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Presentation on theme: " June 18, 2015 WEBEX. Kathy Hayman Director, Business Processes KMI Pipelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 18, 2015 WEBEX

2 Kathy Hayman Director, Business Processes KMI Pipelines

3 3 Agenda Project Status & Sandbox Opening General Dart Navigation IT & Pool Contracts IT & Pool Nominations Q&A

4 4 Project Status & Sandbox Opening Go Live set for April 1, 2016 business – Coincides with new nomination cycles set by FERC Order 809 – Will open mid-March for April 1, 2016 business Sandbox open on June 23, 2015 – Limited to IT and Pool Contracts and Nominations – Other functionality being set up and tested – Refer to slides in Appendix for specific training and customer support information

5 Sherry Noack Manager, Contract Administration

6 6 General Navigation Log In Navigation Panel Favorites Preferences

7 Web address - 7

8 8 Hover over Interstate and select Southern Natural Gas.

9 9

10 Enter User name and password. 10

11 Click Navigation Panel. 11

12 12 To pin the Navigation Panel open, click the pin in the right hand corner of the panel. To unpin, click again. If the Navigation Panel is not pinned, hover over the Panel button and the Navigation Panel will reappear. Each folder may be expanded by clicking the + sign.

13 13 Each folder may be expanded by clicking the + sign to the left of the folder. Click on the desired screen to open the screen.

14 14 To save to Favorites, click the Navigation panel and select the screen you wish to add to the Favorites folder. Click the drop down next to “Actions” at the top of the screen and select Add to Favorites or right click and select Add to Favorites.

15 The screen will now display in the Favorites folder. 15

16 To automatically launch certain screens each time the user logs in, click Help and select User Preference. 16

17 Click on the Auto Launch tab and select the desired screens. Click Save. The screens selected will automatically open when the user logs into DART. 17

18 18 Clicking the bottom X on the upper right side of the screen will close the screen and take you to the previous screen. Clicking Window will allow you to navigate to any screen you have open.

19 19 You also have the option to display all the screens open in a tab format. Click View and then Tab Manager.

20 20 Open screens will display as shown above. Click the applicable tab to open the desired screen.

21 To set the default pipeline and default service requester, click the + sign to the left of Preferences and then click User Preferences. 21

22 22 Select the TSP default and the Service Requester default from the drop down and click Save.

23 23 To set up Business Preferences, click the + sign to the left of Preferences and select Business Preference. Right click and select New.

24 Auto-populated Contact Information Capacity Release Bids - all bids prearranged and non-prearranged Capacity Release Offers – all offers. This is also used for offer status change email notifications. Imbalance Trade/Storage Transfer – imbalance trades and storage transfers Nominations – Nominations Email Notification Invoices – invoices are available to view IOS Posting Notices – open season is posted. A link to the notice is embedded in the email. Notices Critical – critical notice is posted. A link to the notice is embedded in the email. Notices Cut – any scheduling or confirmation cuts after each cycle Notices Intraday Bump – an intraday bump occurs Notices Non-Critical – non-critical notice is posted. A link to the notice is embedded in the email. Recall Email Notices – capacity is recalled. ROFR Notices – ROFR open season is posted. A link to the notice is embedded in the email. LDC Report – Not applicable to SNG Input the contact information for each applicable category and click Save. Click Close. 24

25 25 IT and Pool Contract Inquiry Contract List Contract Execution

26 Contract Changes PREMIER Service Requester – DUNS Number Location Prop – 030300 Contract Number – FSNG999 DART GID (Global Identification Number) – 9999 PIN (Point Identification Number) – 630300 Contract Number – 999999-MFTSNG 26

27 Contract Statuses PREMIER N/A Pending Tendered Executed Active Inactive Withdrawn DART Draft Submitted N/A Executed Active Terminated Withdraw 27




31 31 To view contractual data, click on the plus sign to the left of Contracts to open the folder.

32 32 Click on Contracts.

