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E-Pradan Training.

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1 E-Pradan Training

2 E-PRADAN FEATURES e-Pradan module deals with direct payment of Government claims to beneficiaries’ bank account. It is designed for the disbursement of Government payment to the beneficiaries such as Government employees, pensioners, suppliers, contractors etc. through electronic media. Beneficiary Management serves as a break to the beneficiaries to directly credit the disbursed amount to their bank account. Bills raised by the DDOs are approved by the TO. Advice Lists are generated within a defined time period and sent it to RBI for ECS/NEFT payment. After the payment, RBI sends back the electronic payment scroll for accounting purpose of the respective treasury. The e-Pradan Module in the iFMS Portal provides the user the facility to generate and disburse the payment for the beneficiaries of the Govt. of West Bengal. This module explains how the approved payment for a beneficiary is credited to the beneficiary’s bank account electronically available in the application.

3 E-Pradan Features Through e-Pradan you can:
Login to e-Pradan with Digital Signature Certificates. Enter Beneficiary Master Information. Approve the Beneficiary Master. Modify data imported form COSA. Approve the data imported from COSA. View the detail information of the Beneficiaries. Prepare & submit the Bill tagging with Beneficiary. Modify Failed Transaction Retrieve various reports

4 User administration of e-Pradan
DTA /IFMS Cell creates User for Treasury Officer. Treasury Officer creates user for DDO/Approver. DDO/Approver creates user for Operator. Digital Signature Certificate Administration The Approver role with Digital Signatures are created through User Administrator module. The roles are approved by the administrator of User Administrator module. The Approvers with Digital Signature Certificate roles receive USB dongle to sign into e-Pradan.

5 Prerequisites of using Digital Signature Certificates
You need the followings to use Digital Signature Certificate enabled e-Pradan USB Dongle to access e-Pradan (given only to Approvers). Install JRE 1.6 or above from if not already installed. Enable the plugin in the browser. Download required Dongle driver from

6 Install JRE 1.6 To install JRE 1.6
Open in a browser (Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Chrome, etc.) Click on the Free Java Download link given on the page. Another page appears.

7 Install JRE 1.6 Click on the Agree and Start Free Download button.

8 Install JRE 1.6 A downloader dialog box appears.
4. Click on the Save File button. Open the file from the location you have saved it. Click on the Run button to install the application.

9 Install JRE 1.6 Click on the Install button in Java Setup.
You can view a success message in Java Setup after successful installation. 8. Click Close to exit the set up.

10 Enable Plugin To enable plugin
Click on Tools Add-ons from the title bar your browser. Add-Ons Manager page appears Select Always Activate from the dropdown menu of all Java Plugins/Applications.

11 Install Dongle Driver To install Dongle driver Open
Click on Complete Repository.

12 Install Dongle Driver Click on the appropriate Token Driver to download the driver. Choose the driver after checking your system type is 32 bit or 64 bit.

13 Install Dongle Driver Check your system configuration before you download and install the driver. To check if your system is 32 bit or 64 bit Right-click on My Computer. Click on Properties.

14 Install Dongle Driver Check the System type.

15 Install Dongle Driver When you click on the Token driver to download
a popup window appears to let you save the Installer.

16 Install Dongle Driver Open the file from the location you have saved it. An installer appears. Click Next to begin the Installation and continue to click Next until you reach the end of installation.

17 Install Dongle Driver Click Finish to complete installation.

18 E-PRADAN Login Open Internet explorer or any other web browser.
Type URL & click on IFMS WB link as highlighted below:

19 E-PRADAN Login The Home Page of iFMS Portal opens as follows:
Click on e-Pradan link given under e-Services Menu on that page.

20 Login Screen The Login Screen for E-PRADAN Module opens as follows:
Enter your user id and password in the Login ID and Password fields respectively. Click Login.

21 Application Menu List The Application list page appears.
Click on e-Pradan from the menu list. One dialog box appears. Click on the Ok button in the dialog box if you have received the USB dongle physically. Otherwise, click Cancel.

