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Phacodynamics Nakhleh E. Abu-Yaghi, MD
Phacodynamics Studying the fundamentals of : Inflow rates
Outflow rates Vacuum Phacopower modulation Micorsurgical maneuvers in dealing with different types/grades of cataract
Charles Kelman ( )
Devised the cryo-probe (1962)
Introduced extracapsular cataract extraction Introduced phacoemulsification (1967) Most influential IOL designer (1975) Lasker award (highest award in medical science)
Overview The machine The ultrasound energy The fluidics
Understanding the machine
The phaco machine The console The foot pedal The hand piece
The connections
The console Computer controlling functions Setting and parameters
Display foot pedal signals and input information and display modes
The hand piece Tip Sleeve Body
3 ports (Aspiration, irrigation, Ultrasound)
The body contains piezoelectric crystals (acting as a transducer) that contract or expand converting electric energy into mechanical energy causing movement of the tip. This is temperature dependent (Curie temperature)
Silicone sleeve for phaco tip:
Insulates corneal wound and provides fluidic pathway for irrigation Infusion flows between the tip and sleeve and exits from two openings perpendicular to the tip bevel
Tip Outer diameter: wound size (1.1) (0.9- microtip)
Inner diameter: aspiration flow rate (0.9 mm) (0.7mm- microtip) G?
The tip is from titanium
Angle of standard tip is from 0-60 degrees The less the angle: the better the holding but the poorer the cutting action Tip selection depends on hardness of nucleus and technique 30 degree tip is a good compromise between trenching and chopping End configurations: round, ellipsoid, bent or flared Occludability: is the tendency of the tip to get occluded The smaller the tip angle the higher the occludability Your garden hose is zero angle
Variations on the tips Microseal, microflow tips (to reduce incisional burns) Kelman and Kobra tips (to improve cutting efficiency)
I/A port Straight 45 degrees 90 degrees
Foot pedal
Excursions and dentations
Feel the resistance at dentations/positions (mode changes) Tactile feedback Auditory feedback
Excursion I Irrigation is on No gradient in this step
Going back to excursion 1 and stopping at D1 prevents collapse of AC Nuclear rotation/manipulation of nuclear fragments, require a formed AC without aspiration
Excursion IA A linear control of vacuum and flow
Top of foot position 2 provides less vacuum or flow than middle or bottom The vacuum and flow effect is created by a peristaltic or venturi pump Sources of fluid outflow during phaco: 1. Aspiration tube 2. Leakage from incisions
Excursion IAP IAP0= phaco energy is zero
IAP max= energy at maximum preset Phaco power is linear in surgeon and pulse mode In panel or burst mode, maximum preset energy is delivered In IAP, irrigation is on and aspiration is at maximum preset
Foot gradient (FG) The excursion of foot pedal in mm to produce unit power of phaco energy If total foot excursion (from IAP0 to IAPmax is 10 cm (100mm),and the maximum preset phaco energy is 100%, hence FG: FG= 100mm/100=1 unit power per 1mm of excursion If maximum preset phaco is changed to 50%: FG=100/50= 1unit power per 2mm of excursion more FG more foot control Phaco maximum should be set at the minimum power required for that particular step
Side kick function Reflux function Not a linear function
Continuous infusion Foot is off pedal but irrigation is still on
Main concepts Maintain space (prevent collapse of AC by balancing inflow and outflow rates) Create currents (bring cataract pieces to phaco probe and remove them) Keep it cool (prevent thermal injury)
Fluidics parameters Mechanical Infusion Aspiration and leakage Vacuum
Clinical Incision size Vitreous pressure
Inflow/infusion BSS flows from bottle to irrigation port
Infusion is passive by gravity Bottle height above patient creates a pressure gradient Approximately 11 mmHg (above ambient atmospheric pressure produced intraocularly) for every 15 cm of bottle height above the patients eye
outflow Aspiration and leakage (ml/min)
Affected by diameter of phaco tip, tubing and vacuum Wound leakage
Aspiration flow rate (AFR)
Measured in ml/min Is determined by speed of pump As flow increases : current in AC increases: this determines how well particulate matter is attracted to the tip Optimum rate is cc/min
Followability Tendency for structures within the AC to move towards the phaco tip It is a function of AFR Positive pressure of infusion and negative pressure of aspiration create pressure gradient at the tip that leads to Eddy currents from the infusion orifice to the phaco tip. This area is known as zone of followability
