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The Integrated Nutrition Education Program (INEP) Learning Comes Alive through Classroom Cooking.

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Presentation on theme: "The Integrated Nutrition Education Program (INEP) Learning Comes Alive through Classroom Cooking."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Integrated Nutrition Education Program (INEP) Learning Comes Alive through Classroom Cooking


3 Presenters Diane Brogden, UCHSC, Stanley BPS Heather Owen, UCHSC, Stanley BPS

4 Stanley BPS Intern Training 3:35-3:50/5:00-5:15 What is the Integrated Nutrition Education Program? 3:50-4:50/5:15-6:15 Invent-a-Salsa

5 INEP Program Partners University of Colorado Denver SNAP-Ed/Colorado State University Cooking Matters COWP-Culture of Wellness Programs Denver Urban Gardens Colorado Health Foundation Stanley British Primary School USDA School Lunch Programs King Soopers, Albertson’s, Western Dairy Council SNAP-Ed (funder)

6 2000 Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 1990, 2000, 2010 (*BMI 30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for 5’4” person) 2010 1990 No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30%




10 Who We Are Elementary hands on nutrition education program. 12 lessons, Multi-year (K-5th). Utilize classroom teachers to increase student reach and health impact Promote connections between classroom, lunchroom and home to improve health messaging Each INEP school receives 1- 3 parent nutrition educations classes

11 INEP’s Goal Instill life-long nutrition behaviors to prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease

12 In the Classroom Experiential, hands on, food prep and tasting Exposure to wide variety of fruits and vegetables Integrated into Colorado Academic Standards Recipes and activity sheets in Spanish

13 Key Curriculum Elements Write on the Chalkboard “Eat more vegetables every day!” What was your favorite vegetable in today’s salad? How do you plan to eat more vegetables today? How do you plan to eat more vegetable s every day? Isolate one simple behavior in each lesson Use goal-setting Use “self-talk” or “think aloud” to verbalize how to make a behavior happen

14 Hands on Nutrition Lessons Change Eating Behaviors and Enhance Learning

15 Provide Opportunity to Try New Foods

16 Try New Foods in a Non-threatening Environment

17 Capitalize on Positive Peer Pressure

18 Teach Food Preparation Skills

19 Encourage Teamwork in Small Groups

20 From the Classroom to the Family Newsletters to families with nutrition tips and recipes 3 times a year Take home recipes connected to lessons Book Bags for 2 nd graders Free adult nutrition classes in each INEP school Parent nights

21 Parent Education Parents will: Learn to eat better while spending less Get ideas on how to make easy and healthy meals for the family Learn to make exercise a healthy habit

22 Lesson Schedule Sample Calendar Month Kinder Lessons 1 Grade Lessons 2nd Grade Lessons 3rd Grade Lessons 4th Grade Lessons 5th Grade Lessons Sept 24Parent Letter Oct 1MyPlate Snack MixMyPlate Food GroupsMyPlate SortMyPlate BingoMyPlate - Cut & PasteMyPlate Colorado Wildlife 8Germs Are Not for SharingWash Your HandsHooray for Hand WashingKeeping Busy Hands CleanBeing a Germ ScientistGerm Scientists 15 22 29Manners for DinosaurManners Skeletal System Nov 5 12Families Food Energy from SunMind Your Manners 19 26Apple Farmer AnniePumpkin CircleTasty Cheese ManStill LifeFresh SalsaDigestive system Dec 3 10My Five SensesMoonsquirter SaladEnglish Muffin PizzaDairy FairyYogurt is AliveKwanzaa Salad 17 24 31 Jan 7 14Exercise ZooMove Your Body Carlos & the "Squashed" Salad Ask Exercise KidExercise Kid /Couch PotatoCalorie Balance 21 28 Feb 4Chinese New YearFruity MilkshakeChinese TangramsChinese ZodiacChinese CalligraphyFat and Fast Food 11 18 25Little Red HenFruit PizzaHealthy HeartJazzy Sweet Fruit SaladFruit RiddlesPortion Distortion Mar 4 11 Tortilla Factory Bread, Bread, BreadParts of the Plant SaladParts of Plant: SeedsFind the FatCesar Chavez 18 25 Apr 1 Vegetable Bug Blueberries for Me Bean Bag Salad Parts of Plant: Leaves &Whole GrainsVitamin C 8 15Rainbow of HealthBingo SalsaTaste Your WordsGraphing Your Fav. VegPizza PieInvent-a-Salsa 22 29 May No INEP Delivery