33 33 Make sure the correct TSP is displayed. The TSP can be changed by hovering over the TSP row.

34 34 The default TSP and service requester should display. Change the TSP and/or service requester if needed by clicking the drop down and selecting a different TSP or service requester.

35 35 Click Retrieve. If all filters are left blank, all contracts will display.

36 36 To filter data on the grid, click on the funnel next to the column heading and select the filter criteria. In this example, to view IT only, select that filter option.

37 37

38 To execute a contract, click Contract Execution. 38

39 39 Click Agreement to display the agreement. Click Execute to execute the contract. The user must have Contract Execution security rights to execute.

40 40


42 Katie Cornutt Scheduling Representative Southern Natural Gas

43 43 DART Terminology “Batch” = a consolidated file, containing one or more nominations, involving one or more PINs that is submitted to the pipeline for processing (scheduling, allocations, invoicing). PIN – or Point Identification Number – identifies a location on a segment, on a specific Transportation Service Provider (TSP) GID = “Global Identification” number assigned to a company conducting business on Kinder Morgan pipelines. Acts just like a customer identification number.

44 44 DART Terminology (continued) “Source” = typically associated with defining the ‘supply’ source (i.e. supply/receipt, off-system supply, buy, loan, withdraw from storage, etc…). The source creates a balance at the Focal PIN. “Disposition” = tells DART how the shipper plans on resolving the source of gas balance at the Focal PIN (i.e. delivery, sell, transport, park, injection to storage, etc…).

45 45 DART Transaction Type Reference Vol Type - Transaction Type DescriptionTT Buy (Current Business)01 Sell (Current Business)01 Transport (Current Business)01 Trans(Authorized Contract Overrun)02 Payback (Imbalance Payback From TSP)03 Payback (Imbalance Payback To TSP)04 Injection (Storage Injection)06 Withdrawal (Storage Withdrawal)07 Pooling08 Off-system Market117 Off-system Supply118 Park26 Park Withdrawal27 Loan28 Loan Payback29 Purchase119 Sale120 Downstream Delivery/Receipt Service14

46 46 Key Changes to Pool Structure Today, In PremierFuture, in DART Tier 1 to Tier 2 pool restrictions Nominations can be to/from a pool contract or storage contract using counterparty’s contract number. Eliminate Tier 1/Tier 2 pool distinction There will be multiple pooling locations on the pipeline, and a location for storage, as receipt or delivery points One pooling contract should be sufficient Unlimited buys/sells at pool locations

47 47 Pool PINs for the DART Conversion

48 48 New Pooling Structure Overview All receipt points can be nominated to the South Louisiana Zone 0 Pool PIN (Enhancement announced 3/11/15) Receipt points can be nominated to the Pool PIN that is in the same zone and on the same system (i.e., north or south) Receipt points on the same system can also be nominated to Pool PIN(s) in all upstream zones along the same system (i.e., north or south) Receipt points in Zone 1 can be nominated to any Pool PIN in Zone 1 The Storage PIN can be nominated to any Zone 0 and Zone 1 Pool PINs

49 49 Pool PIN Mapping Example South LA Zone 0 Pool Gwinville Zone 1 South Pool Enterprise Zone 1 South Pool Zone 3 South Pool North LA Zone 0 Pool Zone 1 North Pool Zone 2 North Pool Petal Storage YYYY Texas Gas- Kosciusko to SNG YYYYY Petal Storage: Zone 1 South PinTexas Gas: Zone 1 North Pin

50 50 Pool PIN Mapping Reference

51 51 Other Ways to Buy and Sell Aggregated Gas Supplies Multiple title transfers will be allowed. – Buy or sell transactions can occur at any pool, receipt or storage PIN – Purchase will be a ‘buy’ transaction type – Sale will be a ‘sell’ transaction type – No contract with SNG is required for these nominations since no transportation is taking place and there are no imbalances