Vacuum Create holding power to keep material in phaco tip
Created by a pump: Peristaltic pump: vacuum develops slowly Venturi pump: rapid rise in vacuum Trenching: low to no vacuum Segment removal: moderate vaccum Chop: high vacuum
Holdability Ability of the phaco tip to hold onto the material occluding its tip It is a function of Vacuum 1st generation machines: max vacuum 120mmHg 2nd generation machines: max vacuum 250mmHg 3rd generation vacuum up to 650mmHg
AFR Vs Vacuum AFR is the rate at which fluid and emulsified nuclear particles are removed from the eye when the phaco tip is not occluded Vacuum is the negative pressure that builds up when the tip is occluded They are separate components that work hand in hand during outflow At low flow rates: gradual build up of vacuum (safe but slow) At high flow rates: faster vacuum build up (but less safe)
Pump Main function is to move fluid through the aspiration tubing
Pump settings control rate of movement of fluid Peristaltic pump (Flow based) Allows independent control of aspiration rate and vacuum level Venturi pump (Vacuum based) Allows direct control of only vacuum level. Flow is dependent on vacuum level setting
Peristaltic pump
Rollers move Compress the outflow tubing in a peristaltic manner “milking” action on fluid column The machine can control the flow level (flow based) A preset vacuum level is achieved once there is occlusion of outflow line (at low speed of rotation) By increasing the flow rate, vacuum is produced in the aspiration line without occlusion To build up vacuum without occlusion, you need to increase the flow rate (flow based pump)
Venturi pump Vacuum is created within a rigid drainage cassette connected to the aspiration tubing No milking of the aspiration line phaco tubing can be made rigid with low compliance Main advatage is the ability to create the preset vacuum level without occlusion of the phaco tip needle As the surgeon depresses the pedal, the preset vacuum is immediately created (vacuum based) Venturi and diaphragm pumps have inherently higher flow rates high build up of vacuum
Only the vacuum can be controlled
Only the vacuum can be controlled. The flow rate is fixed and is a function of the vacuum Vacuum is directly transmitted from a closed chamber to the tip ensuring a better followability
Peristaltic pump Venturi pump
Flow based vacuum based Vacuum created on occlusion instantanous of phaco tip Flow constant until occlusion Flow varies with vacuum Drains into a soft bag Drains into a rigid cassette
The slow flow rate is useful for beginners (high safety margin in case of sudden capsule occlusion in the port) Slow rise time allows time to come back to position 1 or even relax At a moderately high flow rate it is a good compromise between safety and efficiency
Vacuum rise time The amount of time taken by the system to reach maximum vacuum setting once occlusion takes place Peristaltic pumps have a slower rise time (can be made faster by increasing the rotation of the wheel)
Other pump modalities Concentrix (millennium)
(flow mode and Vacuum mode) Rotary vane- Chiron’s catalyst (vacuum based) Diaphragm
Clinical Parameters Incision size: affects: Leakage Infusion
AC stability Depends on external diameter of phaco tip Small incision causes infusion flow obstruction: squeezing of infusion sleeve AC instability and build up of heat at the tip Big incision more leakage and more astigmatism
Vitreous pressure Patient dependent Affects AC depth during phaco Compensate with increased bottle height
AC stability Inflow=outflow
AC pressure has to be greater than vitreous pressure and atmospheric pressure (positive IOP) Under pressurization : collapse of AC forward movement of iris and lens and posterior capsule rupture One indicator of AC pressure imbalance is bouncing movement of iris and lens Over pressurization can lead to deepening of AC and zonular stress
Compliance and Surge Property or ability of the tubing to collapse or deform under pressure High compliance means more surge Surge is a temporary fluid imbalance: When the phaco tip is occluded negative pressure builds in the tubing collapse of the aspiration tube occlusion breaks after eating the nucleus piece tube returns to original shape surge (sudden sucking effect of fluid with AC shallowing (until infusion fluid compensates)
Surge Here the outflow fluid from the eye exceeds the inflow fluid (even for a split second)
