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The Rise and Fall of King David. 1. Historical Setting A. In 1 Samuel, the Hebrew monarchy was established. B. In 2 Samuel, the Davidic dynasty is established.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise and Fall of King David. 1. Historical Setting A. In 1 Samuel, the Hebrew monarchy was established. B. In 2 Samuel, the Davidic dynasty is established."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise and Fall of King David

2 1. Historical Setting A. In 1 Samuel, the Hebrew monarchy was established. B. In 2 Samuel, the Davidic dynasty is established in Israel. David rules over the “house of Judah” in Hebron for 7 ½ years (2 Sam 2-4) David rules over “all Israel” from Jerusalem for 33 years 1011 BC – 971 BC (David’s death) 2. The Davidic Covenant Davidic Covenant (God’s promise to raise up a ‘seed’ of David who will rule His people in righteousness)

3 A. The Lamentation of David (chap 1) How ought the two accounts be reconciled? The Amalekite is full of it! B. Civil War in Israel (chaps 2-4) King in the North = Ishbosheth King in the South = David

4 Capture of Jerusalem Didn’t we already capture this place?? Judges 1? But Judges 19:10-12 1 Sam 17 David brings the head of Goliath to Jerusalem?

5 What is wrong here? 1. The mode of transportation was wrong 2. Uzzah was not a Levite, he was not allowed to touch the ark. Numb 1:51, “Whenever the tabernacle is to move, the Levites must take it down, and whenever the tabernacle is to be reassembled, the Levites must set it up. Any unauthorized person who approaches it must be killed.” 2 Sam 6:3, “they put the ark of God on a new cart” driven by oxen (cf. 6:6) 1 Sam 6:7, “So now go and make a new cart. Get two cows that have calves that have never had a yoke placed on them…6:8 Then take the ark of the Lord and place it on the cart” Numb 4:15, ““When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the furnishings of the sanctuary, when the camp is ready to journey, then the Kohathites will come to carry them; but they must not touch any holy thing, or they will die. These are the responsibilities of the Kohathites with the tent of meeting.”

6 “Michal daughter of Saul” (6:16, 20, 23) and not “Michal wife of David” Michal represents the desire for power and prestige exemplified in Saul—she’s ashamed of David’s seemingly self-degrading behavior (6:20) David rightfully humbles himself by taking the form of a slave (loin cloth; 6:14) and publically celebrates the presence of YHWH entering Jerusalem It’s all about GOD, not about david !

7 A. Introduction 1) The Covenant mediates God’s kingship and kingdom through David, the human mediator. 1) The Covenant is unconditional notice the “I wills” (vv. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) 1) The Covenant is related to the New Covenant

8 2) The Davidic covenant consists of the following: 1. God would raise up David’s seed who would build a house (i.e. temple) (12-13) 2. God would establish David’s dynasty forever (13) 3. God would be Father to David (i.e. David would be God’s son) (14) 4. God would discipline David’s son(s) when they sin (v. 14) 5. God’s lovingkindness would not depart from David’s seed as it did from Saul (14-15). 3) Partial fulfillment in David and Solomon; ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ

9 Solomon Physical “seed” of David Built a “house/temple” Had a kingdom Reigned on the throne Forever?? God’s lovingkindness remain forever with Solomon?? Physical “seed” of David Built a “house/temple” ?? Matt 16:18 Eph 2:19-22 Had/has/will have a kingdom Reigns and will reign on the throne God’s lovingkindness will remain with Jesus forever Jesus Matt 16:18, “you are Peter (i.e. ‘rock’) and upon this ‘rock’ I will build my church” Eph 2:19-22, “You are…God’s household, having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fit together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord”

10 C. Focus on David in the rest of the OT (and NT!) In the rest of the OT, there is a narrowing focus on God’s promises to and through David Prophets New Testament

11 A. David's crime against YHWH, Bath-sheba, and Uriah (11:1-27) Magnitude of David’s sin! Covet Adultery Deceit Murder Who is Uriah? 2 Sam 23:39 – one of David’s MIGHTY MEN!

12 Theological AND Moral Lessons from David and Bathsheba 1. Even the best and most righteous are not above the most heinous of sins 2. Even forgiven sin can result in a lifetime of consequences 3. No sin or situation is beyond the reach of God’s grace 4. God uses evil to accomplish his purpose

13 Example: David’s brutal torture of the city of Rabah (12:26-31) vs. 31! Example: The David-Ziba-Mephibosheth Triangle (9:1-13; 16:1-4; 19:25-31) Moral of the Story: David has lost his political and moral edge. He no longer is capable of making wise and just decisions.

14 2. This decline is God’s “discipline” of David for his sin 2 Sam 12:10-12 2 Sam 15:26; 16:10–11

15 Chiastic Structure The theme of this section is that God’s grace is greater than God’s wrath. The plague is stopped; an alter is build; Jesus foreshadowed

16 At the place where Abraham once held a knife over his son (Gen 22:1-19), David sees the angel of the Lord with sword ready to plunge into Jerusalem. In both cases death is averted by sacrifice. The temple is established there as the place where Israel was perpetually reminded that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin (Heb 9:22). Death for Isaac and for David’s Jerusalem was averted because the sword of divine justice would ultimately find its mark in the Son of God”

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