24 DISTRICTSCHOOLS Adams-Arapahoe 28JElkhart, Peoria, Vaughn, Kenton DISTRICTSCHOOLS Denver County 1Archuleta, Ashley, Escalante Biggs, Maxwell, Swansea, Wyatt Academy DISTRICTSCHOOLS Fort Lupton Weld County District 8Twombly Greeley R-6Dos Rios, Centennial, Maplewood Weld RE 1Gilcrest, Pete Mirich DISTRICTSCHOOLS Alamosa RE 11Alamosa-Evans, Alamosa-Polston Centennial R1Centennial Monte Vista C-8Bill Metz, Marsh North Conejos RE-1JLa Jara, Manassa Moffat Consolidated School District #2Moffat Mountain Valley School District 1Mountain Valley Sanford 6JSanford Sangre de Cristo District RE-33JSangre de Cristo Sierra Grande R-30Sierra Grande South Conejos RE-10Guadalupe DISTRICTSCHOOLS Mesa County Valley 51Chatfield, Chipeta, Clifton, Dos Rios, Dual Immersion Academy, Nisley, Pear Park, Rocky Mountain Montrose County RE-1JOlathe Elementary State-Wide INEP School Sites 2014-2015 Aurora Public Schools Denver Public Schools Greeley Weld County Schools San Luis Valley Schools Mesa County Schools

25 State-Wide INEP School Sites 2014-2015 DISTRICTSCHOOLS Aurora Public Schools Adams-Arapahoe 28JElkhart, Peoria, Vaughn, Kenton Denver Public Schools Denver County 1Archuleta, Ashley, Escalante Biggs, Maxwell, Swansea, Wyatt Academy Greeley Weld County Schools Fort Lupton Weld County District 8Twombly Greeley R-6Dos Rios, Centennial, Maplewood Weld RE 1Gilcrest, Pete Mirich San Luis Valley Schools Alamosa RE 11Alamosa-Evans, Alamosa-Polston Centennial R1Centennial Monte Vista C-8Bill Metz, Marsh North Conejos RE-1JLa Jara, Manassa Moffat Consolidated School District #2Moffat Mountain Valley School District 1Mountain Valley Sanford 6JSanford Sangre de Cristo District RE-33JSangre de Cristo Sierra Grande R-30Sierra Grande South Conejos RE-10Guadalupe Mesa County Schools Mesa County Valley 51Chatfield, Chipeta, Clifton, Dos Rios, Dual Immersion Academy, Nisley, Pear Park, Rocky Mountain Montrose County RE-1JOlathe Elementary

26 Program Results Increased knowledge and food preparation self-efficacy Increased food preferences Behavior change as well as knowledge change Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in the lunchroom

27 Evaluation Results 2013-2014 98% of teachers reported that their students were more knowledgeable about nutrition. 93% of teachers reported that their students were more willing to try new foods. 71% of INEP students indicated that they eat more fruits and vegetables. About one in four students self-report a reduction in their consumption of soda/pop.

28 Comments “The INEP activities helped build positive collaboration…The recipe ‘projects’ are real life episodes that engage active learning and the teacher doesn’t have to take time to go shopping for supplies or create materials or find resources, but the students receive enriching information….” INEP Teacher

29 Comments “ The are likely to eat it when the recipes are from school. They feel proud when they made it in school.” INEP Parent

30 Julie Atwood, MNM Program Manager University of Colorado Denver (303) 724-4457

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