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NAFC: FIRE MANAGEMENT WORKING GROUP REPORT 26 th Session of the North American Forest Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "NAFC: FIRE MANAGEMENT WORKING GROUP REPORT 26 th Session of the North American Forest Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAFC: FIRE MANAGEMENT WORKING GROUP REPORT 26 th Session of the North American Forest Commission

2 North American Forest Commission Fire Management Working Group  Began in 1962 under UN FAO  50 th Anniversary of FMWG  45 meetings since 1962  45 th meeting was held in Quebec City October 3-6, 2011  2012 meeting will be held in Arcadia, California  November 26-30, 2012

3 North American Forest Commission Fire Management Working Group  Charter Objectives: 1. Exchange experiences and technological advances regarding prevention, wildland fire management, and fire use. 2. Provide mutual aid and technical exchanges between Canada, Mexico, and the United States in the development of strategy and appropriate fire management actions. 3. Actively participate in programs with other fire agencies throughout the world to support international cooperation and development in fire management.

4 North American Forest Commission Fire Management Working Group  Fire Management Study Tours  Purpose is to exchange information between countries on fire problems, and methods to find solutions. Usually results in recommendations and considerations for improvement from both visitors and hosts.  Formal study tours started in 1968 when North America hosted a tour delegation from 23 countries  Every 4 years, NAFC-FMWG hosts an Australia/New Zealand study tour delegation; Australia/New Zealand provides the same, so that the host location alternates every 2 years  Other foreign delegation tours are regularly supported or hosted by NAFC-FMWG and its members Ongoing Activities

5 North American Forest Commission Fire Management Working Group  The International Wildland Fire Conference Series NAFC-FMWG is a major supporter of the IWFC’s, in cooperation with FAO and United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Has become the major international conference on fire management, S&T applications, and wildland fire policy 5 previous conferences: Boston 1989, Vancouver 1996, Sydney 2003, Seville 2007 and Sun City 2011 NAFC-FMWG is strongly represented on the International Liaison Committee, assisting to plan the next conference in South Korea (in 2015) Ongoing Activities

6 FFMG – FMWG Agreement Forest Fire Management Group of Australasia and the Fire Management Working Group of North America Inter Working Group Collaboration  Goal is to promote advancement of wildland fire and resource management principles, practices and knowledge  Attend and participate in each other’s working groups

7 North American Forest Commission Fire Management Working Group  Fire Suppression Challenges  Land Management  Wildland Urban Interface Future Focus: Critical Fire Issues

8 Tom Harbour 1-202-205-0808 Thank You!

9 Bilateral National Agreements Chronology  1982 – Established agreements with Canada  1983 – Established agreement with Mexico  2000 – New Zealand & Australia assisted the United States during the western fire season (1 st time providing resources)  2001 – Signed agreement with New Zealand & Australia  New Zealand & Australia provided resources to the US during the 2000, 2002, 2003, 2006, and 2008 fire seasons  US supported the Australia fire season in 2003, 2007, 2009, and 2010  US & Canada have exchanged resources 29 of 30 years

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