opinion. You should have at least 3 facts/reasons from each of the articles to support your opinion Reason Opinion Fact Reason

5 Opinion Paper Once you are done, write an opinion piece trying to persuade someone to your side. Use the facts and reasons from your web as support in your paper. Write on a separate sheet of paper to be turned in on Monday.

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