22 Digital Signature If you have clicked Ok in the last dialog box, another dialog box appears. Click on the Allow button in the dialog box. One applet named eMSigner appears on screen. Select one certificate from the lists and click on View Certificate button. It opens another window that displays the details of the certificate. If the Certificate Information is digital Signature, you can use that certificate for signing in. Click OK.

23 Digital Signature Click on a certificate to select it.
Click on the Sign button. A dialog box appears. Enter Token Password in the dialog box. Click OK. E-Pradan home page appears.

24 E-Pradan Home Page E-Pradan home page appears.

25 E-Pradan Module The menu structure of E-Pradan module is as follows:
Master Beneficiary Master Beneficiary Bill Entry Report Beneficiary Master Report E-Pradan Bill wise Success failure Bill wise Summary Failed Transactions Beneficiary Transfer

26 Beneficiary Master Entry Screen
Enter Beneficiary Master Beneficiary Master Module is designed to Insert/upload ,modify and view the detailed information of the Beneficiaries into the system. You can enter Beneficiary Master either through uploading Excel file containing all Beneficiary Master information or through manually inserting the Beneficiary Master information in the Beneficiary Master form. Operator Log-in (Manual Insert option for Beneficiary) Click Beneficiary Master Sub-Module under Master Module.

27 Beneficiary Master Entry Screen
Click on the Insert Button of Beneficiary Master form in the right hand side of the screen.

28 Beneficiary Master Entry Screen
Enter Beneficiary Name , Bank A/C no, IFSC Code. MICR No auto populates . Select Account Type, Beneficiary Type, Group from respective drop down menu. Scroll to the right and enter PAN, Mobile No, GPF No, Aadhar No, Address and ID. Click on the Save button.

29 Beneficiary Master Entry Screen
A success message appears on the top of Beneficiary Master.

30 Beneficiary Master – Import Facility
Operator Log-in (Import from Excel) Click Import from excel button in Beneficiary Master Entry form. Import from Excel option opens as follows: Click on the Choose File button and select .xls File from pop up window. Click on the Import Button. A success message appears at the top of Beneficiary Master form as shown in the image below:

31 Validation In E-Pradan the following fields are validated: IFSC code
Bank Account Number PAN Bill date should not be future Date Duplicate entry of same IFSC code & account number combination Duplicate entry of PAN number Duplicate entry of GPF number

32 Approve Beneficiary Master
After the Operator enters Beneficiary Master, the Master list becomes available at the Approver’s Login. Approver needs to approve the Beneficiary Master. To approve the Beneficiary Master : 1. Approver logs into the Beneficiary Master module. 2. Click Master from the left hand side menu tree.

33 Approve Beneficiary Master
Click Beneficiary Master. It opens the Beneficiary Master form on the right hand side. 4. Select the checkbox from the Approve Flag column of the table associated to the row that you want to approve. 5. Click on the Approve button. A success message appears at the top of the Beneficiary Master form.

34 Delete Beneficiary Delete Beneficiary
Only Approver has permission to delete a Beneficiary row. To delete a Beneficiary Select the checkbox from the Approve Flag column in the row that you want to delete. Click Delete button.

35 Delete Beneficiary A success message appears on the top as shown below:

36 Beneficiary Master Data Status
To view beneficiary data status Select Status as Un-Approved and Un-Approved , relevant data is populated. Select Status as Wrong Data and Wrong Data , relevant data is populated. Select Status as In-Active Data and In-Active Data , relevant data is populated. Select Status as Approved and Approved data is populated (Available in only Approver’s login).

37 Bill Entry (Top Sheet) through e-Pradan
In the E-PRADAN module you can associate Bills to Beneficiaries. You can set the payment mode of the Bills to either ECS/NEFT or Cheque or both modes. The Operator can enter the bill details, set the payment mode of the bill, enter the details of the Approved beneficiary who are associated with the bill. Beneficiary Bill Entry (Operator Log-in) Click Beneficiary Bill Entry from the left hand side menu tree. Beneficiary form appears on the right hand side. Click on the Insert button to enter a new bill.

