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Training for Budget Transactions: Rules and Guidelines for DPOs, Gift Card Requests, Invoices

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1 Training for Budget Transactions: Rules and Guidelines for DPOs, Gift Card Requests, Invoices

2 Through quality programs, services and facilities, we create community that prepares students to become educated and enlightened citizens who lead meaningful and productive lives.

3  Each treasurer MUST provide a listing of all planned and budgeted events and activities for the year complete with dates (or estimated dates/locations); this includes speakers, performers, festivals, activities to support charities, etc.  Updates need to be submitted as they are finalized  All entries will be color-coded as listed below

4  BSA - Yellow  CARE - Pink  EARTH - Green  Madison Equality - Red  NAACP - Blue  SGA - Purple  SGA Program Grants - Lavender  Student Ambassadors - Orange


6  The treasurer of each FEB organization must be the only contact for budget transactions (gift cards, invoices, DPOs)  DPOs must be processed through the student organization database prior to purchase and/or rental (R’ham Rent All, Wayne Oxygen, Moxie, SOS, Daniel’s, etc.)  If you don’t obtain an authorized signature (Gail’s or Paula’s) and you don’t get a DPO prior to placing orders you will have to pay for the order personally!  All invoices must be originals---no fax or email.  All signatures on ALL contracts must be original—no fax or email.  All contracts for performers, speakers, etc. MUST be received at least two weeks prior to event date for pre-event processing. Late contracts cannot be honored and the events may need to be cancelled.  ALL copy center receipts will now be mailed to UU office.

7  Is that amount in the budget?  Call vendor for estimate or emailed estimate  Treasurer requests DPO on line at  Print out two copies for signature  Gail or Paula must sign both copies of the form---student orgs cannot authorize purchases  Vendor signs both copies and keeps one, one comes back to Gail with original invoice

8  Is the item/expense in your budget?  The org’s treasurer should submit a request through online database at least three days—even longer if possible--prior to date needed. (This allows time for the new pre-purchase approval form to go through AP; no gift cards can be purchased without it now.)  Pick up and sign request form for gift card at Gail’s office in Taylor 205B; in signing for gift card you are accepting responsibility for the total balance on the card. Please consider this responsibility when allowing others to use the card without your supervision. Personal reimbursement is required for ALL lost receipts or unapproved purchases.  Purchases of food for use on campus MUST have signatory and/or emailed approval from Jay Degioia in Food Services (540-568- 4227/degioijx) prior to purchase  Return ALL receipts along with the gift card at earliest possible opportunity---you are responsible for the gift card until you sign and date the return on the original request form.  Complete and sign BMCF (business meal certification form) for any food or beverage item purchased.

9  The Commonwealth acts in accordance with the Prompt Pay Act – 30 days from receipt of invoice  Urgent requests (most artists and performers provided the contracts are received two weeks prior to event)  NO IMMEDIATE CHECK PROCESSING---please don’t promise any vendor or performer

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