52 52 Premier vs Dart Nomination Model Receipt Location Delivery Location Upstream Downstream Receipt PIN Delivery PIN Premier DART Non-Pathed Nomination Pathed, Non-Threaded Nomination K = FSNG1234 K = 312643-POOLSNG Receipt Location Upstream Supply A Supply C Market B Market D (Path) Receipt Location Upstream

53 53 Park Withdrawal FOCAL PIN Off Sys Supply Buy Loan Pooling Storage Withdrawal Transport Sell (Disposition) Pooling Park Payback (From Pipe) (Source) Payback (To Pipe) Loan Payback Storage Injection 1,000 Dth Upstream = 2,000 Dth Downstream = 2,000 Dth 2,000 Dth PIN must be in balance; total Upstream volume equals total Downstream volume DART = Focal PIN-Centric


55 Jeremy Rainwater Scheduling Representative Southern Natural Gas

56 56 Create a new nomination Nominate an entire “batch”. Validate and then submit a batch. This nom will include the following: – Source – Buy / Sell at the Pool – Transport – Disposition Today’s Example

57 57 Diagram of DART Pool Nomination Trunkline to South Louisiana Zone 0 Pool Pin Offsystem Supply 500 “Pooling” to the Pool PIN 500 “Pooling” to the Pool PIN 500 500 Buy Sell 200 Transport IT 800 Trunkline/SNG Interconnect South LA Z0 South Pool PIN 500 from Trunkline 1,000 Source 1,000 Disposition

58 58 Navigating in Dart Hover over Navigation Panel with mouse Will open the options for navigating

59 59 Navigating in Dart Click the “+” sign next to each folder to get to the subfolder or to the desired screen you need to access

60 60 Selecting the Pipeline Hover over the top right to get the Pipeline Pick List

61 61 Batch List Batch List screen provides a list of both ‘Submitted’ and ‘Not Submitted’. Not Submitted batches can have a status of, Holding, Draft, Error, Waiting for approval, and Validating.  Submitted Batch files cannot be changed  Not Submitted Batch files can be changed prior to submitting to the pipeline for processing Shippers can have more than one Batch file for a given gas day  For overlapping PINS, last Batch file submitted wins

62 62 Adding a Batch Now click on “Add Batch”

63 63 Adding a Batch (Cont.) Fill in: A)Date Range B)Cycle, or leave at defaulted ‘Best Available’ C)Contact Name D)Contact Phone E)Description Information (Optional)

64 64 Entering Nominations into DART There are three possible ways of entering Nominations in DART, online: – 1) Copy Nominations (from previous Batch Files) – 2) Enter Nominations using the DART Nomination Matrix screen – 3) Upload Nominations

65 65 Rec/Del Loc Prop Look-Up Feature “?” = Search feature Searches based on required information Has multiple search criteria selection

66 66 Rec/Del Loc Prop Look-Up Feature (Cont.) Change criteria selection to enhance your search Enter the criteria Then hit filter button

67 67 Rec/Del Loc Prop Look-Up Feature (Cont.) Once you click on the “filter” button, it pulls up related line items based on your filter criteria. Select “OK”

68 68 Focal PIN Details Screen auto populates with selected item from search

69 69 1) Focal PIN of sourced gas2) Source Volume Type (Buy, Off-sys supply, etc…) 3) GID of the counter party(s) supply your gas4) Receipt volume(s) 5) Rank and Package ID, if applicable6) Select “Pooling” from drop down menu 7) Enter your Pooling contract here8) Enter the Pool PIN for your Pool 9) Enter Pool volumes10) Enter Rank and Package ID, as applicable Bringing in supply from I/C to Pool PIN

70 70 “Go” navigates from Focal Pin to the Focal Pin entered in Del Loc Prop Navigating to Related PINS

71 71 New Focal Pin from hitting “Go”. Carries over line item from related Focal Pin automatically “Go” button on this line takes you back to the corresponding Focal Pin South LA Zone 0 Pool Nomination