38 Bill Entry (Top Sheet) through e-Pradan
Enter the Bill No and Bill Date in the respective fields. Enter the Bill Gross & Net Amount. Click on the Payee Department LOV button and select the Payee Dept. from the popup window. Click on the LOV button in the Sub- Type Description field and select relevant value.

39 Bill Entry (Top Sheet) through e-Pradan
Click on the HOA LOV button multiple times to select all the Heads of Accounts. Select the Pay mode radio buttons from the given options as ECS/NEFT/RTGS, Cheque, or Both. Click Save. A success message appears. Depending on the Pay Mode selection the buttons to enter the Beneficiary List appears. If you select ECS Mode as the Pay mode, the button name is ECS List. If you select Cheque Mode as the Pay Mode, the button name is Cheque List. For Both Mode as the selected Pay Mode the form displays two buttons named ECS List and Cheque List.

40 e-Pradan - ECS Payment Mode
If the Pay mode is ECS, after the Bill reference number generation, the Beneficiary form displays ECS List button as shown. Click on the ECS List button. The form as shown in the side Figure appears :

41 ECS Payment Mode Enter the Name in the given column. You can enter first letter of the Beneficiary’s Name in the given column. The approved list of beneficiary names would appear in a dropdown list. Select the desired beneficiary name from the list. Enter amount in the Amount column. The IFSC Code, Account Type, and Bank Account columns populate automatically.

42 ECS Payment Mode Make sure that the sum of Amounts in the Amount column should equal to Bill Net Amount in order to submit the bill. Click Save. A success message appears on top as shown below: However, an operator can not submit a bill. An Approver only can submit the bill. To submit a bill an Approver clicks on the Submit button. A success message appears on the top.

43 ECS Payment Mode You can also copy the beneficiary list from a previous bill. To copy the beneficiary list from previous bill Select the check box Copy from previous bill. Select the Financial Year from the dropdown menu. Click on the Reference NO LOV button and select the relevant value from the popup window. The list would contain only those bills which are under the same Bill Sub Type Description. For example, in this case only TR 26 bills reference numbers would populate as the Bill has entered in TR 26 Sub Type description.

44 ECS Payment Mode Click on the Search button. The list of beneficiaries used in the selected particular bill appears in the table. Enter the Amount. Click on the Add Row link to add more beneficiaries in the bill. Click on the delete icon to delete any existing beneficiary from the list. Click Save. Click on the Modify icon. A pop window opens to let you modify only the Amount field.

45 Cheque Payment Mode If you have selected Pay mode as Cheque, Cheque List button appears after Bill save. Click on the Cheque List button to enter the details. Enter the Payee Name and Amount in the respective fields. Select the Pay Mode from the dropdown menu. Click Save. A success message appears on top.

46 Both Payment Mode When you insert a Bill that you are submitting to Treasury for payment, you can select the payment mode for the Bill as Both. It means that one particular bill can be paid by both ECS mode and cheque mode. In other words, part of the payment can be made by cheque and the rest can be paid by ECS mode. Click Insert in the Beneficiary form. Enter Bill No. in the Bill No field and select the date of transaction from the Calendar in the Date field. Enter the Bill Gross & Net Amount in the respective fields. Select Payee Department from the LOV popup window. Select Subtype Description from associated LOV window.

47 Both Payment Mode Click on the HOA LOV button multiple times and select all the fields of the HOAs. Select Both radio button as the Pay Mode from the given options. Click Save. A reference number is generated and appears on top. Two buttons namely ECS List and Cheque List appear. 10. Click on each button to enter the details of ECS mode and Cheque Mode beneficiary details as explained before in the respective sections and save the respective data.

