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SDRGC 501(c)(4) Questions, Answers, and Issues April 9, 2008.

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1 SDRGC 501(c)(4) Questions, Answers, and Issues April 9, 2008

2 Background  The SDRGC is considering a proposal, presented at the January meeting, to become a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization.

3 What is a 501(c)(4) Organization?  It is a non-profit organization that is operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare and is primarily engaged in promoting in some way the common good and general welfare of the community.

4 Background  Reasons to Incorporate  Providing a conduit for obtaining external funding for regional projects  Pursuing partnerships for spatial projects  Realizing economies of scale through joint purchase projects  Development of sharing based standards  Promoting the goals of the California GIS Council

5 Board Actions  The Board met to discuss in February, and quickly discovered that this is a complex issue  The Board sent email questionnaire to SDRGC members asking three basic questions about how they can participate within their agency’s guidelines  15 Organizations Responded  14 Public Agencies  1 Private Company

6 Question 1  If the SDRGC becomes a non-profit, will you be able to represent your agency as a voting member?  This includes participating in regional grants and/or creating, acquiring, or adopting regional datasets and data models.

7 Question 1 Responses  Answers:  7 responded “yes”  5 responded “yes” with caveats or concerns  3 could not provide response at this time  Need more info; waiting for Legal/Finance dept. opinion  Issues/Questions:  GIS staff can vote as member of SDRGC, but not as a City representative  Cannot commit to anything that only the City Council has authority to do  Concern that GIS staff will make decisions they do not have authority to  Will this trigger the Brown Act?

8 Question 2  Would your agency be able to deposit funds to a non-profit organization as payment for contracted services such as acquiring imagery?

9 Question 2 Responses  Answers:  8 responded “yes” or “yes” as long as agency’s purchasing guidelines are followed  3 agencies waiting for Legal/Finance dept. opinion, but confident the process will be approved  1 has concern with regional contract process in general  1 responded “No”  2 responded “Not at this time due to budget constraints”  Issues/Concerns:  Must follow agency purchasing guidelines  Concerned with regional contract, more comfortable if City used own contract for each data acquisition project  What are the potential administrative costs and how will they be shared amongst participants  Suggestion that all admin expenses be authorized by Board as part of annual budget appropriation

10 Question 3  Would your agency be able to pay an annual $25-30 membership dues to cover administrative costs such as filing fees and insurance?

11 Question 3 Responses  10 responded “yes”  5 need opinion from Legal/Finance or other authority

12 Path to Incorporation  File Articles of Incorporation with the State  Draft Bylaws of the Corporation  Pay money

13 Bylaws  Bylaws set out the rules and regulations of the corporation  General Provisions  Purpose  Membership  Meetings  Board of Directors  Officers of the Corporation

14 General Provisions  Name  San Diego Regional GIS Council  Location  Location necessary so State can contact us  Chairperson of the Board’s address  Must be changed when the Chairperson changes  Website  The designated avenue for the corporation to disseminate information to members outside of meetings

15 Purpose  Identifies goals and the intended make-up of the membership  Facilitate cooperation among public agencies  Promote development, acquisition and dissemination of standards-based spatial data, techniques and infrastructure  GIS professionals and users from government agencies, educational institutions, non-profits, and for-profit organizations

16 Purpose  Objectives  Improving operations, facilitating new analyses and joint decision making amongst public agencies  Providing a forum for information sharing and collaboration between participants  Realizing economies of scale through joint purchase projects  Obtaining external funding to advance the mission of the corporation  Pursuing partnerships for projects in the region  Promoting the goals of CalGIS

17 Purpose  Assets  From earlier, collection of dues is being considered  Explicitly stated that all assets of the corporation are dedicated to the public benefit  BoD, Officers and members shall not engage in any activity for pecuniary gain –No money for us

18 Membership  Two classes of members  Voting members  Right to vote  Election of directors  Proposals brought forth by the board  Dissolution of corporation  Participate in meeting discussions  Serve on committees  Interested Parties  Participate in meeting discussions  Serve on committees

19 Membership  Voting members  Local governments, state and federal agencies with local offices, and higher education institutions  One vote per agency  Designated representative  Participates and votes on behalf of the member  Dues paying

20 Membership  Interested Parties  Any individual, unincorporated association, or corporation interested in the mission of the corporation  Interested Parties do not have voting rights  Non dues paying

21 Membership  Termination of membership  The board may terminate membership of voting members and interested parties  Resignation of member  Failure to participate in corporation activities (voting members only)  Failure to attend general or special member’s meetings  Engaging in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the corporation’s purposes and interests  Termination Hearing

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