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1 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions. EarthSeal Nanotechnology solution to help retain the strength of road bases by adding significant water.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions. EarthSeal Nanotechnology solution to help retain the strength of road bases by adding significant water."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

2 EarthSeal Nanotechnology solution to help retain the strength of road bases by adding significant water resistance to treated soils. Works on silanol, the functional group of silicon, present on the surfaces of all silicate soils. Reactive soil modifier that creates alkyl siloxane bonds to greatly reduce the opportunity for water penetration into the soil. 2 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

3 3 Almost 99% of soils contain silicate – Clays and Silts are over 80% silicate – Sand is over 95% silicate – THEREFORE EARTHSEAL IS EFFECTIVE ON ALL SOIL TYPES! Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

4 4 The Problem Wet Cycle : Expansion -Water absorption & adsorption during rain increases the diameter of hydrated soil causing expansion. Dry Cycle : Contraction - Evaporation of water from the wet soil causes contraction. Expansion & Contraction The combination of these two processes causes cracking of the soil base, increasing its vulnerability to further water ingress and further loss of strength / increased deformation due to water. Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

5 5 The Solution EarthSeal converts soils from water loving (hydrophilic polar) to water hating (hydrophobic non polar). Therefore EarthSeal provides significant water resistance to treated soils and eliminates the Expansion and Contraction problem. Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

6 EarthSeal Benefits -Reduce water permeability (10 -7 -10 -9 cm/s) -Maintains vapor permeability -Eliminate capillary rise and water ingress from above -Maintain strength under wet conditions -Environmentally friendly and non-leaching -Fully compatible with EarthZyme – widens the window suitable soils 6 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

7 7

8 EarthSeal Application -Applied topically to the soil -Standard Equipment – water truck / spray boom -Can be applied as a mix in for roads with poor drainage or built in low lying areas 8 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

9 EarthSeal Applicability -Widens that envelope of applicable soils -Used to augment high silt, high liquid limit road conditions that react poorly in wet weather due to silts poor cohesive properties -Applied after EarthZyme slurry coat 9 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

10 10 Amount Passing #200 Sieve (%) Dilution Rate (ES / Water) Application Rate (L/m 2 ) < 201:5004 20 - 401:4003.5 >401:3003 Dilution and Application Rates Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

11 11 Cypher Environmental Ltd. 2 nd Floor, 1149 St. Matthews Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3G 0J8 Tel: (204) 489-1214 Fax: (204) 489-7372 Leading Provider of Environmental Solutions

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