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The most feared pirate was TY Dog. He was born in 1993. His dad was a pirate and his dad whose name was Inoo Dog got killed in 2000. TY Dog did not.

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Presentation on theme: "The most feared pirate was TY Dog. He was born in 1993. His dad was a pirate and his dad whose name was Inoo Dog got killed in 2000. TY Dog did not."— Presentation transcript:



3 The most feared pirate was TY Dog. He was born in 1993. His dad was a pirate and his dad whose name was Inoo Dog got killed in 2000. TY Dog did not know how old he was but he just decided that he was 14.I was hiding and watched his dad being killed. TY Dog robbed lots of ships. Everyone was afraid of him. The pirate TY Dog robbed a ship that belonged to the queen and king of Great Britain and their friends the king and queen of Sweden and Morocco. The ships name was Menes and you may wonder how I knew this but like I said was hiding.

4 T Y Dog jumped on the ship and sailed away. Suddenly about 50 kilometres off Morocco,a monster great white shark came up to the ship and saw a seal jumping. The shark jumped after it and fell through the sail, and landed on deck. It thrashed about with its tail, making a huge hole in the in the ship’s deck, going straight through and this caused the ship to capsize. Most of the men were drunk and unable to swim and eventually drowned. A search party of four ships went out to look, not for T Y Dog but for all of the treasure. TY Dog did not drown ; he swam for a long time until he reached an island. He hid his loot on heart attack and they thought he died.

5 He hid his loot on the island but four people knew about that.Those people s name were INGR, Wain, Zang and Chad. They were all good friends and pirates. I decided to camp on the island. In the night I heard Ingr, we were enemies so I ran away. I fell over a stone and landed flat on my face, right against my nose was a small parchment of paper. I opened it and knew at once that it was a map. It said    ‘     

6 This language I did not no but I knew but I my friend would. He said that it that T Y Dog s loot was breed in a cave. So we set out to find the loot. We found the loot and ran. When we were running I saw a shadow, quite big, about the same size as a man. “So you came here to steal my loot!” TY Dog said. “TY Dog, I don’t have time to stop and chat!” said I. My friend ran out with the loot and stole Chad’s boat and went away leaving TY Dog and Wain, Ingr, Zang and Chad on the island. As we were going away I saw the same great white shark that had sunk TY Dog’s ship. It was about to sink our boat. We hopped on its back. It swam towards INDANA and over we hopped with all the loot, quite fast and quite glad to get out of the water. When we got there I saw Chad. Later Chad went to the Olympics for swimming and he won a gold medal, so he found his gold in the end!

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