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Restoring Fire to the Mountains. a presentation by… your National Forests in North Carolina.

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Presentation on theme: "Restoring Fire to the Mountains. a presentation by… your National Forests in North Carolina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restoring Fire to the Mountains

2 a presentation by… your National Forests in North Carolina

3 Fire plays an important role in keeping Southern forests healthy. These natural areas are important to our health, giving us clean air and drinking water.

4 The Forest Service learned over the years that putting out every fire creates a buildup of leaves and small trees, producing dangerous conditions.

5 This woody debris can create hot, destructive fires that put communities at risk and degrade forest health. We take the safety of neighbors and the health of our forests very seriously.

6 That’s why the Forest Service uses prescribed burns in the Nantahala and Pisgah national forests.

7 Low- to medium- intensity prescribed burns make communities safer and forests healthier. Prescribed burns reduce woody debris and the frequency of destructive fires.

8 They promote the growth of fire-tolerant oak trees and native shrubs that provide food for wildlife. Prescribed burns restore threatened plants such as table mountain pine.

9 Prescribed burning can mimic nature, acting like a cleaning agent. Prescribed burning can remove certain forest pests and non- native plants.

10 Notice how dead leaves and other debris are missing from the ground in this photo. A prescribed burn has cleared out the forest floor. Sprouting, green leaves are flourishing.

11 That’s how a forest can look just 5 months after a prescribed burn……healthy and without debris.

12 All prescribed burns are completed by trained personnel…. …in accordance with a detailed plan, which includes desired weather conditions.

13 Safety is always top priority.

14 We have a choice. We can manage fire on our terms… Or let nature take its course, potentially leading to an unmanaged, catastrophic wildfire.

15 Prescribed burning benefits people… …and the health of the Nantahala and Pisgah national forests.

16 Help prevent unmanaged, destructive wildfires. Learn more online at:

17 Thank you for watching this presentation.

18 National Forests in North Carolina “Caring for the Land and Serving People”

19 Restoring Fire to the Mountains

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