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Ch 5 Notes Pgs 55-59.

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1 Ch 5 Notes Pgs 55-59

2 5.1 OBJECTIVE: To discover the reasons Israel was considered the crossroads of the world at the time of Jesus (pp ). What are the 3 names of the land in which Jesus lived? Israel, Palestine, and Canaan.

3 Though Israel had a rich and varied landscape, one harsh feature was the desert.

4 Why was Israel a crossroads for peoples of the ancient world
Why was Israel a crossroads for peoples of the ancient world? What were two consequences of this fact? It was a natural highway for merchants going btw the great centers of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Consequences: Highway for invading armies of ancient empires, and Israel was part of Roman Empire

5 At the time of Jesus, Israel was made up of three main regions
At the time of Jesus, Israel was made up of three main regions. The northern region was Galilee. The middle region was Samaria. The southern region was Judaea.

6 Why did the Jews hate the Samaritans?
The Samaritans were descendants of Jews who centuries before had intermarried with pagans.

7 Name three reasons why Judea was so important:
Center for Jewish worship—where the temple was located. Political capital and seat of religious authority Jesus and John the Baptist were both from there and also did much of their ministry there.

8 5.2 OBJECTIVE: To explore the culture of and language spoken in the lower part of Galilee (pp ). Nazareth looked down on a major trading route called the Via Maris (“Seaway”). Why was this an important fact? People in Nazareth, including Jesus, were able to hear and experience people of different cultures coming in from the caravans.

9 Nazareth was located in the region of Galilee.

10 What was the largest city in the region of Galilee? Sepphoris

11 Though he was a Jew, whose language was Hebrew, Jesus’ common language was Aramaic. Two examples of Jesus using this language are: Mark 5:41- “talitha koum” which means “little girl, I say to you, arise!” Mark 14:36- “Abba” which was a loving way to say “father”

12 When would Jesus have spoken Hebrew? During worship
Where would he have learned Hebrew? In the synagogue

13 What other language did Jesus speak? Greek.
What use would this language have been to him? So that he could conduct business with foreigners from other parts of the Roman Empire.

14 In what language is the New Testament written. Greek
In what language is the New Testament written? Greek. Why was it written in this language? At the time of Jesus, Greek was the official language of the Roman Empire.

15 5.3 OBJECTIVE: To discover basic aspects of Jesus’ daily life in Nazareth (pp. 60-61)
Describe the clothing at the time of Jesus and why such clothing was worn: Loose-fit, head covers for protection from the heat, Women wore veils, and sandals wore worn.

16 Describe the housing at the time of Jesus and why it was so:
-Climate influenced -Square and made of mud, bricks, and stone. -Faced North -There were few windows -Roof was flat, and made of branches and rolled clay. - Dirt floors, people sat and slept on mats

17 Of the “house” features mentioned, which is most interesting to you and why?

18 Describe what leisure time was like at the time of Jesus:
-Dancing was popular -Musical instruments: flutes, horns, cymbals, and drums -Children played hide and seek -Gatherings to hear of ancestors stories of faith

19 5.4 OBJECTIVE: to explore the ways in which Jesus was prepared for life (pp. 62-63).
Describe how Jesus would have learned (especially his Faith) at home in his childhood years: Would have learned from their mothers how to pray and share stories for the first few years. Then Mothers would teach daughters how to clean and prepare meals/celebrations. Fathers would look after the education of their sons.

20 What would Jesus have learned at the synagogue school?
-How to read and write Hebrew -Memorize scripture -Teachers were called “rabbi” and respected in the community.

21 Pgs 64-65: Testing 1-5 and Words to Remember
Aramaic: Common language for business and government throughout the entire area of the Near East, including Israel, Syria, and Mesopotamia. It was the language most likely used by Jesus. Sepphoris: The main city of the region of Nazareth during New Testament times.

22 Testing #1 Describe the land of Jesus and its regions:
Israel was small, but it had a varied landscape. It bordered on the Mediterranean. East of the coastal plain was the hill country. Farther east was the mountain range. It had three main regions: Galilee, Samaria, and Judaea

23 Testing #2 Why would Jesus and other young people from Nazareth have known about cultures other than their own? Nazareth looked down on a major trading route, and caravans of merchants passed close to the town frequently. They were also influenced by Sepphoris.

24 Testing #3 Explain one leisure activity which Jesus may have participated. Dancing, sports, and games, listening to traveling storytellers and teachers, etc.

25 Testing #4 How was a typical house constructed at the time of Jesus? Made of mud, bricks, and stone. Faced north and opened away from the heat of the sun. There were few windows. The roof was flat and made of branches and rolled clay. Most of the houses had dirt floors and mats.

26 Testing #5 Why was the local rabbi so important for a Jewish community in Jesus’ day? He was the teacher in the synagogue. He taught the boys to read and write Hebrew and to learn scriptures by heart. On Sabbath, he taught the adults. He helped interpret scriptures and show people how to live by God’s law.

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