How to reduce surge? Lower levels of flow and vacuum
Rigid (low compliance) aspiration tubing Venting Increased bottle height Reduce tip size Aspiration bypass port (ABS)
Venting The machine has a sensor that detects occlusion breaks and releases fluid/air into the system fill the volume for the re-expanding tubing, preventing outflow of fluid from the AC (vent valve senses a maximum vacuum level) Fluid venting is better (less surge) because air bubbles contract more when expansion of tubing reverses Fluid expands less and contracts less than air
Aspiration bypass port
A small hole in the metal part of phaco hand piece that functions when the tip is occluded. It also has a cooling effect
Central safe zone A conceptual area within the capsulorhexis margin bounded vertically by the cornea on top and the posterior capsule from the bottom In contrast to the peripheral unsafe zone (corneal curvature is in play)
Ultrasound power
Ultrasound power It is the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical one by ultrasound vibrations of the Quartz crystal in the transducer/ vibrator of the hand piece Depends on frequency (29-60Hz) and Stroke length (2-6mm) The higher the frequency the more the cutting action and heat The longer the stroke length the greater the action and the heat
Frequency: number of longitudinal vibrations per second Stroke length: distance the tip displaces in the axial direction during phaco Phaco power is indicated as a percentage: at 100% the stroke length is the maximum permissible for the machine. When the power is decreased, the stroke length decreases (frequency is fixed per machine)
Piezoelectric crystals
Converting electrical energy to mechanical energy
Mechanism of phacoemulsification
The Jackhammer effect: physical striking of needle against nucleus by to and fro movement (transverse or elliptical) Cavitation effect: formation of micro-bubbles which at moment of implosion create 7204 C temperature and shock wave of 75000psi which can be directed away from cornea according to angle of tip.
Phaco power variables Too little power: pushes nucleus instead of carving it zonular stress and extension of posterior capsular (PC)tears Too much power: pierces nucleus rent in PC Safest phaco is with appropriate power not with low power This depends on : Nuclear density Amount of tip that is engaged Linear velocity of tip during phaco
Control and delivery of power
Linear (surgeon mode): progressive pressing of foot pedal control leads to gradual rise in phaco power from 0 to preset level Panel mode: parameter reaches the preset panel maximum on pressing the foot pedal without any linear pedal control (useful in very hard cataract with uniformly hard nucleus)
Phaco mode Continuous: power is delivered constantly and is either linear or panel controlled (more ultrasound power- good for sculpting) Pulse mode: power is delivered as pulses of energy followed by a gap of equal duration of pulse free period (there is a pause in ultrasound) (duty cycle concept) The more the pedal is pressed, the higher the power in linear mode Burst mode: maximum power is delivered at intervals which vary with amount of depression of foot pedal (burst width is less the more the surgeon steps on the pedal, full pedal gives continuous burst i.e zero burst width)
Q Will phaco energy increase by using more pulses per second?
No Each short phaco pulse is followed by a short phaco-off time
Duration of on and off time can be set by operator and is called duty cycle
This can reduce heat generation and increase followability This is all programmable and affects smoothness and precision of power delivery
Duty cycle Phaco on time/ phaco on time +phaco off time
Higher duty cycle results in better cutting power but increased heat generation Lower duty cycle allows more fluidic aspiration of nuclear fragments while minimizing heat and phaco power
tips Pulse mode: Holding the lens Chopping
Bringing material to central area More pulses per second: sculpting and removing quadrants
Burst Wide burst time: epinucleaus (when you want to hold lens material you need an off phaco mode) Narrower: quadrants Full burst: sculpting
Different settings Trenching (hi power, low vacuum)
Chopping (hi vacuum, moderate power) Quadrant removal (hi vacuum, moderate power) Epinucleus removal (high vacuum, no or low phaco) Cortex aspiration (high vacuum)
Final words Understand your machine to become a more efficient driver
Proper knowledge harnesses hidden advantages Check your machine
Basic principles? There are none!
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