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Spring Title I Administrative Meeting May 12, 2015 Sandra Grulich Early Childhood Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Title I Administrative Meeting May 12, 2015 Sandra Grulich Early Childhood Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Title I Administrative Meeting May 12, 2015 Sandra Grulich Early Childhood Coordinator

2  School level Family Involvement Team meeting in the spring  End of year school survey  District Annual meeting in the fall

3 The team make updates and changes to the current year’s plan. One person on the team, “red pens” the revisions to save as documentation of the changes. Changes are then made to the actual documents so they can be sent to repo-graphics to be ready for next year. In the spring of each year, all Title I schools hold meetings to review the Home and School Compact and Parent Involvement Policy Meetings are held during the schools monthly FIT (Family Involvement Team) meetings. Memberships of these teams include: parents, teachers, staff and administrators. Revision of Home and School Compact and Parent Involvement Policy

4 c. Parents Involvement Plan is jointly developed with Parents. E. Involve parents in program planning, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement policy/plan. F. If the school wide program plan, is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, submit any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the local educational agency.

5 G. A written school-parent compact supporting instruction is jointly developed with parents of participating Title I Students.

6  Distributed with the Sunday Weekly Update  Available in paper form in the office  An on-line version will be available to parents  The on-line version will be set up in the computer lab during Field Day  The on-line version will be set up on I-pads that the Family Involvement Team will walk around with during Field Day and have parents complete


8  Occurs at the annual county Title I meeting  This meeting is held in October or November  Planned by the Family Involvement Teams or Advisors  Typically Participants include:  Title I principals (or A.P)  Family Involvement Team members or advisor  2-3 parents from each school  Title I Resource Teachers  Judy Center,  Title I Coordinator  Coordinator for Early Childhood.

9 Cecil County Public Schools Annual Title I Parent Involvement Advisory Meeting October 29, 2014 9:30-11:30 am 9:30 – 9:40 Welcome and Introductions 9:40 – 10:00 Title I Sort 10:00 – 10:20 Pass a Note 10:20 – 10:45 Gallery Walk – Title I Policy 10:45 – 11:15 Testing Update 11:15 – 11:25 Parent Involvement Celebrations 11:25 – 11:30 Closure

10 Review of Policy with Comments and Revisions

11 Suggested Revisions to Regulation

12 Final Policy sent on to the Director of Elementary to share with the Board of Education

13  School level Family Involvement Team meeting in the spring  End of year school survey  Annual District meeting in the fall

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