72 72 1) Focal PIN of sourced gas2) Source Volume Type (Buy, Off-sys supply, etc…) 3) GID of the counter party(s) supply your gas4) Receipt volume(s) 5) Counterparty Nom 6) Rank and Package ID, if applicable 7) Select “Transport” from drop down menu 8) Enter your IT contract here 9) Enter the Delivery PIN for your Transport 10) Enter Gross rec volumes 11) Enter Rank and Package ID, as applicable Pool PIN Nominations

73 73 “Go” navigates from Focal Pin to the Focal Pin entered in Del Loc Prop Navigating to Related PINS

74 74 New Focal Pin from hitting “Go”. Carries over line item from related Focal Pin automatically “Go” button on this line takes you back to the corresponding Focal Pin Transportation to Delivery PIN Nomination

75 75 Shows Upstream totals for Focal PIN Shows Downstream totals for Focal PIN Shows if there is a variance at the PIN Shows the Batch status PIN Balance Detail

76 76 This PIN is in balance and has no variance Nom Batch is completed as all related PINS are completed Time to validate and submit the Batch Validation and Submission of Nom Batch

77 77 Validation and Submission of Nom Batch (Cont.) Once validated, hit Batch Locations to get to the Submit Button

78 78 Submission of Nom Batch Hit Submit Button

79 79 Error’s will either be in a “Pop-up” screen or in the status bar at the bottom Example of error in “Pop-up” window Error Messages

80 80 Error’s will either be in a “Pop-up” screen or in the Message Box at the bottom Example of error in Message Box Error Messages (Cont.)

81 81 Batch list takes you back to your submitted and not submitted batches Can change the Date, Cycle, and description of the Batch Navigating to Batches

82 82 Highlight the not submitted batch that you want to change Selecting Batch to Amend

83 83 Left click to highlight line item Right click to pull up actions menu Select Change Batch Changing a Batch

84 84 Make necessary changes to your Batch Then hit Save Changing a Batch

85 85 Revalidate Resubmit Revalidation and Submission of Batch

86 86 After you submit your Batch, it will no longer show up in Not Submitted screen Navigate to Submitted to check status of your submitted Batch Batch List

87 87 Batch is now in the submitted screen Status shows submitted, for EVE cycle Provides a Batch ID Time stamp for Batch Submittal Submitted vs. Not Submitted Status

88 88 Hit refresh button to check for status change Submitted vs. Nominated Batch Status

89 89 “Submitted” Batch files cannot be edited. Changing Submitted Batches


91 91 Reminder Complete DART System License Agreement(s) and ESA Request Form(s) DART License Agreements and ESA forms sent via email to all Premier users on April 30 th. Also so available on: – Shipper Meeting flash drive – SNG Portal Page – Conversion to DART – From your account manager Email to ESA Help Guide, Entity and PIN cross references -- @ Conversion to DART Need Help – Contact DART Security Coordinator @ (713)369-6767 Download Citrix® Receiver Software from View DART tutorials on the SNG portal -- @ Training (DART) Upcoming WebEx Training Dates – 7/21 Viewing Firm Contracts/Capacity Release Offers and Creating Firm Nominations – 8/11 Creating Capacity Release Offers 91



94 Premier Home Page – DART Training Tools

95 DART Tutorial Videos Are Available

96 96 DART Hands On Training Houston September 22-24 AtlantaOctober 6-8 BirminghamOctober 20-22 Additional refresher training prior to the Implementation Date of DART More details to follow

97 97 DART Training On-Site Proposed Training Schedule Fall Schedule Tues8:00-11:30 General DART Navigation refresher Contracts/ Cap Release Tues1:00-4:30 Nominations/Confirmations - examples and build your own Wed8:00-11:30Scheduling priorities/PDAs Wed1:00-4:30 General DART Navigation refresher Contracts/Cap Release Thurs8:00-4:30Nom/Conf/Sched/PDAs


99 99

100 100

101 101


103 103 SNG & EEC Lines and Segments With Pooling Points Draft 6/1/2015

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