48 Bill Submission Bill Submission is available only in Approver’s Login. The Submit button will be enabled only when the Approvers have logged into e-Pradan through digital signature certification Click on the Submit button. The Bill appears available to Treasury. The success message appears as shown below:

49 Beneficiary List To check the report of a Bill,
Click on the Reference No. LOV button and select the required reference No from the popup window. Click on the Show Report button. A popup window appears asking you to Save or Open the file. A PDF opens to display the details of the select bill.

50 Bill Receiving At Front Desk
After the Bill is submitted at the e-Pradan module, the Bill becomes available in the Treasury end. To search the bill in Treasury module Select the e-Prodan radio button in Bill Receive type section. Click on the Select DDO Code LOV button and also Select Reference ID LOV buttons and select the respective values. Click on the Search button. The bill populates at the Treasury end.

51 Bill from COSA A user can also receive and approve COSA bill at the e-Pradan module and can search the modified COSA bill in the Treasury end.

52 Advice List Generation at Treasury level
After the Bill is received, it is checked by Dealing Clerk, Accountant, and Treasury Officer at Treasury. Then the Local Advice List is generated. To generate local Advice list Click on the Payment Back Office Local Advice List Generate. Click on Search button. The Approved Bill at Bill Checking with ECS Payment mode selection appears in a table. Click on the Draft Save button. A success message appears along with the newly generated Advice ID and Date at the designated field

53 Advice List Approval at Treasury level
After the Local Advice List is generated, it is approved by the Treasury Officer. To approve the local Advice list Click on the Payment Back Office Local Advice List Approve. Click on the Advice ID & Date LOV button and select the value from the LOV Click on the Search button. The generated Advice Id pending for approval appears. Click on the Payment Mandate button. A success message appears.

54 Failed Transaction Advice List after approval is sent to RBI for payment processing. RBI credits the Bill amount to the beneficiaries bank account as mentioned in the Advice List. However, there may be wrong Beneficiary Details like Account number or IFSC code in the Advice List that might lead to Failed Transaction. That failed transaction becomes automatically available to the relevant DDO’s login in e-Pradan module who has created the bill. To view the Failed Transaction and then correct it Click on the Failed Transaction menu link from the left hand side menu tree. Click on the To be Settled column. The beneficiary details appears on the screen.

55 Failed Transaction Click on the View Reason link to check the reasons for failure transaction. Correct the Bank Account No/ IFSC Code. Select the Corrected checkbox. Click Save. A success message appears.

56 Refund Bill Generation
After the Failed Transaction information is corrected and saved, it automatically comes to the related Treasury for Refund bill generation. To generate Refund bill Click on the Payment Back Office Refund Bill Generation. The corrected beneficiary with the Gross and Net amount of the original bill appears. Enter the Bill Number in the designated field. 3. Click on the Generate button. A success message appears and a new Reference No is generated.

57 Beneficiary Transfer Beneficiary Master List prepared by a DDO is always available at that DDO’s login for Bill tagging. However, an Employee beneficiary’s job can be physically transferred from one location to another location. Therefore, that beneficiary needs to be transferred from one DDO’s login to another DDO’s login in the system. Beneficiary Transfer form helps you to search the transferred Beneficiary and transfer him from prior DDO’s login to current DDO’s login. To transfer a Beneficiary Click on the Beneficiary Transfer menu from the left hand side menu tree. Beneficiary Transfer menu appears. Enter either IFSC Code or Account No or both in the given fields. Click on the Beneficiary Name LOV button. A popup window appears displaying the possible option. Select the Beneficiary from the LOV.

58 Beneficiary Transfer The selected name appears in the designated area.
Click on the Search button. Beneficiary Details section appears displaying the searched Beneficiary. Click on the Submit button. The beneficiary would be transferred to your login. If the Beneficiary already exists in your system then it won’t be transferred. It would show an error message as shown below:

59 Beneficiary Report Bill wise Summary Report

60 Beneficiary Report Bill wise Success Failure


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