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Creating and maintaining a healthy reef tank takes time and attention to detail. In this activity, you will create and maintain a marine biome in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating and maintaining a healthy reef tank takes time and attention to detail. In this activity, you will create and maintain a marine biome in the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Creating and maintaining a healthy reef tank takes time and attention to detail. In this activity, you will create and maintain a marine biome in the form of a reef tank.

3 In order to set up a reef tank, you will need a tank, heaters, filters, and light. You need to mix the saltwater and add the sand, and then let this solution settle. These tasks have already been set up for you in the lab. You will need to populate and maintain a reef tank for 12 weeks. You will test the reef tank's water each week and record your test results in the table.

4 We will begin by making ourselves familiar with what it take to maintain a healthy reef tank and creating a thinking map in our notebook to organize our thoughts.

5 Log on to We will use this site as a research guide as well as a place to conduct your experiment.

6 Begin by looking through the Reef Tank Guide (click on it)


8 You will also want to look through the Fish Guide (click on it)


10 Your thinking map should include, but not be limited to answering the following questions: What is Specific Gravity? What should the specific gravity range What should the specific gravity range be for your reef tank? be for your reef tank? How is it tested? How is it tested? What do you do if it is too low? What do you do if it is too low? What do you do if it is too high? What do you do if it is too high?

11 Your thinking map should include, but not be limited to answering the following questions: What are ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? What affect does the nitrogen cycle What affect does the nitrogen cycle have on your reef tank? have on your reef tank? What is an acceptable level of ammonia? What is an acceptable level of ammonia? Nitrite? Nitrite? Nitrate? Nitrate? What does ppm stand for? What does ppm stand for?

12 Your thinking map should include, but not be limited to answering the following questions: What is pH? What is a stable pH for your reef tank? What is a stable pH for your reef tank? How often should it be tested? How often should it be tested? How do you adjust the pH level of your How do you adjust the pH level of your reef tank reef tank

13 How big is your reef tank? How many inches of fish are How many inches of fish are recommended for your tank? recommended for your tank? What about in a new tank? What about in a new tank? Use the Questions section on the left side of the page to answer the following questions: (HINT look at step 9)

14 In you table group create a poster detailing the requirements for a healthy reef tank.

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