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Effective Communication CAAWS Women and Leadership Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Communication CAAWS Women and Leadership Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Communication CAAWS Women and Leadership Program

2 Today’s Agenda Your Personal Brand Effective Introductions Communications Styles Online Communication Etiquette

3 Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity Encouraging girls and women to get off the bleachers, and onto the fields and playing courts, into the pools, the locker rooms and boardrooms of Canada

4 CAAWS at a Glance  Women and Leadership  Professional Development  Women on Boards  Women & Leadership Network  Lunch & Learns  On the Move  Aboriginal, Newcomer & Racialized girls & young women  Quality After School Programs  Mothers in Motion  Physical Activity for Women 55-70+  Addressing Homophobia in Sport  Active & Free: Young Women and Tobacco  CS4L Supplement  Psycho-Social Factors  Ontario Project  Awards & Scholarships  Most Influential Women in Sport and Physical Activity  WISE Fund  Website & eNewsletter  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn  Photo DVD LEADERSHIP  PARTICIPATION  EDUCATION  COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

5 Your Brand’s Value “…allows you to show the world your best true self. It helps you align every part of your life with your characteristics, strengths, values, and goals. By doing so, you create a meaningful, lasting impression on everyone you meet. That impression can translate into success on the job, in a new business, and in every aspect of your life.” - Susan Chritton

6 Leaders Talk Henna Inam, CEO Transformational Leadership The Authentic Brand YOU

7 The Elevator Pitch Align with your brand Define your value Are succinct and informative Are practiced and fluid

8 Create Your Pitch

9 Consider your Context Increase senior level support for a new project Make a connection with a potential sponsor Interview for a new job Be considered for a promotion …Other?

10 Project impact Innovative ideas Testimonials Key experiences Unique contributions Passions What’s in it for them? Step 1 – Capture Ideas Worksheet #2

11 Step 2 – Expand, Engage & Edit Worksheet #3 Advanced  Approved  Authoritative Certified  Confirmed  Dominant  Early Endorsed  Established  Finest  Foremost Inaugural  Inceptive  Key  Leading  Main Original  Peerless  Pioneering Predominant  Preferred  Premier  Primary Principal  Progressive  Realistic Recognized  Responsive Transcribed from

12 Create Your Pitch

13 Create Your Pitch

14 Communication Styles Model Worksheet #5

15 Task Focused Control emotions, focus on facts/logic, formal, serious, impersonal, precise and specific, business-like, hard to get to know Vertical Axis People Focused Show and share feelings, use intuition and opinion, people- oriented, warm, friendly, relaxed, personable, informal, relationship- oriented, easy to know

16 Horizontal Axis Direct/Tell Assertive Decisive Confident Impatient Indirect/Ask Quiet Reserved Team player Cooperative Supportive

17 Style Prevalence

18 Results oriented Like challenges Take responsibility Risk takers Talk loud and fast Authoritative tone Driver

19 Energetic Inspiring Excitable Creative Ambitious Talk loud and fast Expressive

20 Amiable Quiet Supportive Good Listeners Strong personal ties Seek feedback Speak slowly and quietly

21 Analytical Thorough Logical Independent Conservative Detailed oriented Concise language Low pitch, formal tone

22 Habits that Undermine Communication Worksheet #8 “Things are always so black and white with you.”

23 “I had my own blog for a while, but I decided to go back to just pointless, incessant barking.” Etiquette for Electronic Communication Worksheet #8

24 Thank You! For more information visit

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