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Coaching & Natural Supports Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching & Natural Supports Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching & Natural Supports Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

2 Hiring People with Disabilities Makes Good Business Sense!  Good performance  Good safety record  No impact on medical & insurance costs  An ethical, socially responsible thing to do  Large, untapped labor pool  Lower turnover  Reduced recruiting costs  Fewer absences Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

3 Outreach to the Disability Community  Walgreens  Project SEARCH  Hyatt  Bottom-line Impact  Matching the Lowe’s Culture  Diversity Values Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

4 Business Benefits  Increased Diversity  New Customer Niche Group  Increased Brand Loyalty  Improved Community Relations  Risk Reduction/ADA Compliance  Reduced Recruiting Costs  Reduced Training Costs  Reduced Turnover  Tax Credits  Other Incentives Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

5 Disability Etiquette  Smile and be friendly  Use a normal tone of voice  Talk to the person with the disability—not to his aide, coach or sign language interpreter.  If talking with a person in a wheelchair, sit or kneel to be at eye level. Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

6 Disability Etiquette, cont.  Follow same first/last name convention you use for everyone else present  For people with cognitive disabilities:  Speak clearly.  Avoid excess words. Be specific and direct.  Ask only one question at a time.  Wait for a response. Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

7 Theory of Mind  What if I don’t know that you have a mind separate and different from my own?  What if I don’t realize that you are a unique individual in your own right?  What if I don’t realize that you have my interests at heart and want to offer me the benefits of your own experiences and thinking and ability?  What if I don’t know that you experience things differently from me? Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

8 How to Aid Understanding  Visual supports  Social Stories  Talk Less  Allow for wait time (use silence)  Keep it concrete and straightforward  Do not use sarcasm or abstract phrases Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

9 Understanding the Differences 1.Receptive Language 2.Social Communication 3.Visual Learners Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

10 Understanding the Differences, cont. 4.May process world in a narrow, intense, detailed manner 5.Sensory processing 6.May be prompt-dependent Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

11 General Support Strategies Determine communication message of behavior Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

12 Understanding the Purpose of the Behavior Structure Social Communication Sensory Behavior

13 General Support Strategies  Use visuals  Tell the employee what to do instead of what not to do Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

14 General Support Strategies, cont.  Provide models of what to say  Is there a way for the worker to ask for help/clarification/break? Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

15 General Support Strategies, cont.  Identify how task will be motivating for the worker  Slow down Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

16 General Support Strategies, cont.  Give time to respond  Keep directions brief Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

17 General Support Strategies, cont.  Use work/break routines  Be specific: clear beginning— middle—end  Teach it right the first time Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

18 Strategies for Organization  Daily individual schedule  Monthly or long-term schedule  Individual work system  Schedules within schedules  Lists Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

19 Strategies for Organization, cont.  Physical structure of work area  Teach “Length of Time”  Adjust the level of spoken language  Use shorter sentences for directions  Enhance oral directions with written information Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

20 Problem-Solving Strategies  Visuals  Coaching  Theory of Mind  Teachable Moments/Natural Experiences Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

21 Typical Supervisor Concerns  Additional supervision  Loss of productivity  What if it doesn’t work out?  Am I stuck forever paying a sub- standard employee?  How to effectively communicate with employees with disabilities Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

22 Supervision Strategies  Not required to lower quality or standards for any employee  Communicate your expectations with all employees  Workers with disabilities need feedback just like other employees  UPS 3-year study of employees with disabilities Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

23 Supporting a New Hire  Help the person learn about personalities  Provide pointers about information, such as breaks, dress, and coffee  Teach special work language  Check to make sure person understood; ask them to repeat instructions  Be yourself Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

24 Supporting a New Hire, cont.  Introduce yourself and make the person feel welcome  Introduce the new employee to co- workers  Show the individual where things are located and review policies/procedures  Invite the person to join you and others for breaks and lunch Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

25 Emotions  Be consistent with your interactions  Help to discriminate between good- natured teasing and when someone is angry or upset  Explain expectations for jobs or routines Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

26 Emotions, cont.  Help the individual, and yourself, not to overreact to a situation  Give criticism privately  Ask person what you can to do help; suggest a break Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

27 Creating Mutual Respect  Encourage co-workers to respect the skills and abilities of all employees.  Remember that the new person was hired because he or she has the skills to do the job Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

28 Social Considerations  Work is also an important social enterprise  It is important to form valued relationships  Establish informal employee mentors  Theory of Mind Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

29 Learning & Remembering  Act as a peer on an adult-to-adult level  Use straightforward and concrete language  Allow extra time to learn procedures  Teach multi-step tasks one step at a time  Provide reminders (checklists, symbols, color codes  Simplify task by modifying procedures or equipment Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

30 Communicating with Placement Agencies  Inform the employee  Be PROACTIVE  Take advantage of your resources  Keep the employee involved Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

31 Strategies  What has worked in the past  What hasn’t?  How are the same issues handled with other employees? Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

32 Common Concerns  Medications  Difficult to understand person  Harassment by other employees  When to seek help from Agency Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

33 Employees with Cognitive Disabilities  A cognitive disability is any disability affecting mental processes.  People with cognitive disabilities do not necessarily have decreased levels of skills, abilities, or intellectual functioning. Continued… Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

34 Employees with Cognitive Disabilities, cont. Possible Accommodations  Job coaching  Structured breaks  Checklists & time tables  Clear and concise directions/instructions Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

35 Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities Psychiatric disabilities are disorders of the brain that may disrupt a person’s feelings, mood, and abilities to relate to others. Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

36 Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities, cont. Possible Accommodations  Job coaching  Structured breaks  Checklists & time tables  Contingency plans to deal with stress Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

37 Natural Supports Websites  VCU Rehabilitation Training & Support  Job Accommodation Network  Griffin Hammis Employment Services & Innovations Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

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