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1 Analysis of Multihoming in Mobile IPv6 draft-montavont-mobileip-multihoming-pb-statement-04.txt N. Montavont (NIST) R. Wakikawa (Keio University) T.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Analysis of Multihoming in Mobile IPv6 draft-montavont-mobileip-multihoming-pb-statement-04.txt N. Montavont (NIST) R. Wakikawa (Keio University) T."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Analysis of Multihoming in Mobile IPv6 draft-montavont-mobileip-multihoming-pb-statement-04.txt N. Montavont (NIST) R. Wakikawa (Keio University) T. Ernst (Keio University) C. Ng (Panasonic Singapore Labs ) K. Kuladinithi (University of Bremen )

2 2 Multihomed MIP6 node HoA2HoA1 Mobile Node CoA1/CoA2CoA3CoA4 802.11 Ethernet GPRS HA1HA2 A MIP6 nodes with several HoAs/CoAs

3 3 Structure of the draft Multihoming / MIP6 related terminology Requirements Taxonomy Scenarios Issues –IPv6 related issues –MIPv6 related issues –Implementation related issues

4 4 Taxonomy x = number of active interfaces y = number of Home Addresses (HoAs) z = number of Care-of Addresses (CoAs) End up with 9 scenarios –(1,1,1) is not a multihoming configuration –(n,1,1) is a very special case –(1,*,*) and (n,*,*) are often very close Remove the x=number of interfaces parameter from this taxonomy This taxonomy does not highlight the difference between –Paths between MN and HAs –Paths between HAs and CNs

5 5 MIPv6 related issues (6.2.1) Binding multiple CoAs to a given HoA Scenarios (*,*,n) Provide –Redundancy –Fault recovery Allows to set policies –Load balancing –Load sharing

6 6 MIPv6 related issues (6.2.2) Using a HoA as a CoA Scenarios (*,n,*) HoA2HoA1 MN HA1HA2 New binding HoA2 HoA1 HoA1 becomes the CoA of HoA2

7 7 MIPv6 related issues (6.2.3) Simultaneous location in home and foreign networks Scenarios (*,*,*) HoA1CoA1 MN Visited network HA1 How to bind CoA1 to HoA1, for redundancy purpose for example? How to use interface 1, in such a way that if you change CoA1, your data traffic has not to be re-initiated interface 1interface 2

8 8 Summary of issues MIP6-specific issues Multiple CoAs registration Monami6 Use a HoA as a CoA Monami6 Simultaneous location in home and foreign networks Monami6 IPv6-specific issues Path selection IPv6 / SHIM6 Ingress filtering IPv6 / SHIM6 Media detection… to failure detection DNA / SHIM6 / Monami6? Implementation issues Binding a new CoA to the right HoA Monami6? Binding HoA to interface Monami6? Flow redirection Monami6?

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