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1 State-wide Prescribed Burn Partnership Workshop May 27, 2011 Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center 7887 U.S. Highway 87 North San Angelo, TX 76901.

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Presentation on theme: "1 State-wide Prescribed Burn Partnership Workshop May 27, 2011 Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center 7887 U.S. Highway 87 North San Angelo, TX 76901."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 State-wide Prescribed Burn Partnership Workshop May 27, 2011 Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center 7887 U.S. Highway 87 North San Angelo, TX 76901

2 “Confluence” of Interests 1997 - Concept of Association NRCS-Conservation Innovation Grant Proposal Submitted and Funded 2010 - Meeting with Butch Taylor, John Walker, Neal Wilkins, and Roel Lopez 1998-2009 - State leaders expand concept to other regions in the state 2010 – Jim Kenton & others Re-visit the idea of an “Alliance” 2010 – Jim Kenton & others Re-visit the idea of an “Alliance” May 27, 2011 - Workshop/Meeting of Association Leadership to discuss Alliance concept 2003 – Mort Kothmann and others begin to form idea of an “Alliance” 2003 – Mort Kothmann and others begin to form idea of an “Alliance” Association Leadership Opted to form a “State-wide Alliance” (Initial support will be provided by Texas AgriLife and Texas A&M Inst. of Renewable Natural Resources) Association Leadership Opted to form a “State-wide Alliance” (Initial support will be provided by Texas AgriLife and Texas A&M Inst. of Renewable Natural Resources) 2006 – Initial meeting was held in Brownwood by EPPBA

3 3 NRCS-Conservation Innovation Grant  Goal: Increase prescribed fire use through a community-based alliance of burning associations, and integration of web-based technology, particularly for education and training.

4 4 Texas Alliance of Prescribed Burning Associations (TAPBA)  9 out of the 11 pre-identified PBAs were represented at the San Angelo Workshop.  PBA Leadership unanimously supported the idea to establish a state-wide alliance.  Benefits of the alliance – Unified approach to increase the use of prescribed fire & support lando wners.

5 5 TAPBA Goals  Promote fuel reduction and address wildfire prevention.  Promote the use of safe prescribed fire practices.  Fire mitigation through the use of prescribed fire to reduce the risk to residential and commercial areas.  Address long-term sustainability of prescribed fire uses across the landscape.

6 6 –Picture rotator highlighting events. –New and Events tab, archive/date stamp –Alliance Header –Horizontal navigation –Log-in page, access to other website features –Viewing and reporting of p-fire burns –Adding on-screen digitizing feature. TAPBA Website

7 7 Prescribed Burn Associations in Texas

8 8 Current TAPBA Status (as of 10-2011)  A draft Constitution has been drafted and is in the process of being finalized.  PBAs have nominated members to serve on the TAPBA Steering Committee.  Four Work Groups were formed to address: – Alliance Structure/Organization and Alliance Constitution and/or charter – Finances – Education and Training – Umbrella Prescribed Fire Insurance  PBA Leadership will reconvene within the next two weeks to further discuss the establishment of the TAPBA.

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